Chapter 3

My Beloved Abandoned Prince Chanyeol.
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Chanyeol gently pulled Eungi closer beneath the gracefully draped wedding arch, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation, every heartbeat echoing the intensity of the moment. Their proximity seemed to magnify the significance of the vows they had just exchanged, weaving a delicate tapestry of promise and devotion.

With a tenderness that belied the weight of their shared history, Chanyeol’s touch sent a thrill coursing through Eungi’s veins, igniting a spark of exhilaration that danced in the depths of her being. As their lips met in a tender embrace, time seemed to stand still, the soft brush of his lips against hers igniting a symphony of emotions within her soul.

In that fleeting moment, Eungi surrendered to the sweetness of the kiss, her senses engulfed in the warmth of their connection. Each heartbeat echoed the rhythm of their shared journey, every breath a testament to the depth of their love.

Breathless and filled with a heady mix of joy and longing, Eungi savored the sensation of Chanyeol’s lips against hers, a gentle reminder of the bond they had forged amidst the trials and tribulations of their intertwined fate. In the softness of the kiss, she found solace, a fleeting glimpse of the happiness that awaited them in the days to come. As the kiss broke, the echoes of their shared passion lingered in the air, a silent promise of the love that bound them together.

Kael, please prepare a room for her," Chanyeol instructed as he started heading to his own room. However, Eungi swiftly seized his hand, bringing his steps to a halt with a determined grip.

"Prince Chanyeol, may we forge an agreement?" Eungi initiated the conversation, locking eyes with her newlywed husband. In that poignant moment, the weight of her hidden agenda lingered in the air — a mission to save Chanyeol, only to vanish from his life after two years.

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol inquired, caught off guard by Eungi’s unexpected proposal. Without hesitation, Eungi gently pulled Chanyeol’s arm, leading him towards the study room, with Kael discreetly following the newlyweds. In Kael’s eyes, the couple appeared endearingly cute, their dynamic unfolding in unexpected and intriguing ways.

They found themselves seated on the same couch, mirroring the position from when Eungi had fervently urged Chanyeol to accept her as his wife. She sat with a serene smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and vulnerability. "We need a contract; I know forcing you to the marriage that isn’t your desired."

Chanyeol, with an evident trace of anger etched across his expression, retorted, "We’ve already embarked as husband and wife."

"Only for two years, and then I will vanish from your life," Eungi declared, her voice carrying a note of solemnity, as if she were stating an inevitable truth. The atmosphere in the room hung heavy with the weight of their unspoken agreement, a pact born out of necessity rather than choice. However, Eungi still manage to smile sweetly.

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As Kael, silently observing the conversation between Chanyeol and Eungi, remained seated, a sense of helplessness washed over him. Bound by his role as a servant, he found himself caught in the currents of their unfolding narrative, a spectator unable to alter the course of their intertwined destinies.

Kael prepare the paper as Eungi requested.

Upon Eungi’s request, Kael swiftly prepared the necessary documents. As Eungi began to articulate her terms, the room hung in anticipation. "I have only three conditions," she calmly stated. "First, my presence is not motivated by a desire for your wealth. Second, grant me the opportunity to fulfill my duties as a prince’s wife—I am here to learn and contribute. Third, I request that my maid, Arabel, be allowed to stay." Her words, simple yet charged with significance, left Kael in a state of surprise.

“How about you prince?” Eungi asked.

Chanyeol, his expression devoid of life and interest, cast a detached gaze upon Eungi’s face. With a lack of emotion, he uttered, "Do as you wish. Act as my wife, when necessary," before silently retreating.

Kael diligently transcribed all the terms and conditions onto the document, patiently waiting for both Eungi and Chanyeol to affix their signatures. Once the agreement was signed, Chanyeol silently departed, heading to his bedroom without a word of acknowledgment or notice, leaving a palpable silence in his wake.

As Eungi watched Chanyeol disappear into his room, a soft smile graced her lips, reflecting a mixture of relief and anticipation. With a graceful step, she entered her meticulously prepared chamber, Arabel quietly trailing behind her. The room enveloped her in an aura of serene elegance and comfort, adorned with tasteful accents that spoke to the opulence of the mansion.

The spacious interior boasted an exquisite palette of pristine white, casting a luminous glow that illuminated every corner. Luxurious furnishings adorned with intricate details added a touch of sophistication to the room, while plush fabrics and sumptuous textures invited her to sink into a world of tranquil indulgence.

In this sanctuary of serenity, Eungi found solace amidst the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed her. The air was imbued with a sense of tranquility, a soothing balm to her restless spirit. As she settled into the embrace of her elegantly appointed surroundings, a sense of belonging washed over her, welcoming her into the realm of comfort and respite that awaited her within the walls of the mansion.

"Arabel, am I being foolish?" Eungi questioned, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability that echoed through the opulent surroundings enveloping them.

"No, Princess. Love often unfolds in unpredictable ways, and the prince’s willingness to marry you on such short notice is a testament to the sincerity of his feelings," Arabel responded, her gaze meeting Eungi’s with genuine reassurance. However, bene

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Hey everyone! Just a quick update: Chapter 3 is now live! Check it out and let me know what you think! Happy reading! - Babydyo


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