Thank You

The Beautiful Mistake

Marisa’s POV

“So, it’s been a while,” Sungyeol says as we walk down from the apartment.

“It sure has been,” I say attempting to ease the awkwardness, but it doesn’t do anything. We’re both awkward with each other and I’m not sure how long that’s actually going to last.

Quietly, we continue walking next to each other for who knows how long until Sungyeol finally decides to speak. “I meant to tell you.”

I want to ask him what. I want to ask him so many things, but I restrain myself. I can’t jump the gun and ask a bunch of questions when he’s the one that asked to talk to me. My mind is spinning with so many possibilities of what could’ve happened to cause this, but I just remain quiet and let Sungyeol spill his story. For now, it seems as though that’s the best idea.

“Everything that I went through with you, it was all true,” Sungyeol continues. “Don’t doubt my feelings for you for one second.”

“Then why were you dating Seohyun and me at the same time?” I can’t help but ask. That’s one of the things that I really want to know.

Sungyeol doesn’t really answer the question, though. He just stares at me for a moment. He’s probably thinking of a way to formulate the answer, which I don’t blame him for attempting to do. I guess he wants to prevent me getting angry at him, but I’m sure I’ll be somewhat upset at the answer, no matter what it is.

“I…us…it wasn’t,” he stammers a little bit. “Look, it’s complicated.”

“Then what was the point of us talking with each other?” I ask as I turn around and start going back to the apartments.

“Marisa, wait,” he says grabbing my arm. He drags me into a café and near the back where we can freely talk without anyone overhearing. When we walk in, some of the people do comment on seeing Sungyeol there, but he doesn’t pay attention to any of them. His only focus right now seems to be on explaining everything to me. If that’s it, then why didn’t he do it before? “Wait here.”

I watch as he goes to the counter and orders some food for us before he finally comes back and sits down. I think I’m ready to hear his explanation, but I don’t necessarily know how I’m going to react to it.

“So,” I say trying my best to prevent my voice from shaking. “Then explain to me, why is the situation so complicated?”

Sungyeol sighs as he looks at me and takes a drink of whatever he happened to order. “When I went out with you, Seohyun and I weren’t dating at that moment,” he begins. I guess he sees my confused face because he continues and clarifies a little bit. “Seohyun and I were secretly dating before I ever met you. True, she just moved when you just moved here, but that was because she wanted to be closer to me. My schedules always got in the way of us meeting. Turns out that moving isn’t always so great, right?” he asks with a lame attempt at a joke. “She started being infatuated with Jinyoung and started ignoring me, her boyfriend. At that point, we broke up and about a couple of months later, that’s when I started going out with you.

“Originally it was to make her mad and jealous, but somehow it backfired a bit. Little by little, I started liking you, Marisa. I really liked you. I liked your quirkiness, how you always viewed everything seriously, I just liked everything about you, but Jinyoung had you in the beginning and I was jealous of him because he was stealing away everyone I liked. Seohyun was mad at you too because of that fact so she attempted to make your life miserable and I attempted to counteract her. I really did like you when I was dating you, though. I don’t really know if it could be considered cheating, though because we were broken up, but apparently in Seohyun’s mind we were still together, so she thought I was cheating on her. I was just as shocked as you finding out that Seohyun and Jinyoung were together. But just know one thing, I really liked you Marisa. Actually, I think I will always like you. So, can we be friends?”

I watch as Sungyeol extends out his hand and I stare at it. Suddenly, everything makes perfect sense. Even though I may be hurt about it, it’s nice to know that it wasn’t really considered cheating on me; he was just dealing with some things that no one knew about. “S-sure,” I manage to get out as I shake his hand.

“Dongsaeng and oppa?” he asks with a hopeful look in his eye.

“Okay…Sungyeol-oppa,” I add onto the end making his face light up into a smile.

“Hey, just tell me if Jinyoung ever gives you trouble.”

“How did you know that I was together with Jinyoung?” I ask.

“It’s no secret, you guys have matching rings on,” Sungyeol says pointing at it. I completely forgot about it. “Now that I think about it, you had that ring at Christmas, right?”

I slowly bow my head and look at my hands. “It was an accident. I was looking at it since I got it somehow; it was mixed in with the presents that everyone else brought. When I was looking at it, everyone suddenly barged in and I didn’t know what to do.”

“It’s alright,” Sungyeol says ruffling up my hair a bit. “What’s on the ring that would make us suspect anything?” I take it off and show him the inside. He sees our names and the date in June, although it probably doesn’t mean much to him, the date. “What’s the date?”

“It’s the day that we first met. It’s the day that I almost fell over and that Jinyoung and I were announced in our fake relationship.”

