Hellfire Oasis
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Wendy's heart ached every time she caught sight of Jinyoung, now distant and consistently b with anger, a painful reminder of the rift she had caused. Despite her efforts to assure him that her absences were merely moments of respite from the chaos of the queen's palace, withholding the truth about her secret excursions to the human world with Eunwoo, Jinyoung remained unconvinced. Their interactions often spiraled into heated arguments, leaving Wendy to empathize with Jinyoung's mounting frustration.


When Azazel and Eunwoo's father uncovered their clandestine visits to the human world, Wendy made the difficult decision to cease her trips for the sake of her safety and to salvage her relationship with Jinyoung. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Eunwoo respected her choice, albeit with a heavy heart.


One night, after completing her duties of guarding and playing with Yerim, Wendy felt utterly drained, yearning for nothing more than rest. As she trudged towards her room, exhaustion weighing heavily upon her, she was met with a surprising sight—Jinyoung, waiting for her. Despite his outward calmness, his presence cast a palpable seriousness, shrouding the room in an uneasy atmosphere.


“Why are you here, Jinyoung?” Wendy asked calmly, hoping to sidestep any potential conflicts.


“Can I not visit my girlfriend in her own quarters?” Jinyoung's response dripped with sarcasm, adding to the already strained atmosphere. 


Wendy sighed, feeling the exhaustion seep deeper into her bones. “Jinyoung, I'm tired. Can we please not fight tonight?” she pleaded, her weariness evident in her voice. Yet, Jinyoung remained silent, the air heavy with unspoken words.


As Wendy began her nightly routine, the presence of Jinyoung in her room felt more palpable than ever. Though he often frequented her space, tonight was different, and a sense of nervousness washed over her, adding to the weight of the already tense moment.


But the Wendy's heart pounded as she felt hands grip her waist, forcefully turning her around to meet Jinyoung's enraged expression. A startled gasp escaped her lips as she met his furious gaze, a chill of fear creeping down her spine for the first time.


“What are you doing, Jinyoung?” Wendy's voice trembled with nervousness as she attempted to free herself from his grasp, only to find his hold tightening with each futile attempt.


“You belong to me, Wendy,” Jinyoung's voice took on an ominous tone, his features contorted into a frightening visage. “I'll eliminate anyone who dares to take you from me,” he growled, his eyes ablaze with fury.


Before Wendy could utter another word, Jinyoung's lips forcefully met hers in a kiss that robbed her of breath, his hands roaming her body with possessive force. She struggled against him, her pleas drowned out by the onslaught of his aggression.


“J-Jinyoung, please, stop,” Wendy managed to gasp between kisses, the metallic tang of blood filling as she summoned the strength to push him away. With a desperate sprint, she fled the room, her gaze filled with a mixture of anger and disbelief.


As Jinyoung advanced towards her once more, undeterred by her resistance, Wendy's hand met his cheek in a resounding slap, her tears mixing with the lingering taste of fear and betrayal.


Jinyoung's expression shifted from aggression to shock, as if a bucket of icy water had been dumped over him, realizing the pain he had inflicted on Wendy. Guilt and remorse flooded his senses, compelling him to reach out and apologize, but Wendy's retreat only deepened his anguish. He witnessed the fear etched in her eyes, a sight that pierced his heart with regret.


As Wendy distanced herself, Jinyoung's desperation grew, his attempts to follow her thwarted as she vanished into thin air, leaving him alone with his torment. Frustration boiled within him, and he screamed in anguish, tears mingling with his rage.


Meanwhile, Wendy's tears flowed unchecked as she raced towards the entrance to the human world, her heart heavy with betrayal. Though she had willingly shared herself with Jinyoung before, his recent actions painted him in a different light, leaving her feeling violated and disrespected.


Upon arriving, she found solace in Eunwoo's concerned embrace, his worry evident in his expression. Wendy poured out her heart to him, recounting the events that transpired with raw honesty. In the safety of Eunwoo's comforting presence, she found temporary refuge from the storm raging within her.


Throughout the night, Eunwoo offered unwavering support, his gentle words a balm to her wounded soul. He encouraged her to prioritize her own well-being, urging her to reflect on what was best for herself. As dawn broke, Wendy's resolve strengthened, a glimmer of hope emerging amidst the darkness of her turmoil.


