chapter 2






“Oppa!” I waved my hand at the guy walking towards me. When we came close I reached for him and tiptoed for a hug for he was taller than I am. He’s my bestfriend and an older brother to me though we’re of the same age. I met him when I transferred to another school far from the town I used to live.


“You act as if we hadn’t seen each other for ages . . .” He shook his head amused.


A month after my mother died, an old man who turned out to be my dad’s father came to our dilapidated house back in the province and said that he’d take me with him and his family. With no one else for me, I decided to come along and met my father’s family. It surprised me why they were rich. My mother never talked about them, not even once.


“Are you really sure you wanted to go to the university with me?” Oppa sounded worried and I am thankful that I get to meet him back at high school, not the school in the province but to where my grandpa transferred me to. His family was close to my grandpa’s and so we get to be close as well.


“Seung Hyun-oppa, I can take care of myself . . . I’ve eaten lots of healthy foods ever since and I am strong as a bull!” We both chuckled at my last words.


“If I even catch you again at the infirmary, I will tell your family not to let you out of your room anymore!” He jokingly threatened but his eyes were soft and not prying. I had him and the family worried when I always collapse back in high school. But I would always tell them it’s only because of anemia as what the doctor have said.


“Oppa, we’ll be late, we should hurry!” I grabbed his hand and he willingly let me pull his arm.

Seung Hyun-oppa and I are both taking up business course. I decided to enroll on this not because of Seung Hyun-oppa, but I wanted to understand and help out my grandpa’s business. Seung Hyun-oppa is the heir of the Choi Family Mega Corporation, sooner or later he’ll take charge of his father’s company.


After our first class, oppa went directly to his next class, and I decided to go to the library. We have not so different class schedules but we get to meet every now and then. He’d always make sure I was okay. I hated myself that oppa never get to get himself a girlfriend.


I cheerfully walked along the corridors and hummed a song while on my way to the library.


As I turned to my left where the library is, I failed to notice a group of people and blindingly bumped into one of them. My notes scattered anywhere and I quickly kneeled down to pick them up.


Once I had gathered them in my hands, I hastily grabbed them on my chest and straightened up. I bowed my head without looking at the people in front of me. I slowly raised my head and started to apologize . . .


“I’m sor—“ I swallowed the rest of my words when I get to see them face to face. My heart rapidly made a race when I recognized the one in front of me who was still looking down at his shirt that was stained by the juice he was carrying.


Memories started to come and tears threatened to flood my eyes. No . . .


When the guy raised his face and his eyes fixed on me, his eyes grew thinner. Did he recognize me?


Without any words he left the spot. But before he could pass by me he whispered those hateful words that pierced through my very soul.


“ . . .”


I remained stoned on my feet not wanting to look at the reactions on the faces of the people near me. With all my strength I walked past them and started to run my way to God-knows where.


Memories flooded my brain . . .

“I trusted you!”


“But all you ever wanted was money, huh???”


“How much did you get?? “


“I should have known you were a !”


I couldn’t see his face but I could tell he’s so mad. But I can’t move my lips and open my mouth in retaliation . . . Why do I have to be treated like this?



It hurts so much . . .


I found my way to a park and limply sat myself to a bench. I cried my heart out, covered my face with both hands . . . Why does it has to be like this?


I never notice I was there for a couple of hours. I wake up from my trance as thunder boomed at the now darkened sky. Then I heard my phone ringing.


“Hello . . .?” I controlled my voice not to give away . . .


“Oppa . . .” But hearing his voice only made me lose myself and tears flowed again. I can tell he’s worried: very worried . . .


“I’m at the park . . . I’ll wait . . .”


Just as his call ended, rain started to fall. I couldn’t get myself to stand and find refuge.


Slowly my dress got wet and my body was soaked from the rain, even my notes that was beside me got wet. I reached for them but they slipped from my hands and now they ‘re on the ground all wet and muddy. I reached again but stopped when I heard someone calling my name.

I hastily stood up and my tired eyes searched for the one who was calling me.


I caught sight of Seung Hyun-oppa. He was panting hard with an umbrella in his hands. Without warning he hugged me. I sighed at the warmth of him.


“I saw him oppa. . .  I saw Ji Yong . . . ” My voice gave in and started to crack as I speak while hot tears streamed down on my face . . . I felt oppa’s embrace tightening around me . . .


Slowly my eyes closed. I never noticed how hot I was . . . Did I get another fever again ? ? My strength started to betray me and my senses began to slow down to a halt. Before the darkness came enveloping me, I heard oppa calling my name . . .


Why am I so weak?

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leopardrusty #1
Just found this story! Ahh I like it alot!! I hope that you will continue with it:). Seunghyun !! :(( Its like I want Dara to notice him but at the same time, him just being there always beside her for her, its too precious, I kind of want Jiyong and Dara to talk, for like closure and all, and Seunghyun oh sweet Seunghyun, her grandfather noticed it huh hehe. Seunghyun don't cry
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 6: aww too bad the story left hanging but its good anyways...
cams24 #3
hmmm... i wonder why dara needed the money back then? maybe for her mother? tsk tsk .. why didn't she just tell jiyong her situation so that there won't be complications like this... --but of course, without, these complications, there will be no story, right? kekeke... this is an interesting story! can't wait for your next update--which i'm hoping is very very soon! =)))
Jiyong seems to be shallow-minded here :\.Didn't he even thought about the possible reasons why Dara accepted the money;What if his father threatened her and told her to stay away from Jiyong?,and what fatl-like sickness does dara have.Aigoo,my tabi cries ide.Update more,this is interesting.
thats what really happened, i just hope it will not worsen the situation more since ji is planning something for revenge, dara already gave seunghyun his blessing, time to let now dara ... aigoo this is so heartbreaking already for dara ...
xxAiX009xx #6
I wisH You could update soOner. . L0ve the st0ry. . I woNDer why dara neEdEd mOney? Did thIs alL hapPen beFore her rich grampS showeD Up?
pamby1222 #7
thank you for keeping up with this, and sorry for giving yourself a lot of questions about this fic...hehehe

sorry for making TOP cry...=(

OMG, so many questions running in my mindv... ji's relation to dara is one & does her illness fatal??? aisht thank you so much for the update ... waiting for moree ... dont worry tabi, she'll love you back ...
wahh what did jiyong do to her 7 whats her relationship w/ her??? damn ji you made her cry, can you just love tabi ... you're meant to be together ... heartbreaking ... thanks... will waiting for more ...:-)
xxAiX009xx #10
OMG my T.O.P. is crying!! ImMa subscribe. . CAn't wait for the story to unfold^_^