Destination to Busan ?!

Happy three brothers πŸ¦‹
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Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan sleeping on his arm, Mingyu looking out the window of the train quietly and hearing him sniffle made the elder brother hold his shoulder.

" Mingyu, look at me."Β 
He took a while to do so and now he met his teary eyes, something broke in cheol, and he bit his lips.

"I'm sorry gyu, hyung's stupid, I just got angry and the last thing I remember is beating those bastards."

Mingyu wiped his tears.

" I know hyung, b-but now we don't have anywhere to go." He cried, Seungcheol bit his lips, was the reason this happened so he blamed himself.

Why are they so poor ?! The huge debt their father left remains unpaid even half, they were trying to save money for Jeonghan's surgery and now they have a huge debt, life was just unfair, and money is so hard to make.

Mingyu broke down and cheol hugged the sleeping boy while holding back his tears.

" We will find a way so don't cry gyu."Β 



They reached Busan, a small city far away from Seoul about four hours by train, it wasn't like Seungcheol didn't have a plan, now that it's morning around 6:30 AM, he's walking with his brothers towards someone's house.

It was a relative.

Jeonghan got tired and Seungcheol picked him on his back, " H-Hyung j-jeonghan h-hungry"

Mingyu very tired despite that he slept a little on the train.

" Be patient Jeonghan-ah, we are almost there."


It was their uncle's house, he lived by a known street in Busan and Seungcheol remembered the way because he used to come here with his father, he rang the doorbell and Mingyu looked anxious.

It didn't take long for the man to open the door and he met the three brothers, his eyes widened seeing their condition, " G-good morning uncle~how are you?!"

The man looked at the pale boy behind his brother's back, his cheek reddened too as if he had a slight fever.

" Aigoo I'm good dear, what happened to you guys ?!"

Their clothes, and particularly their appearance broke his heart, back at the funeral of his brother Seungcheol said they would be fine and he would be taking care of his brothers being the older.

But something looks off.

Seungcheol was ashamed and he looked down sadly.

" I'm sorry uncle, apparently my father left a huge debt and we ran away when they keeps on coming," Seungcheol said while holding back his tears cause they had such a rough ty life and Jeonghan's ill.

The man let them in first and made the three cups of warm tea cause they were out in this cruel cold weather, he brought blankets and all.

" I'm sorry to hear that, I didn't know anything about this." He said feeling bad.

Seungcheol held Jeonghan close seeing him shuddering, he needed his medicine.

The father noticed the young frail boy.

" I'll be making breakfast" he said realizing them weak and seem hungry, he went to make it and Mingyu laid down dizzy, Seungcheol held Jeonghan closer and looked at him seeing him panting, touched his forehead and his heart ripped feeling his intense fever.

" H-h-hyung j-Jeonghan hungry."

He pecked his hair and squeezed the poor boy.

Mingyu saw his emotional brother and bite his lips.

He shouldn't act so childish, he supposed to not burden his brother but when he cried earlier he couldn't hold it.

He thought they will be homeless.

Their uncle served them breakfast he made and he felt so sad seeing the boys eating like they hadn't had a meal since so long, he looked at cheol holding the ill boy on his arm and fed him more than he fed himself.

" Th-thank you so much uncle, I don't know how to thank you enough," Seungcheol said emotionally and the man smiled sadly.

" No need to dear, if you informed me since the beginning I would have taken you here cheol-ah."

The man said honestly, he had no wife or kids, and he had spare rooms too.

" Feel at home, I have two spare rooms so don't be shy."

The man saw Seungcheol feeding the boy a medicine.

" Thank you, uncle, I will surely get a job and pay you back," Seungcheol said as he got up.

" No need to dear, you must be tired so follow me to your rooms."

He said and the three followed him.

He opened a room with a toilet, had two beds and the view of the window looked so beautiful, Mingyu smiled when he saw Jeonghan pointing at a bird by the window.

Seungcheol placed Jeonghan on the bed and the boy laid feeling exhausted and weak due to his fever.

" Uncle, it's fine we will use this room, just one." He rubbed the back of his hair, and Mingyu nodded in agreement.

It was big, bigger than they thought.

" Aigoo it's fine dear, I'm glad you came here you know how I'm lonely." The man said as he chuckled, Seungcheol smiled.

Mingyu lay next to Jeonghan feeling so sleepy.

He hugged the frail boy and slept with him unable to handle it.

He's surprised his brother is awake despite not sleeping since yesterday.


That day, Seungcheol entered to test after chatting with his uncle for a while and as soon as he sat on the bed, the man almost collapsed and drifted to dreamland, their uncle kept coming a

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