“Oh,” Sungyeol says nodding his head and understanding. “Well, if he gives you any problems, be sure to tell me. I’ll take care of him.”

“Funny,” I say looking at Sungyeol with a smile, “he said the same thing about you.”

We both look at each other and start laughing. I’m kind of glad that we were both able to get our conflicts worked out. Now Sungyeol can continue being the funny Sungyeol that I know and we can be friends like how I first got here, only his relationship with Seohyun is now in the open. Of course I have more questions for him, but I think that the answers don’t matter right now. We’re in a good place, that’s all that matters.

“Thank you, Marisa,” Sungyeol suddenly says.

“For what?” I ask looking at him. “What did I do?”

“You helped me realize what was important in my life, although I do feel apologetic towards you.”

“No, don’t be,” I protest. “You’re happy right now and that’s all that should matter.”

“And you’re happy too, that’s good,” Sungyeol says looking at me with a smile.

“Hey,” I say as we make our way back to the dorm. “Do you want to have a little fun with the guys?” I know that Sungyeol’s always up for some tricks.


Jinyoung’s POV

While everyone else is having a good time, I can’t help but glance at the door every couple of minutes. What is taking Sungyeol and Marisa so long? She isn’t crying her eyes out, right?

“Hyung, stop staring at the door, you’re going to put a hole through it,” Gongchan says coming up to me.

“Where do you think they could be?” I ask.

“Marisa and Sungyeol-hyung?” Gongchan asks. I nod my head. “They’re talking, leave them alone.”

Marisa and Sungyeol then walked through the door and it’s exactly what I would’ve thought. Marisa is crying her eyes out. What did Sungyeol do to her? I run over to her and start comforting her. “Are you okay?” I ask. “What did you do to her?” I turn to Sungyeol.

“We were just talking,” he says innocently. He’s probably acting; he is partially an actor after all. Sungyeol is probably just saying that they were talking so I don’t punch him right now in front of everyone.

“Are you sure you guys were just talking?” Sunggyu asks looking at Sungyeol. I spot a glance over at Myungsoo, but he doesn’t seem to be affected by this at all.

“Did you say something that would make her upset?” Woohyun inquires.

“She probably heard the whole story,” Hoya says.

“Don’t get her even more upset,” Dongwoo chimes in.

“Marisa, don’t let Sungyeol-hyung’s words make you upset,” Sandeul says.

“Yeah, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Sungjong voices.

“We don’t need him anymore,” Baro says.

Suddenly, I hear laughing. Laughing? Who could possibly be laughing now? I look and see that it’s Marisa laughing. “You’re laughing?” I ask cocking my head a little bit.

“I knew you were all gullible,” Marisa says giving a high-five to Sungyeol. Everyone in the room is dazed right now, everyone except Myungsoo, yet again.

“You mean it was a trick?” I pointing at her and then at Sungyeol who is also laughing now.

“Of course,” she says. “Sungyeol and I are on good terms now. I know everything.”

“And you aren’t unhappy, right?” Sungjong asks.

“Nope,” Marisa says shaking her head. “Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever felt better.”

“Not even with me?” I ask with a pouty face.

“That’s never going to happen,” she says as she lightly hits me.

“Hey, if you guys are going to act lovey-dovey, get a room,” Shinwoo comments.

Everyone looks at us and I can feel my face getting red. I look at Marisa and hers is too. “Anyway, let’s just have fun,” I say as I look at everyone and they all happily agree. We start laughing and playing games together like old times, only this time, I have a girlfriend and everyone knows. Well maybe the public doesn’t necessarily know about our relationship since we announced that we broke up, but it’s going to happen. I have to start planning for that party. I want it to be the most touching thing that I and anyone else have ever done for Marisa. I want her to remember it forever.


Myungsoo’s POV

Another lame day at school, thankfully the term is almost to the end and so is the school year. I’m almost a third year; I’m almost out of this place. I look over at Sandeul and he looks like he’s bored out of his mind and I see Baro writing furiously on some paper, he’s probably writing some raps for some songs. Even though it’s not the summer or anything, we still get some time off before having to start the new term, my last year of high school.

The sound of the bell ringing knocks me out of my thoughts as Sandeul, Baro, and I pack up and head to the cafeteria where we meet the others. “It’s close to the end,” Sungyeol comments as we start eating.

“Good thing we’re all going to the same college,” Shinwoo says.

“That way we can come back and bother you guys,” Jinyoung says looking at all of us.

“You just want to come back and bother Marisa,” Sandeul says with a pouty face.

“Hey, I’m still living at the dorm, it’s not like I’m not going to see you every day,” Jinyoung complains.

“True,” Gongchan chimes in.

“So where’s your girlfriend?” Marisa asks looking at Sungyeol. All of us immediately stop eating at the sound of that and turn to look at the both of them.

