
Only one bed
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Mina was frozen in her place.


Their manager was still talking but it sounded muffled, and she only heard the sound but no actual words.


She looked around, seeing she was the only one to be in this state. It made her wonder.


Is she really that helpless that she makes a mountain out of a molehill?

Mina only snapped out of her state when she was tapped on the shoulder.


Their manager seemed to have finished and most of the girls were already standing up and getting their suitcases.

She then turned to the girl who tapped her shoulder and almost froze again


"Finally I get to share a room with you. No more loud Unnies who disturb my sleep"

Mina smiled at the younger girl


"Yeah, I think it's the first time since we started the tour"

 She then said, trying to force a smile.


Dahyun smiled back at her before standing up and going to Tzuyu to help her with her bag since she was a bit tangled.

Mina looked after the girl and sighed. She didn't want to stand up. She didn't want to go to her room.


The room she is going to share with Dahyun.


Avoiding was working for the last few stops and Mina knew that she won't be able to stop it from happening forever but she still wasn't prepared to sleep with Dahyun in one room.



Mina looked up to see Momo standing in front of her.


She could already see the older girl's expression and sighed


"Please tell me I'm dreaming"

Momo pressed her lips slightly together and shook her head


"I'm sorry Minari but I think it's time"

Mina nodded and stood up


"I wish there was something I could do"

Momo felt sorry for her friend, knowing how hard it was for the Ballerina.


She was the only one who knew about Mina's crush and helped her before, not wanting the girl to feel awkward or uncomfortable.


"Maybe we could switch rooms"

Momo then suggested.


Mina thought for a moment, spotting a spark of hope but then frowned


"That would be too obvious. I don't want her to think I hate her"


"I could tell her I want to room with her"

Momo then suggested but it made Mina only laugh


"Yeah she will totally fall for it that you want to room with her instead of your girlfriend. Want to tell this Jihyo as well?"

Momo's eyes widened and she quickly formed an X with her arms


"OK sorry Mina but you're on your own this time"

The younger girl nodded and slowly walked to her suitcase.


She then got the keycard from the manager and rode the elevator with some of her members. Dahyun seemed to be up already, having used the first elevator.


In front of the door, Mina stopped for a moment and took in a deep breath


"You can do it"

She whispered to herself before opening the door.


She hoped Dahyun was busy with anything but the moment she got inside, her attention was on something else.


There was only one bed.


Why was there only one bed?


She then looked around until she spotted Dahyun who was arranging her clothes


"Is there another room?"

Dahyun looked up and shook her head, confused as to why the older girl was asking her


"But there is only one bed"

Dahyun nodded and stood up to move to the bed and lay down while looking up at Mina


"Yeah. Manager Unnie said that we're the only rooms available since we booked the room on short notice"

Mina nodded slowly.


Why didn't she know about it?


If that was the case, she would have said yes to Momo's offer no matter what Jihyo would have said.


"Don't worry Unnie. I'm not taking much space and don't move or snore"

Mina thought it was really cute how considerate Dahyun was, even if it was making it only harder for her.


"But if you want to, I could ask Manager Unnie to swap roommates if I'm making you uncomfortable"

Mina panicked when she heard the doubt in Dahyun's voice


"No, it's fine really. I'm happy to room with you. I was just a little confused"

She then said and turned her luggage around to get the most essential things out.


"I'm happy too"

She heard Dahyun say in a soft voice, making her smile to herself, mumbling a little cute that was impossible for the younger girl to hear.


Since the group arrived today, they didn't have a concert and could just walk around the city or rest in their hotel room.

Usually, Mina would stay inside, play on her Switch, and lay in bed all day until she got hungry.


Since Dahyun was reading in bed, Mina suddenly felt like going out and doing a little sightseeing.


Luckily Jihyo and Jeongyeon were on the same page and joined her. After the first few steps, Mina wanted to go back but knew that she would suffer from both choices.


She only chose to continue walking because she was hoping to get so exhausted that she would fall asleep right away when she was back in the hotel room.


Jihyo and Jeongyeon made it worth it, making her laugh by being random and arguing over stupid little things.


However, each time she was laughing, she remembered the person who never failed to put a smile on her face. But it seems like she wasn't the only one


"Momo would love this steak"

Jihyo said while taking another bite from the meat



Jeongyeon said with a chuckle, getting glared at by her friend.


Mina smiled lightly and looked at her own plate. Someday she hopefully finds someone who always wants to be with her.


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