Kim Jaejoong is a HUMAN



The past 10 days have taken its merciless toll on Jaejoong:

6TH MORNING: Dispatch reports Sasaeng controversy; Jaejoong comes under relentless attack and criticism
6TH AFTERNOON: Boards plane to Chile
7TH: Stranded in LA airport for more than 20 hours
8TH AFTERNOON: Lands in Chile
9TH MORNING: Chile Press Conference. Apologize for the trouble caused to his fans over the sasaeng controversy
10TH MORNING: Chile Concert
10TH NIGHT: Audio Recordings found to have been edited/tampered with.
11TH MORNING: Lands in Peru. Greets fans at the hotel balcony, smiling.
12TH MORNING: Peru concert.
13TH AFTERNOON: Flies to JFK airport, NY* (transit)
14TH AFTERNOON: Lands in Seoul, Korea. Grapples with the death of the father of his brother, best friend and ‘soulmate’.
14TH EVENING: Arrives at the wake.
16TH: After staying by ’s side for 2 days and 2 nights, was eventually unfit to attend the last day of the funeral due to exhaustion, was sent home and placed on IV drip.
(Info from: herojjbar)

An onslaught of inexorable defamation and relentless harsh criticisms for a matter in which he was, and still is, the victim.
Few has stood up to defend him, save for the fans who fought to protect him by bringing light to the sasaeng atrocities.
These, coupled with hours of travelling and 2 back-to-back concerts… and grief…
He broke.


(taken from


I know I haven't finished my first story yet... But this story just pops into my head & I had the urge to publish it here..

this will be VERY SHORT... xD

please do comment... <3


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I enjoy reading it. Good job. Your great in writing (:
Omo. .
Great story :D
#3 it ^_^
awe that was awesome although i still would've hit some sense into him....lolz...update soon aktf