“Thank you, Eunwoo, for always being there for me. I think I need to go back to our realm now,” Wendy said, rising to her feet, her resolve firm.


Eunwoo nodded, offering her a warm smile as he accompanied her to the entrance of the hell realm. 


“If you ever need to talk about your problems, just come back here. I'll be ready to listen,” he assured her.


As Wendy stepped towards the door leading back to the hell realm, she suddenly felt a powerful force pulling her back. Eunwoo's surprise mirrored her own as they both entered the hell realm, only to find Jinyoung standing there, gripping Wendy with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.


“How could you do this to me, Wendy...” Jinyoung's voice was barely a whisper, but it dripped with danger, his rage simmering beneath the surface.


“It's not what you think, Jinyoung, let me explain—” Wendy's words were cut short as Jinyoung's hands closed around , choking off her breath. Panic flashed in her wide eyes as she struggled against his grip.


In a swift motion, Eunwoo dashed forward, forcefully pushing Jinyoung away from Wendy, his protective instincts kicking in. Wendy gasped for air as Eunwoo helped her to her feet, her gaze filled with gratitude and fear.


Jinyoung's anger flared as he witnessed their interaction, unleashing his powers in a violent outburst aimed at Eunwoo. However, as an angel, Eunwoo deftly avoided Jinyoung's attacks, his determination to protect Wendy unwavering in the face of danger.


Frustration gnawed at Jinyoung's insides as Wendy failed to return home after their heated argument. With each passing moment, his worry morphed into a simmering anger, propelling him to resort to his powers to locate her. His heart pounded with apprehension as he found himself standing before an abandoned ruin deep within the forest, a place he never imagined Wendy would be.


As he cautiously approached, his senses heightened, Jinyoung noticed a door obscured by foliage, barely visible amidst the overgrowth. With each step forward, his apprehension grew, until the door swung open, revealing Wendy's silhouette.


Before he could process the sight before him, a figure emerged from within, sending a surge of fury coursing through Jinyoung's veins. It was an angel, their sworn enemy, standing before Wendy in a scene that ignited Jinyoung's rage to its fullest.


With a primal roar, Jinyoung lunged forward, his vision blurred by a red haze of anger and betrayal. All rational thought evaporated as he unleashed his powers upon the angel, his mind consumed by a singular desire, to protect Wendy at any cost.


In his blind fury, Jinyoung failed to recognize the danger of his actions, the consequences of which threatened to tear apart everything he held dear.


"Jinyoung, please, stop this now!" Wendy's cries fell on deaf ears as Jinyoung relentlessly attacked Eunwoo, his rage unchecked and unstoppable. Despite Wendy's desperate attempts to intervene, Jinyoung remained blinded by fury, his assault relentless and unforgiving.


"Jinyoung, please!" Wendy's voice cracked with anguish, her heart breaking as she watched the chaos unfold before her eyes. Eunwoo, too, was helpless against Jinyoung's onslaught, forced to rely on evasion rather than retaliation to avoid the brunt of the attacks.


As the violence escalated, Wendy's pleas grew more frantic, her tears flowing freely as she witnessed the destruction wrought by Jinyoung's rage. But her efforts were in vain, as Jinyoung's fury only intensified, fueled by a sense of betrayal that threatened to consume them all.


“You betrayed me, Wendy,” Jinyoung's voice dripped with venom, his accusation ringing in the air like a death knell. “Not just me, but our entire realm. What will happen if the queen discovers your relationship with an angel, our sworn enemy? You're a traitor!”


Wendy's heart clenched with fear and guilt, unable to find the words to defend herself against Jinyoung's accusations. She knew that the consequences of their actions could be dire, spelling the end of everything they held dear.


Before she could respond, Eunwoo stepped forward, his voice filled with determination. 


“She's not betraying you, Jinyoung! She's not a traitor!” But his words only served to further enrage Jinyoung, who launched another attack, this time directed at Eunwoo with deadly force.


The clash between Jinyoung and Eunwoo sent shockwaves through the forest, drawing the attention of Joy and Seulgi, who rushed to the scene in a panic. 


“Wendy, what's happening here?” Joy and Seulgi rushed towards Wendy, concern etched on their faces as they witnessed the chaos unfolding before them. Wendy, pushed to the ground with pain shooting through her back, struggled to rise as Seulgi held her close, her worry evident.


