Shen Long

As You Wish
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"Does a dragon really come out of those balls?"


329 asks in genuine disbelief. 


She has heard from the human multiple times about the tales of an eternal dragon granting wishes. 


The soft glow of the balls gathered together shines bright on 221’s face. 


The android holds her close, her body still sore from the fighting. Broken bones forgotten to give way to their wishes.


221 leans closer to her support. The unmistakable glitter in her eyes reflected on 329’s own. These are stars on different orbs. 


"Yes. You just have to call him right." 221 grins despite the bruises. And probably internal bleeding.


This was also her first time wishing upon the dragon. She has only heard stories from the turtle hermit. 


"Fire away then, handsome."


Alone together on the island of Red Ribbon Army’s base, the strongest human on earth calls forth.


"Come forth, Shen Long! Grant me my wishes."


Nothing remarkable happened for a good five seconds until the skies turned dark.


Strong winds formed around the area, akin to that of a tornado about to form.


Not long after, a giant creature emerged from the glowing orbs.


Both 221 and 329 were starstruck, mouths parted in awe.


Her master has always said that he had seen it multiple times but it never fails to amaze him.


He was ginormous. Many times larger than they were expecting. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time. 


The two forgot to speak and the dragon broke the silence for them.


"I will grant you three wishes. So come, and tell me your first wish."


221 clears .


"Can you revive everyone killed by the Red Ribbon Army for the past year?"


The human was hopeful. She heard the rules from Muten Roshi before and sometimes the dragon could not grant their initial wishes. 


There was a beat and then the dragon’s eyes glowed a stronger red for a moment.


"Your first wish has been granted."


329 cheers and 221 holds the android closer to her with the news. The desire to connect was greater than her painful injuries. 


"Well then, tell me your second wish."


221 pauses for a bit, clearly in thought. Before she continues, she looks at the android beside her. 329 was rather curious about what her next wish could be.


Her pure-hearted android who once never thought of asking her to give her a wish when she was told there were three. Even when 221 offered, the android politely declined.


She isn't sure if it is possible, but she has to try. 


"Can you turn 329 back into a human?"


The android gasps at what the human said. 




The human returns the gaze from the touched android. 


They were expectant of the dragon’s reply who had been quiet since. 


"I cannot do that…"


The android saw the heartbroken look on the human’s face. She was quick to reassure 221 that it was okay and it didn't matter. 


221 has already given back the android her humanity. 


That was more than she could have hoped for. 


The human was about to speak but the dragon continued.


"Changing her

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yannahays #1
1694 streak #2
Chapter 5: This remind me of Android 18, my first crush. And omg, the fact she use wishes to revive everyone and turn Joohyun back... Ah my hearteu 🩷🩵
Chapter 5: 👏👏👏😍😍😍💗💙
Chapter 5: Oh man, this is just so 😭😭😭 I love being able to imagine every scenario of this AU, thank you for writing this 🥺💙💗
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg my 329 and 221 babies 😭

Also the Son there, yes my little Son Wan(Go)Ku 😭
Nat25nat #6
Well written
Chapter 5: i only have a few knowledge about dragon ball universe but i love how i can still understand some references because of how well you tell it in context. this was so cute to read! i love it very much 🤩 thank you for sharing this 💙💖