they know it? O.o

My stupid classmate


I looked round and saw Jieun sitting at the table. I wondered why Jieun was also here, because appa told me it’ll be a meal with guests. I sat down beside Jieun. I didn’t face her but I felt her view in my neck. “Appa!? You told me some guests will come”, I said to my dad. “Sungyeol-ah I forgot to say you something”, appa said against me.  “What?” I asked. He didn’t answer and just said: “I’ll tell you after eating.” After eating I looked at my dad and waited for his explaining.

“Appa what do you want to say?”, I asked him. He put his hands together and looked at the table. “Son, you’re now 20 years old and that mean you are in a good age to get married” ….”Mwo? What do you mean?”, I interrupted him. “If you turned right you’ll see the girl I decided to be your wife. There’ll not be any buts or I don’t want to. I’m saying you’ll marring her and that’s the point”, he said and stood up. I turned right and saw Jieun. We looked at each other confused.  


I looked at Sungyeol confused. He seemed also confused. We sat there a few minutes just then my dad touched my shoulder and hugged me. “Jieun my little girl…now you’ll get married…I’m so proud”, he said. “APPA!!! I don’t want to I’m still going to school! I can’t get married! It’s impossible!”, I yelled at my father. He just shook his head and went outside. I wanted to walk after him but Mr. Lee shouted after me: “Jieun! Please stay here you’ll come with us to our home.” I was such confused.

“Sungyeol-ah do you know why our parents are doing this?” I asked Sungyeol when we were sitting in his room. he just shook his head and couldn’t say anything. “We have to hide it!”, I said to him. “Ye but I don’t think it’ll be simple”, he said and looked at me. Just then his phone vibrated. “Yeoboseyo?”, he answered the phone. While he was phoning with someone I looked round in the room. When I was the first time inside here I didn’t watch around. We were just working on our project.

“It was Sunggyu and try to find out what he asked me”, Sungyeol suddenly said to me. I shrugged and looked at him. “He asked why I didn’t tell him that I’m going to marry you”, he said a bit angry. Just then it nocked at the door. Sungyeol stood up and opened the door. His mother was standing there and she said: “Sungyeol there are guests for you and also for you Jieun.” She smiled at us and turned round. Nobody come and Sungyeol and I looked at each other. He wanted to close the door but just then a food stopped the door and opened it again. It was Dongwoo and he wasn’t alone behind him were Woohyun, Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungjong. “Good luck in your marriage!”, all of them screamed together. I laughed and stood up. “Guys from where do you know that?”, Sungyeol asked. Suddenly a voice from outside screamed: “Mianhae Sungyeol-ah!” “EOMMA!”, Sungyeol screamed back. All of us started laughing.

We sat together for a while and talked. When I looked at the clock it was 7PM but it was quite dark outside. “Should we go to the movie room to watch a good film?”, Sungyeol said. All of us nodded so we went out of his room and went down the corridor. We sat down on the mattresses on the floor and took some pillows. I was lying beside Sungyeol and Myungsoo. I didn’t know what film we were watching but it was really funny and scary the same time. After a while all around me went black and fell asleep.


We were looking to a film and sat on the mattress on the floor. I was still confused because of the marriage but I was just fixing at the film. After a while I suddenly felt something leaning on my shoulder. I turned my head there and saw Jieun’s head leaning on my shoulder. She looked really pretty sleeping. When the film was finished I looked around and saw that no one was awake. I stood up and carried Jieun bride like and went to my room. I laid her down on my bed and covered her with a blanked.

I took a pillow and a blanked. I laid the pillow on the floor and laid down. Listening to Jieun when she’s sleeping is really nice, because she sounds really cute and looked also cute. What could I say to Hyesu? She’ll try to kill Jieun but she won’t do this.  


I opened my eyes slowly and noticed I wasn’t in my bed. I looked around and saw Sungyeol’s room. I sat up and searched for Sungyeol but I did not find him. So I wanted to stand up but then I saw him lying on the floor. I made step beside him and put a second blancked over his body. He looked really pretty when he was sleeping.


Sorry for the short update but it’s now 11:25 PM and I don’t feel very well but I wanted to update this chapter. Hope you enjoy reading and continue ^^  don’t forget to comment and subscribe~

Thanks kpoplife for so much comments <3 

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Omg!!! Choding got some!!! Woot woot!!!
yeollieka #2
I want RATED M!!>< ohmygod, yeollie's now my hubby!! XD
hwangyeonyeon #3
Rated M kekeke. I guesss so.. :D Nice!
It's ok if it's rated M...sungyeol is so cute!!! Too bad she isn't exactly in love with sungyeol yet...
mickeymouse97 #5
Storyline or rated M - I don't mind ^^ Just update~
du hosch mi agruafa?! XD
Hahahah...she fell...but that was so mean of all those people...they are guests man!!! And tht high heel was really high! Sungyeol is so cute!!! Anyways, update soon!!!
Seullie #7
OMG! Does she not like him?! Please, JiEun don't say no~~ You HAVE to like him back! Right? >.<
Want more, more and more!! Update soon~~~ Loving it!!
I'm glad l n Sungyeol r not mad at each other... I want more!! Update soon!!=D
Hehe...Myungsoo so cute!! No time for presents!!! Run L run! Before time runs out!! Please update soon!!!
Seullie #10
Okay... I REALLY LIKED IT! Myungsoo and Sungyeol are friends again TT^TT YAY!
I want to read more >.< .... Update soon,please! Really loving it~~!