
Loves Runaways


It was dark, and cold, and quiet on the roads tonight.


Taking one hand off of the steering wheel, he hitched the blanket up over his lover's shoulders from where it had slipped. A small smile at the edges of the ebony haired boy's lips at his younger companion's soft snores.


They had been on the road for a good nine hours, having only stopped twice for gas and supplies. It had been a bit of a spontaneous idea of the younger boy's, who had shown up on his doorstep, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks from his dark eyes; Falling into the older boys arms as soon as he set eyes on him.


He had told his family about them. He had told them he was gay and he was in love.


The bruise on his cheek told Minho exactly how they had reacted.


Lets run away. Please Minho, I can't stand to be here where I am judged for falling in love with you.” Cried the younger boy, his sobs piercing Minho's heart, “Please Minho, Please.”


Tae, are you sure? This isn't something we can just come back from. If we do this, we can't come back.” Minho said, whispering into Taemin's long blonde hair. “Let me grab some things. We'll take the car. We'll go up to visit my cousin and stay for a while. We can go from there.”


From the moment they sat in that red Toyota, they didn't look back.


Taemin was still crying when they stopped just outside of town for gas. His face gave a sad smile as Minho bought him some banana milk that he knew the younger boy couldn't resist.


He had fallen asleep not longer after he had finished his fourth bottle, giving himself hiccups from drinking the flavoured milk too fast.


Minho's eyes where growing heavy.


Pulling into a lay-by, he locked the doors and looked over to his blonde headed lover. He let one of his hands card through Taemin's soft golden locks and down over his cheek. He ran a thumb over his full bottom lip before leaning forward to press a chaste kiss in his thumbs wake.


Goodnight Taemin-ah.” He whispered.


He smiled softly, before grabbing his jacket and a blanket off of the back seat. He placed his jacket over the younger boy, to make sure he was warm enough. He knew Taemin hated to be cold.


Throwing the blanket over himself, he turned his body around so he was facing the blonde in the passenger seat.


It didn't matter that they had no where to go until they got to Onew's. It didn't matter that Minho's back was sore, or the fact he had left his job at the schools library to runaway with one of its students. All that mattered to him was the blonde boy opposite him; that he could make him smile again.


Minho loved him, and Taemin loved him back. That was all that matter. What happened from now on was fate's decision. So long as they were together, what else did they need?


So what did you guys think? I know it short but it was my first time writing 2min. 


Chrissy x 

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Chapter 1: I loved this T^T♡♡♡
So sweet and cute!~
i love it :)
I <33 It!! This is so cute, congrats!!^^