

It was yet a normal day for him – waking up early in the morning to have breakfast then heading off to work and ending the day with going back home. It was his normal routine and today wasn’t an exception.

He parked his car in the garage and went inside, turning on the lights to be greeted by his quiet home. He didn’t bother eating dinner instead he went straight into his room. He loosened his tie then took of his polo shirt leaving him with only his white tank top. He removed his belt and slopped himself to bed. He’s been living his life that way and he doesn’t seem to be thinking of changing his lifestyle.

He had always been the workaholic type of person but in some instances he would go out with his colleagues but that would only happen when he’s not intoxicated with work.


He opened his eyes until he was able to adjust to the sunlight. He sat up and a sweet and delicious smell entered his nostrils making him walk towards it. He found himself standing on his kitchen area and seeing a figure that was facing her back on him. She was busy cooking that she wasn’t able to sense his presence. He just stood there with wide eyes; he even blinked a few times just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

He came back to reality when he heard her laughter which was somehow music to his ears. “You’re really one weird guy, why are you blinking your eyes like that?” she said as she held in her laughter while she placed the plate on the table.

He was still left speechless and he just followed her every move with his eyes.

“Aren’t you going to eat? I woke up extra early today just to come over here and cook breakfast for you.” she said then she pouted once she saw that he didn’t even budge.

“Yah Kim Sunggyu!” she said a little louder that her usual tone and that startled the said man. He then walked towards the table and sat in front of her. The only thing he could do was look at her and back at the food that was placed in front of him.

“Don’t you like what I cooked? If you want I can cook another dish for you.” she said with a worried look. Sunggyu immediately took the fork and started to eat. She giggled at his action.

While Sunggyu was still eating she stood up and he looked at her. “Ha Rin-ah where are you going?” he asked in somewhat a sad and scared tone.

“I’m going to iron you’re clothes. I’m sure you didn’t have time last night to do that.” she said then left Sunggyu in the dining area eating all alone. The sudden feeling of loneliness rushed through him, he didn’t bother finishing his food and he just quickly followed her.

“Why did you follow me? It’s not like I’m going anywhere.” after hearing her say that, he felt his heart skip a beat and it wasn’t the good one. He felt nervous and he didn’t know why.

While Ha Rin was busily ironing his clothes, Sunggyu was in the bathroom taking a bath. He let the warm water run through his body. *Everything is real* he thought as he turned off the water and wrapped a clean white towel over his lower body.

Once he was out of the shower Ha Rin was no longer in his room and he saw his shirt neatly placed on his bed. He then started to dress himself.


“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” he asked as he opened the driver’s seat.

Ha Rin shook her head and smiled at him. “No need, you’ll be late if you did. Go on now, I’ll call you later.”

Sunggyu went in and started the engine. He drove away, he looked at the rear view mirror to see Ha Rin waving goodbye and a smile was plastered on his face.

When he got inside his office building his officemates greeted him. He just smiled at them but he felt that something was kind of different.

“Hyung.” Nam Woohyun, a friend of his called out.

“What is it?” he asked as he turned the door knob to his office.

“Would you like me to accompany you later?” it was evident that he hesitated to ask that.

Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Where to?”

Seeing his confused expression, Woohyun didn’t answer his question instead he said “Nevermind hyung it’s nothing important. I think I’ve mistaken you for someone asking me to accompany him. Mianhe.”

“Is that so? Then I’ll go ahead.” he said as he went to his office room and started to work.

After work his friends had asked him if he wanted to go with them, it was a Friday and what better day to drink and hang out with friends. Sunggyu agreed since he didn’t have that much work to do.

“Is he alright? I’m starting to worry for him. I don’t think he’s still in his right mind. We should ask an expert to help him before it gets worse.” Dongwoo whispered to Woohyun.

“Do you know what today is?” he whispered back to his friend and his friend nodded in return.

“It’s actually freaking me out man and I’m just worried for him. If this goes on who knows what could happen.” then they both turned their gaze to Sunggyu who was chatting with one of his co-worker.


After a few hours, they decided to call it a night so they all went home.

