Confused Heart


April 2007


Just the simple sound of our doorbell made every cell in my body jerked. I know that person behind our main door is no one else but Jung Yong Hwa.

In a young age of 15, going on 16, I can't imagine myself inviting a boy to come here at our residence, but I am actually doing it right now.

"Joo Hyun - ah, doorbell," Mom shouted from the kitchen, she was preparing our dinner.

I was shaking with nervousness, opening the main door with cold sweats perspiring my nape towards my spine.
How can I let myself agree to Yong Hwa's suggestion that he'll ask the permission of my parents about the date himself.

I was swept away by his refreshing look when I finally opened the door for him. There he stood with confidence but not a bit boastful. He was really handsome, just wearing a white polo shirt and dark jeans, his vintage sneakers pairing the outfit.

"Hi," he greeted me, I can see the fondness in his eyes.

I was with him for about a month by now, that I can almost read any emotion his expressive eyes portrays.

"Hi," I responded with a shy smile.

I guided him to our living room and let him sat on the chaise lounge.
He observed silently our sanctuary and when he meet my eyes he smiled at me with his arresting smile. I felt the butterflies inside my stomach went crazy.
How can a simple smile from him change my nervousness into excitement?

I excused myself and went to the kitchen where my mom was still busy preparing our dinner.

"So is he here?" she smiled at me teasingly.

Yes, I already informed my mom about Yong Hwa. She was excited for me, being able to say that her daughter, me, has grown up.
I nodded as a response.

"I still have food to prepare, could the both of you please help me prepare the dining table?" she asked me.

I obeyed her and went to get Yong Hwa who willingly agreed.

"So, Yong Hwa ssi, right?" Mom asked when we went to the kitchen to get the eating utensils.

"Yes, ma'am," he answered politely. "Jung Yong Hwa"

"I'm Joo Hyun's mom by the way," Mom said, kidding.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Yong Hwa stopped piling the plates I gave him and bowed to my mom.

"Stop calling me, ma'am, ans start calling me Imo, arrasso?" Mom told him.

"Yes, Imo" Yong Hwa continued bowing.

After the short introductions Yong Hwa and I went to the dining room and prepared the table.

As always, no talking, just gazing conversations. We use our eyes to talk. I think we have this bond that unites our minds and enables us to think as one.

The dinner was served before us but we were still waiting for the final judgement. I mean we were waiting for my Dad, because even though Mom and I would say yes --- that would make two against one if he says no--- the decision would still be under his command.

Mom and Yong Hwa talked about his family profile and his future plans. As I was listening to them, I finally heard what his parents were doing. His parents own a business of cars. Wow, he is indeed a chaebol. I was just wondering why he wouldn't say it to me before. He also said they had some other business that my mom did not pay attention to. What other business do they have?


"I'll get it," my mom hurriedly stood up to get the door and welcome, probably my dad.
I looked at Yong Hwa, while I was nervous about Dad's judgement, there he sat, erect and calm, like nothing's going to happen. Instead of me, encouraging him that my dad is the most open - minded person that I knew, it was his encouraging smiles that reminded me about it.

"So we have a guest," I heard my Dad behind me.

So I stand up directly and face him. There was a movement of the chair by my side, where Yong Hwa was sitting, so he also possibly stand up.

"Dad, welcome home," I greeted him. "And yes, I invited someone for dinner and a small talk, maybe?"

My dad looked at me brightly, then changed his gaze towards the boy beside me. I can read the familiarity in his eyes, like he knew Yong Hwa from before but then compose himself and smiled at Yong Hwa.

"Why talk small, if we have lots to talk about?" he stated. "I'm Atty. Seo, Joo Hyun's dad." He introduced himself and offered his hand.

"I'm Jung Yong Hwa. It is nice to meet you, Atty. Seo," Yong hwa accept the handshake and bowed.

"So shall we eat?" Mom spoke from behind Dad.

The dinner was a bit awkward for me, but for the other three, they were enjoying talking about the latest political news, the stocks and stuff I was outdated of. Yes I do read newspapers and listen to Television news, but lately, I have been so tired to even read and listen about it since I always come home exhausted from school and practices.
How come Yong Hwa still find time to know about this latest political tabloids?