“You aren’t upset about that?” Hoya asks.

“Well, I kind of know the story,” Marisa says.

“We don’t know the story,” Woohyun complains, “enlighten us with us, Sungyeol.”

Sungyeol looks nervously at all of us before he starts telling us an in-depth story all about him and Seohyun. Now everything makes perfect sense. I can’t believe that he had a secret girlfriend and he didn’t tell anyone about her. He was so happy when Marisa was made his girlfriend, yet he had a secret one and didn’t show any sign of happiness. So maybe he wasn’t necessarily cheating on Marisa, but it was still too suspicious to actually rule it out, but he went back to Seohyun when he and Marisa weren’t really broken up yet.

“Why did you go back to her then?” I ask. “If Marisa and Jinyoung were away, why did you go back?”

“Well, I knew that Marisa probably didn’t like me like she used to because I ditched her at the amusement park and after Seohyun told me about those things that Jinyoung said to her, we reevaluated our relationship and decided to get together again.” Sungyeol nervously scratches the back of his neck. “I didn’t really expect anyone to find out about it.”

“How couldn’t we find out about it?” Baro asks.

I shoot Baro a glare since Sungyeol doesn’t know that we followed him that one day and I plan to keep it that way. Sungyeol doesn’t necessarily have to know that we didn’t trust him. I don’t think he thought that we trusted him anyway with all of the questions that we’ve asked him before about his mysterious relationship with Seohyun.

“It doesn’t matter now,” I suddenly say. “It’s in the past, so it’s alright. We’re all together now.”

Suddenly, Marisa gets up from the table even though lunch isn’t over yet. “Where are you going?” Jinyoung asks her.

“I’m going to meet someone,” she simply says.

“You aren’t cheating on me, are you?” Jinyoung asks narrowing his eyes at her.

“Of course not,” she says hitting his head. “You know, I actually am starting to make some other friends besides you guys.”

“Ah, it was that girl in class today,” Sungjong says suddenly remembering.

“That girl?” Gongchan asks after him. Marisa nods her head. “She’s nice.”

“You aren’t going to forget about us, though, right?” Sandeul asks.

“I won’t,” Marisa says. “You guys are my first friends and we live in the same apartment, except for the Infinite-oppas. Plus, I’m with Jinyoung. I’ll be going now, okay?”

“Okay,” Jinyoung says as he watches her go. “I’ll text you later, or you text me if you’re done early.”

“Will do,” Marisa says before she leaves the cafeteria.


Jinyoung’s POV

“What friend is she talking about?” I ask Sungjong and Gongchan.

“It was some girl that was talking to her in class today, I forget her name, do you know it?” Gongchan asks looking at Sungjong.

“No, I don’t,” Sungjong says.

“Anyway, while she’s away, we should talk about the party,” Myungsoo says bringing it up.

“Great, you gave it away,” Sandeul complains.

“Jinyoung-hyung already knows about it,” Myungsoo tells them. I nod my head in agreement. “We’re actually going to do something for Marisa that day.”

“What are you thinking?” Shinwoo asks.

“Well, you see,” I begin, “I want to do something that Marisa won’t ever forget about. I want to confess and show the whole world that Marisa is my girlfriend and that she’s the only one.”

“Someone’s become better at expressing their feelings,” Baro mutters under his breath.

“Hey, I heard that,” I say looking at him.

“What were you thinking of doing?” Sungyeol asks.

“Well, I was thinking that maybe I could play a couple of songs for her, or maybe as a whole we could dance and sing,” I suggest.

“And we could, too,” Woohyun says suddenly getting excited.

“Yeah, you could, too, but remember, she’s my girlfriend,” I say pointing at myself.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be the opener,” Myungsoo says. “You guys can have the main act.”

“Suddenly, I think I’m excited for this party,” Dongwoo chimes in.

“We should get planning. What songs do you think would be good?” I ask them.


Marisa’s POV

“Hey, Juliane,” I say as I go over to meet her.

“Hey, Marisa,” she says as she greets me.

In reality, Juliane and I have been on friendly terms before, but I guess I was always just afraid of ever becoming friends with anyone else than those people that I were already comfortable with. Thankfully, we’ve both become better friends with each other.

“What are you doing?” I ask as I approach the desk. There are books open all over the place, but it doesn’t look like they’re studying.

“We’re planning on where we want to go for the summer; do you want to possibly come with us?” Juliane suggests.

I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know, but isn’t summer quite a while away?”

“It doesn’t hurt to plan ahead of time, and just let me know if you want to come along. Your friends can come along, too. Infinite and B1A4.”