“What the hell, Wendy! That man is an angel!” Joy's voice trembled with disbelief and fear, her eyes wide with shock.


Wendy groaned in pain, her focus torn between the fight and her friends' safety. “Joy, please, make them stop,” she pleaded, her voice strained with agony.


Seulgi's grip tightened on Wendy, her concern palpable as she glanced between her injured friend and the ongoing battle.


“Are you okay, Wendy?” she asked softly, her worry deepening at Wendy's nod.


With a sinking heart, Joy realized the gravity of the situation. They needed to stop the fight before it attracted more attention, risking discovery by the queen and bringing untold consequences upon them all.


“Seulgi, stay with Wendy,” Joy instructed, determination flashing in her eyes as she sprinted towards Jinyoung and the angel, intent on putting an end to the conflict. But before she could intervene, a horde of devils descended upon them, their presence striking fear into Joy's heart.


As Joy prepared to use her powers to defend against the onslaught, she was blindsided by an attack from Jinyoung, knocking her unconscious. Wendy and Seulgi's screams pierced the air, their voices filled with desperation and anguish as their friend lay motionless on the ground.


Eunwoo, hindered by the sudden appearance of the devils, struggled to come to Joy's aid, his heart heavy with the realization of the danger they were all in. Meanwhile, Jinyoung, shocked by his own actions, fled the scene, leaving chaos and devastation in his wake.


Overwhelmed by guilt and despair, Wendy watched helplessly as the chaos unfolded before her eyes. She blamed herself for the turmoil that had engulfed her friends, her heart heavy with regret. Her gaze followed Jinyoung's fleeing figure, tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably.


As Eunwoo was dragged away by the devils, Wendy's anguish deepened, her sense of powerless suffocating her. The sound of Seulgi's anguished screams pierced the air, pulling Wendy's attention towards the unconscious form of Joy. In that moment of despair, Wendy felt a wave of hopelessness wash over her, a fleeting thought of wanting to escape it all, to disappear from the pain and suffering she had inadvertently caused.






Azazel stood in the grand hall before the queen, her presence commanding yet distant, as if her mind traversed realms beyond the King's palace walls. Sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the polished marble floor.


As Azazel delivered his report on the state of the realm, the queen's gaze remained fixed on the horizon beyond the window, her thoughts seemingly elsewhere. His words echoed in the vast chamber, a stark contrast to the queen's silent contemplation.


Despite the gravity of the situation, Azazel empathized with the queen's inner turmoil. He knew her concerns extended beyond the political landscape to the safety of her daughter and the stability of the realm itself.


Unspoken between them hung the looming threat of Seraphine, the former queen of the heavenly realm, who harbored ambitions to claim the queen's daughter as her own. Azazel wrestled with the decision to disclose this information, mindful of the chaos it could unleash upon the already fragile peace of the realm. Yet, he understood the urgency of the matter, knowing that delaying the revelation could have dire consequences for all involved.


“How is the royal young highness, Your Majesty?” Azazel asked, drawing the queen's attention with the mention of her daughter.


“It's still the same, Azazel,” the queen replied, her smile tinged with sadness despite her enduring beauty. “But earlier, she allowed me to leave the palace because she finally got the video game room she wanted. Although, she did give me a playful threat. If I don't return immediately, she'll wreak havoc on her beloved game room.” The queen chuckled softly, shaking her head in amusement at her daughter's antics.


Azazel couldn't help but smile at the thought. Despite the tumultuous times they faced, the young royal highness remained a beacon of joy, her spirit akin to sunshine piercing through the darkest of clouds.


Irene, on the other hand, found her thoughts drifting to the picture her daughter had given her earlier. After their lunch, they had ventured to Yerim's favorite garden. It was a place of sanctuary, a secret haven Yerim had always insisted on visiting. They would spend hours together, nestled in the hammock, sharing intimate conversations and playful moments.


As Irene reminisced, a soft smile graced her lips. She cherished every moment spent with her daughter in that enchanted garden. The warmth of the sun, the rustle of leaves, and the gentle embrace of the hammock formed the backdrop to their precious bond. For Irene, these moments were the essence of joy, a testament to the depth of her love for her daughter.


