It's W.A.R




You've never seen them.. They are the KINGKAS fron S.E.O.U.L University

Why? Because they are MBLAQ. They hold blood of lust,

violence, and pain. They keep their image. 

The most cold-hearted gang in KOREA

But they are just like BROTHERS... They never betray each and other


and these two were always the best ..

But what happens when they become victims of love? 


Because once you fall into love, you can't get out.


What happens when they meet two girls who they have never met before?


Two girls who seek independence.

Two girls who are almost inseperable.

Two girls against two boys...


 How will it end up as? 




Kim Mii:

She is the cute one, always doing aegyo and is adorable.

Who wouldn't love her? She might be the oldest of the two, but she has an sparkly attitude.

She is understanding, and sporty. Always nice to people, and does 

crazy things Thora doesn't understand. 

She's playful and can be sometimes childish, but knows her limits.

She is cheerful and makes everyone smile, most of the time. 

She is innocent.



Kim Thora:

Thora is opposite of hr sister. She is blunt, and straightforward. 

While Mii is the Sun, Thora is the Moon. Thora sides with reason and tries to understand people

as much as she can. She is often calm and doesn't usually react much to 

what people does... That is unless she is angered.

She cares for her older sister alot, and she seems mature for her age.

Thora usually holds the poker face, though she swears- she has feeling too. 

She likes getting to the point and holds her pride up high.

She is said to be witty. 


This FIC is 100%  written by  and   Thoralee & Mii

Please enjoy this fic!!


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iholdtheskies #1
I remember this fic hahah
wow Thora was having more supporter than me =( hahaha
Your character is just like u in rl LOL. Looking forward for this, saranghae, dongsenggg :PPPP!!!! You are the best!
iholdtheskies #4
I always know what you write, Thora, dear. -snickers- Your style and language never ceaze to amaze me. I' have high expectations for this fanfic, sweetheart.. Fighting and I hope you do good. :P Love uou.
hello, i'm co-author, MII please continue reading =)
taeyeonkin #6
I cannot stop laughing with Mblaq's dorkiness!!! UWAHHHHHHHHH~~~~ Mir.. I cant bite you if you want, okay? ^^ HAHHAHAHAHAHAH Lee Joon and G.O is so hot here.. oh lord... Thora Unnie, can you update your jaejoong ff? I cant wait anymore! The way you write is so uhtenjfkmhbu4h2!
Mblaq is soooo funny! ^___^
Mir is priceless, umma ah..
I like the way you write, what will happen to MBLAQ later on? The way Lee Joon bit mir is hhahahahha XDDDDDDDDD!!!
thoralee #8
Let's welcome the co-author as well, shall we? ^^
sweetcupcakesify #9
Wah, this has a co-author. ANNYEOUNGHASYEO!!!!
I'll be waiting for the new chapter!
taeyeonkin #10
Thora Unnnie, you better update your other fics!!!! Tae will be waiting. I'm going to look forward to this fic too.. your fics are usually HILARIOUS! Thora unnie hwaitinggg! saranghae~~