“Yeah, I have to check it with them,” I tell her. I’m not entirely sure if Jinyoung would want to spend the summer hanging out with them and they don’t know that Jinyoung and I are actually boyfriend and girlfriend and I don’t particularly want to spill anything. The best bet now is to just stay quiet and let them look at everything.

“Have you ever been to any of these places?” another girl asks. I shake my head. “How can you not have been there? Everyone in Korea has been here before.”

“Sorry,” I say looking at her, “I moved here.”

“Ah, I remember,” another girl says. It takes me a moment to realize that the only person I know sitting there is Juliane, it kind of makes me feel a little uncomfortable, but I’ll be able to live with it. “You were that girl that came that was Jinyoung’s girlfriend. I’m Jaeyoon by the way,” she says introducing herself. “I’m in Jinyoung’s grade, along with Shinwoo and Sungyeol.”

“Well, yeah,” I say not looking at them directly.

“That was you? You’re pretty; no wonder Jinyoung-sunbaenim liked you. I’m Tia. I may be young, but I’m smart, don’t worry.” She flashes me a smile and I smile back at her.

“You go to the elementary school and don’t mention the relationship,” Juliane says quieting them. “They’re broken up now.”

“But you still sit with them at lunch, right?” Jaeyoon asks. I nod my head. I don’t dare say anything about the relationship. “Lucky. Are you guys still good friends with each other?” I nod my head once again. “Do you think you could introduce me to someone?”

All of the girls laugh at her statement and I can’t help but smile a bit. I think that this friendship might be something exciting; they’re my first friends here, after almost a year.


Jinyoung’s POV

“Next week is already graduation,” I say grabbing Marisa’s hand as we walk along the path. She swings my arm really big and a smile stretches along my face.

“I’m going to miss sitting with you at lunch,” Marisa confesses.

“We still have two weeks before your new term starts,” I say poking her nose with my free hand. “Then we might be busy. Are you okay with that?”

“I’m sure we’ll be alright,” Marisa says, but I can still hear the concern in her voice. “We live in the same building after all. I’m sure we’ll be able to see each other, plus we could always talk on the phone or text.”

“True,” I say suddenly feeling better about going to college. “Marisa, I really like you, you know that, right?”

“I know.”

“I want to make you mine forever. I wrap my arms around her waist. “I want to become public about our relationship…once again,” I say awkwardly.

“Well, when do you want to?” she asks. “I’m okay for whenever you’re ready.”

“It’ll happen, don’t worry.”

“You’re planning something, right?” Marisa eyes me warily.

“Maybe,” I say with a sly smile. “Marisa, I really like you.”

“I really like you, too, Jinyoung.”

“Thank you.”

“Maybe I should be thanking you.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Because you stuck by me this whole time, even if we weren’t always on good terms. For helping me realize that the one I truly like is you.” I lean down and kiss Marisa on the lips.

Marisa, just wait for me to surprise you. It’s going to be the best thing that you’ve ever seen. It may be disguised as a graduation party, but it’s really a celebration of us. It’s a celebration about how far we’ve come and how far we’re going to go. I’m going to be with you until the end, Marisa. I promise I’ll always be here for you.


How is the graduation party going to turn out? What is Jinyoung planning on doing for Marisa? What are Infinite and B1A4 planning on doing at the party? How is Jinyoung going to announce the relationship?


Chapter 24 is done. Hope you enjoyed :D

I think that there may be 2 more chapters? The next one will be the party, so it might be pretty long unless I decide to split it into 2, so then there would be 3 more chapters. There were some references to the sequel, it's going to be a summer story and I introduced some new characters, the members of Chocolat. Sadly, I don't know much about them, so it will only be based off of characteristics that I will write about, it won't be their real personalities.

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There is an extra chapter added, chapter 28 that is now marked as the final chapter. It's a chapter that has extra stuffss, check it out :)


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Chocolate_sweets #1
Chapter 26: Annyeonghaeseyo ! New reader here . I just started reading this story 5 hours ago . Omaygash , I love it . My favorite chapter is 26 . I like when Myungsoo role play as Marissa . Good job author :)
I read this before I slept and it was wonderful :)
melody-b1a4 #4
wonderful story^^
Qiqipeace #5
I was like the story hasn't finished! *pout* I was really good though! Wonderful start and end.
As you have said...
=) I'll read it! =)
And foreword seems interesting.=)
Thank you! =)
Nooo! Such a good chapter,update soon!!!!
emi_martini #9
AHHH!!!! I am so loving this story! I hope A LOT of things happen on the trip while they are alone! And I think Sungyeol is trying to push Marisa back to Jinyoung because he just might be taking Jinyoung's Seohyun issue as his own so that Jinyoung can be free to be with Marisa! then again, anything is possible with this story so it might be the opposite of what I think..? haha Great update, I CANT WAIT FOR MORE!! :D