"Mom, what kind of parents do you have?" Yerim's sudden question caught Irene off guard, stirring memories she had long kept buried.


Irene hesitated, unsure how to answer. She had deliberately shielded Yerim from the painful truth of her own upbringing. Her parents were not the loving figures one would expect. Her mother, a strict devil, commanded fear even among demons, while her father was a force to be reckoned with, his presence instilling terror in all who crossed his path. Despite their formidable reputations, Irene never cowered in their presence. 


Their marriage was a facade, a union devoid of love or warmth. Irene couldn't comprehend why they remained together, their disdain for each other palpable in every interaction. Their tumultuous relationship had left scars, both physical and emotional, on Irene's psyche. She had endured countless trials at their hands, each ordeal shaping her into the resilient woman she had become.


The memory of her mother's demise still haunted Irene. Her father's power had been her mother's undoing, their irreconcilable differences culminating in a tragic end. Despite the strained relationship, Irene couldn't shake the complex emotions tied to her mother's memory. Anger, resentment, and a lingering sense of duty warred within her, driving her to defy her father's authority, even in death.


As Yerim awaited her response, Irene grappled with the weight of her past, torn between shielding her daughter from the truth and honoring the legacy of her own tumultuous upbringing.


“I guess they are not good to you,” Yerim remarked, her words cutting through Irene's thoughts. She smiled warmly at her daughter's understanding and wrapped her arms around her in a comforting embrace. 


“It's alright, Mom, you don't have to answer me. They are devils, Mom, and devils are evil, so it's understandable if they were bad to you.”


Irene couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's observation. She affectionately squeezed Yerim's cheeks and planted a tender kiss on her forehead. 


“But not all devils are evil,” Yerim continued, her enthusiasm bubbling over as she animatedly shared her insights. Irene listened with amusement, marveling at her daughter's innocence.


“There's Joy and Wendy, they are devils, but they have good hearts. And then there's my Seulgi unnie,” Yerim explained eagerly, her words tumbling out in a rush. “She became a devil because she had sinned on Earth, but she's not that evil. My unnie is a good devil.” Yerim's explanation was endearing, her innocence shining through as she struggled to convey her thoughts to her mother.


Irene smiled affectionately at her daughter, her heart swelling with pride at the kindness and compassion Yerim displayed. Despite the darkness that loomed over their world, Yerim saw the goodness in others, a testament to her pure and loving soul.


“And there's you, Mom...” Yerim's voice softened as she gazed at her mother with adoration. “So many devils are afraid of you. They think of you as cunning, merciless, dangerous and evil. But to me, you are the most loving devil, the most loving mom in all realms because you love me so much. You would do anything to protect me, and not only me but others too that you care for, even though you don't show it.”


Irene's heart swelled with emotion at her daughter's words. Despite the perceptions of others, Yerim saw beyond the surface to the depths of her mother's love and strength. Tears welled in Irene's eyes as she pulled Yerim into a tight embrace, overwhelmed by the purity of their bond. In Yerim's eyes, Irene found solace, acceptance, and the unwavering love of a devoted daughter.


“I love you, Mom, to the hell and back,” Yerim declared, her smile radiant as she showered Irene's face with kisses, a playful gesture to dispel the tears threatening to spill from her mother's eyes. Irene couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's antics, her heart b with love and gratitude as she enveloped Yerim in a warm embrace.


“Thank you, my love, and I love you too, to the hell and back,” Irene reciprocated, her words echoing the depth of their bond. They settled back into the hammock, cocooned in each other's embrace as they whiled away the hours in intimate conversation and playful banter.


Suddenly, Yerim produced a pictures from her pocket, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she presented it to Irene. Curious, Irene accepted the photographs, her heart skipping a beat as she studied the image, its significance stirring a whirlwind of emotions within her.


“Where did you find this, baby?” Irene asked, her heart fluttering as she examined each picture. The collection depicted moments from her infancy, alongside images of her parents in their youth.


“I found them in the King's palace,” Yerim explained mischievously, her eyes dancing with amusement. “I was wandering around and stumbled upon a room filled with these pictures. You were cute as a baby, Mom!” Yerim's playful remark elicited a grin from Irene, who couldn't help but share in her daughter's amusement.


