Part Three

Pink Sticky Notes

Seungeon had placed another note in his algebra textbook. He decided to leave the book on top of the desk instead of putting it back in the tray under the chair.


Seungeon got to his seat. He waited for Yunseo to arrive to class.


"You're here early." Yunseo said as he put his bag beside his chair. "Do we need our textbooks today?"

"Yeah. We need one of the first few pages." Seungeon said as he pulled his out.


Yunseo opened his book. "You'll soon know me, for now I'll admire you from here. -S". Yunseo couldn't fight back his smile.

"Look at this one." Yunseo said showing off the note.


"Wow, are you falling for someone through notes?" Seungeon asks jokingly.

Yunseo continues to flip a few more pages, "I mean, I already like someone, but maybe I am."

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