Gotta Get Back To You

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So, aren't they gonna talk about it? Or....?


in other words,


What happens after 'I Won't Take You For Granted'.


Title inspired by: Location Unknown - Honne

other songs that inspire this work:

she likes spring, i prefer winter - slchld

Everything has Changed - Taylor and Ed

State of Grace - Taylor

Love me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding

A Thousand Years - Christina Perri


I strongly suggest you read I Won’t Take You For Granted first (if you haven’t, but if you have you could reread again :D) before reading this one!



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kariselleheart #1
waaah thank you for this 🥹 i love this story
Elatedbliss #2
Finally 🥰🥰
wnddmks_ 798 streak #3
Chapter 1: will read again later katugon nako
Gyeolui #4
Chapter 1: Beautiful story 🥰