As Yerim's attention was diverted by the sight of Stratus drifting into the garden, she dashed off towards her favorite bike, leaving Irene alone with the photographs. Irene continued to peruse the images until her gaze settled on one particular photograph—an unfamiliar young man, his expression serious as he stared at the camera.


Irene furrowed her brow, perplexed by the presence of the young man in the photograph. She racked her brain, trying to recall any memory of him, but drew a blank. Questions swirled in her mind as she pondered the significance of the photograph and its connection to her father's palace when Azazel's voice pierced through her thoughts, calling her back to the present.


“Your Majesty...” Azazel's tone carried a weight of seriousness, causing Irene to furrow her brow in anticipation. She knew this conversation held significant importance.


“There is something I need to tell you,” Azazel began, his voice steady but grave. Irene's gaze sharpened as she focused on him, ready to hear whatever news he bore.


“What is it, Azazel? Just tell me now,” Irene commanded, a sense of urgency creeping into her tone as she rose from the throne. Her thoughts raced to her daughter, a mother's instinct pulling her back to Yerim's side. The absence of Wendy, Joy, and Seulgi in the palace only intensified her concern, knowing their absence would make calming Yerim's tantrums all the more challenging. Irene couldn't help but wonder what mischief the trio might be up to at the moment.


“I wanted to tell you about the former queen of the heavenly realm—” Azazel's words were abruptly cut off by the chaotic entrance of a group of devils into the palace, their frantic movements and obscured cargo signaling trouble.


Azazel's expression darkened as he approached the commotion, his voice laced with anger as he reprimanded the devils for their lack of respect in the presence of the queen. However, his scolding faltered as his gaze landed on the figure being held captive by the devils.


“Eunwoo...” Azazel whispered in fear as their eyes met, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Eunwoo appeared weary, as if he had been in a fierce battle, his plight evident as he struggled against his captors.


Before Azazel could comprehend the unfolding

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Hellfire Oasis is complete! Four intense days of writing the final chapter with 12k words. It was so hard, but oh so worth it. Huge thanks to all of you for your unwavering support to this story!♡


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your_silent_reader #1
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: This is a well-crafted story. I was left breathless towards every end of the chapter. I am now looking forward to the 2nd book and how their fate will change brought about by the changes they have to endure. This is worth the read and I thank you for this amazing story!
Chapter 33: poor seulgi fslsksjshsg i cried with her when she found out that the people she loved most, are only with her because of someone else’s soul…

her mortal body was used, abused, and forgotten 😭😭😭
337 streak #3
Chapter 34: Great work author. I finally finished this story and I'm so excited that there's a second book dedicated to Seulrene. What a treat! Thank you so much for your time and your amazing writing! 🧡
Chapter 35: 😍😍😍😍
percydary #5
Chapter 33: congratulations for finishing this beautiful story, how can u be a newbie, when u got hooked us in every chapters, u are so good! and the ending feels like u wanted more haha. Really cant wait for the book 2, I know its already amazing just like hellfire oasis
Chapter 33: 🥺🙏
sunnysideup01 #7
Chapter 33: i forgot that Seulgi was task to document everything in the hell realm through her drawings and writings, and the scenes on the last part describing Seulgi's book, it was amazing omg! This is so cool! I love everything about this story. You're amazing authornim, really cant wait for your other stories 😭
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: my heart! I'm crying, the part where Jinyoung began to dissapear, my heart broke for Wendy, that was so painful and the part where Irene is on her knees begging for Yeri 💔💔💔 Irene will be crazy if she knew the god wiping all her daughter's memories and Seulgi being missing 😭😭😭

Congratulations author for finishing this story. This is so beautiful, we will gonna support you on your other future works and can't wait for book 2!!
Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhh its so goodddddddd 😭😭. Now its time for Seulgi's story I can feel it with the cliffhanger in the end. Damn , the lengths that Irene will do just to protect and find Yerim. How she was willing to go down on her knees just to be with her daughter 🥺🥺. Now that Irene got her daughter back, I hope they will find Seulgi soon 😔.

I can't wait for Book 2!! For a new writer you really did amazing with this story and got us hooked each chapter! Have a nice day author-nim! 😊😊😊
Oct_13_wen_03 #10
Chapter 33: Congratulations author nim for ending book 1 , u done a very great job and can't wait for book 2 😭🫶🏻🩷🩷