“Are you sure you can still drive hyung?” Woohyun asked as he looked at Sunggyu. He was still sane since he didn’t drink that much.

His empty house greeted him again and like always he would plop himself on his comfortable bed this time though he didn’t fall asleep instantly.

He couldn’t sleep so he went down to get a glass of water. After chugging the cold liquid down he heard his phone ring.

“Hello?” he answered and soon enough his facial expression had changed. He didn’t know what to feel at the moment he was yet again left speechless. He placed his phone down and went to his room to get a change of clothes then drove to a certain house.

“I’m glad you could make it.” a woman who looked like she was in her early 40s greeted him. He bowed his head a little to show some respect then made his way inside. Familiar faces greeted him and seeing the faces he hadn’t seen for a while made him nostalgic.

“I’ll go ahead now.” he said politely as he bowed. The woman who had greeted her earlier smiled at him and soon after he left.


Before going home he stopped by somewhere, the least place he wanted to be. He searched for the familiar trademark and once he found it he continued to walk until he made a halt.

He placed down the bouquet he had bought. “I’m sorry that I almost forgot what today is.” he started as he brushed the dirt on the ground before sitting. “You had to remind me that’s why you came earlier, right? But how come I felt that it was real? You were there smiling and even cooked food for me. I tasted it with my tongue and you even ironed my clothes. As I drove away I saw you waving goodbye. Tell me this is all just a dream that when I wake up I’ll see you by my side.” he said as tears continued to flow down.

He continued to sob as he remembered that painful day, the day which had been exactly five years after it had happened but it was like everything happened on that day.

It was yet another tiring day for Sunggyu, he went home and was greeted by Ha Rin. He acknowledged her presence but due to tiredness he wasn’t able to spend that much time with her. It happened ever since he had been promoted. He would go home tired that gave them less time with each other but Ha Rin did her best to understand him.

Later on Sunggyu didn’t have time for his girlfriend anymore; he was too busy with work that soon enough it won’t be surprising that he would forget that he has a girlfriend but Ha Rin didn’t leave his side. She still stayed with him.

Even if he had forgotten her and wasn’t spending time with her or he didn’t say ‘I love you’ to her she never left his side until one unfaithful day. Ha Rin was able to convince Sunggyu to go out so that he could unwind even if it was for just a few hours. They were happily chatting while on their way home, the traffic light was on a green light so Sunggyu continued to drive but then a light suddenly flashed momentarily blinding him and after that everything went black.

“Why couldn’t it be me instead of you?” he cried as he touched the name written on the grave. “I wasn’t able to say ‘I love you’. I wasn’t able to spend time with you. Why did you have to leave me? I still have a lot of things planned for our future that’s why I worked hard but all of that went to waste since you’re no longer here. I regret why I didn’t spend my time with you while you were still with me.”

It was like that every year for Sunggyu, one morning he would wake up and see Ha Rin as if everything was real. Every year he would be reminded of that terrible night and every year he would have to bear the pain. Every year he would be reminded of his regrets. He learned that life is too short so spend your time with your love ones and live your life to the fullest but it was too late for him.







~please leave comments ^^ I don't know why but whenever I write a one shot it turns out sad... so yeah anyway I hope you liked it

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b2stie #1
Chapter 1: It's never too late yahh chingu. So sad T.T I haven't got time to check Out your fic but this one is good xD but I lied, it wa too late for him *wails* lol
nabi_devi #2
saaddddd but so well written! loved it!!
nina_liew #3
oh my! I wasn't expecting thaaaaat T^T Good one shot by the way. keep up the good work! ^.^)v
i love your story !! its interesting but sad at the end though ... keep up the good work author !! hwaiting !!!
Nysa320 #5
love the story! <3
So sad and yet so good
chaeminjuliette #7
gonna comment pag naread ko na~~ :3
:'( awwwn so sad
poohbear #9
Imagening gyu like this made me sad cause for some strange reason I could imagine this happening to him... Weird, huh? o_e anyways I really really liked this one-shot. The sad ones are always the
best cause there are always morals and meaning. Really good job!