When mom and I were busy cleaning the table and washing the dishes,  Yong Hwa was invited by dad towards his study.

I was really scared for Yong Hwa, what if dad will not say good words towards Yong Hwa? What if he doesn't want me to go out on a date at this young age and reprimand Yong Hwa instead of me?

"Joo Hyun, dear, you know how well - mannered your father is. Just relax, evrything would be okay," Mom reminded me.

Yes, my father will not on Yong Hwa.

I just smiled back at my loving mom. But the next words she spoke really surrprised me.

"I was thinking, Jung Yong Hwa, is he the vocalist that you sister idolized so much?" she asked.
"He mentioned earlier that he has a band. Is his band the Indi band that your sister want to attend that night she met an accident?"

How can mom speak of the accident calmy like it was years ago? It actually happened just four months ago.
"Mom, you know how much I don't like to talk about the accident," I responded wryly.

"Sorry, but I was just curious. Does he know about you sister?" Mom continued.

"Everyone in school knows about unnie," I still responded due to respect. I really don't want to talk about it.

But my mom was really into the talk. "What a small world, does he know that your sister died due to going to his open concert?"

"Mom, please, I don't want to talk about unnie. And I don't know if he knows. And I don't care if he knows. All I care now is if you would agree to let me go with the person who my sister died for," I said lowly.

"Joo Hyun, dear. You can't blame your sister's death to that person, because basically, he didn't forced her to go, and he barely know you sister," Mom's voice was still delicate and understanding.

"Then if not him, who is its fault?" I spoke edgily.

"Are you arguing with me, young lady? You invited Yong Hwa here to ask our permission, but it is as if you were doubting about something. Are you confused now that I reminded you this situation? I can sense it in your choice of words that you already knew this situation beforehand. What's really your intention?"

How can mom read me just so easily? Maybe because we share the same blood. I literally came out from her. The mother and daughter was still so strong even though I was not closer to her than I was close to my Dad.

A mother's instinct is what they call it.

"I like him, mom," I blurted out of my consciousness.

My mom was surprised by my remark. Me, myself was shocked by my confession.

I started everything for revenge. But I fell on its adversities instead.
I was supposed to be firm in my agenda on breaking Yong Hwa just as how my broke when I lost my sister because of him. But here I am now, confessing to my mother that I like the guy who I blamed of my sister's death.

"Continue what you've started. You never give up on anything, I certainly knew that. But you need to know what really makes you happy. I don't really know what's inside your mind right now, but I know you're confused. Just know your heart, don't always let your mind rule you," Mom said thoroughly with compassion and hugged me.

That night was the start of the war between my heart and mind



It's a filler.

Help Joo Hyun not to be confused.

It's really short, so I promised to update tonight.

And see what happenes at the of attending a party.

See you later guys...

Yongseo Fighting!

Catch me on twitter: @graxhaie23


-xhaie (^__^)v

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Nonik1288 #1
Please update this story again
I miss this story, it'd be very sad if you don't finish it ,
Hope you can update soon
Much love
It's been a while since you update your story. I really like this story and i hope you won't abandon and will update it^^
yonghwacancerboy #4
Chapter 9: Authornim please let yong hwa, seohyun and her parent save. Let the culprit put in jail. I love your story. Thank authornim
tika1111 #5
Chapter 9: I think its my first time read this, i like it authornim but i hope hyun doesnt push yong out of her life bcos its yong job, its not like yong neber do it before for other. Thank you authornim
linapog #6
Chapter 9: Welcome back authornim. There are lots of beautiful but unfinishedstories and thank you coz yours is one of them. Hope u continue updating your stories.
sy5280 #7
Chapter 9: Fantastic! You updated n now the excitement is coming...
Bangers #8
Chapter 9: wow... you're comeback? i was read your story not long ago. and really like it.... so i am happy if you will continue this story...
citra838 #9
Chapter 9: Finally you comeback....thank you for continue this story
specialtha #10
Chapter 8: Hey authornim.. i just read & really like this one. can't u continue this story? please.. hehehe