at the School campus


Bell Rang (start of recess)

Clover: yes!!its recess time .now i can continue my favorite book of  nicholas.

clover sat on the bench besides a girl.when clover is about to start to his reading suddenly the girls next to him get mad while talking to her phone but clover doesnt mind about it perhaps he start his reading to his favorite book . After a few minutes the girl besides him took the book (clovers book ) and scanned it.then suddenly said;

April:what a boring book! how can you stand reading this book without any pictures on it. i cannot even imagine the things written on this book.

Clover: its a book of Nicholas. its a great story if you would preferre  reading on it  without pictures.

April: im not the type of person that would let herself  be punnished in reading a silly book.

Clover: its not a silly book.How could you say that this book is silly if you dont even know what's written on it and besides if you start  reading this book you will able to know how nicholas became a great singer

April: i dont care about this nicholas thinggy book .

Bell Rang ( end of recess )

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