I'll Sweep You Off Your Feet

"This Is Neverland"

A/N : Mmm.. kay. Finally I'll be putting the girl a name now. XD



Krystal yawned. The homework that laid infront of her doesnt seem to interest her. She twirled her pencil. Then, a knock was heard at her door. A little boy who is holding a teddy bear ran to her.

"Noona... I had a nightmare!" The boy cried as he hugged her legs. Krystal stared lovingly at her little brother. She gently picked him up and rocked him in her arms. 

"What was it?" She gently asked. The little child sniffed.

"Captain Hook catched Peter Pan and then fed him to the weird octapus." he said. She smiled. Her little brother was always immagining things that no one else could. Maybe he was bringing it to his dreams. She looked into her brother's eyes. 

"That was terrible of Captain Hook!" she exclaimed, making her voice sound shocked. "But you know what? That was not true. The princes of Neverland saved Peter Pan before he got eaten. Didnt you see them flying over the octopus and save Peter Pan?" She said, hoping her little brother believed her ridiculous tale. His eyes widened.

"Who are the princess of Neverland? How many are them? Are they good?" He asked, interested. Krystal tried to make up random things.

"Um, the princes are Tinkerbell's.. er.. cousins. There are 7 of them." She said as she thought of the random number. "Oh, they are really nice. They are really good looking. And the leader is very.. uh... kind." She made it up again, hoping it will make her little brother believe the ridiculous story. Her brother leaped out of her arms in joy. 

"Whats the name of the leader?" He asked while hopping. 'Omg..' she thought.

"Uh.. his name  is.. uh... Soohyun..?" She tried a name she saw on an add last evening. Her little brother laughed happily and skipped out of her room. Krystal slumped on her chair. "God, forgive me because I lied to my beloved brother." She prayed. Then she gazed back on her never ending homework. "Oh man, this is just so booooring." She sighed. 

She looked at the balcony. Without realizing, she slid open the sliding door. The cold breeze swifted past her. She inhaled. She never felt so relaxed before. She stepped out, her feet toucing the cold marble floor. She touched the railings. Then, a fog slowly filled around her. She looked around. She tugged on the sliding door. 

"Omg, why wont it budge??" She asked panickly.  The fog became thicker, as Krystal grew more scared. Then, a large beam of light hit her eyes. She shield it with her eyes. Then, a shadow appeared. 'What the..." 

"Hi there." The boy said. He extended his hand. "Come with me." He smiled. Krystal noticed that he was hovering above the floor. "Dont be scared." Krsytal gulped as she grabbed the boy's hand. In an instant, the bright light became brighter.


Krystal opened her eyes. The buy was still there, still holding her hand. She looked around. The land was covered with pure white snow. There were no mountains, no grass no nothing. It was clear. 

"Welcome to Neverland." The boy smiled. Krystal's eyes widened.

"Neverland? You mean like.. the Peter Pan Neverland??" She asked in shock.

"Peter Pan? Oh, he lives in Nowhere Forest. I could take you there." He said. 

"O-oh? But who are you?" The boy smiled.

"You already know my name." He said. Krystal looked confused. "Dont you remember this? 'The 7 princes of Neverland saved Peter Pan from the octopus'. Does that refreshen your memory?" Krystal stared at him, her eyes looked as if it will roll off their sockets. 

"S-Soohyun??" The boy smiled. 

"Hi Krystal. The other 6 princes would be honoured to meet you." He said and bowed. Krystal looked around.

"But, where are they?? I cant see anything." She said. Soohyun chuckled as he snapped his fingers. 

"Look now." he said. Krystal looked around, and was shocked to be inside an ice palace. Soohyun held her hand and led her in front of 7 different door. He pointed to a door with a symbol of fire. "Thats my room." Then he pointed to a door with a water symbol. "That's Kiseop's room. I could make him come out. But what do you think he will look like?" Krystal looked up. 

"Hmm.. a boy about your height, straight brown hair... brown mousse eyes, and his hair is a bit long." She said. Soohyun chuckled.

"Okay. Kiseop, come out." A boy came out. Krystal gasped. He looked exactly like what she imagined.

"How come you could describe me perfectly?" The boy smirked. Krystal's cheeks blushed. Kiseop gently patted her head. Then, he pointed to a door without a symbol. "That's Eli's room. Soohyun hyung has the power of fire, I got water, and he has ice." Kiseop explained. "Try guessing his looks, and then he'll come out." Krystal thought hard. 

"He has short brown hair.. um... chocolate eyes.. and has a cold stare?" She thought out loud. Kiseop chuckled. 

"Cold stare?" He raised an eyebrow. Krystal shrugged.

"He has ice, doesnt he?" Kiseop nodded and called Eli to come out. When he stepped out, Krystal gasped again. He looked exactly what she imagined. Eli looked at her. She felt a cold sensation go through her body. Soohyun snapped his fingers, and Krystal felt warm again. Eli looked at Soohyun.

"Stop giving me 'The Stare' Eli. Its creeping me and the girl out." Soohyun said and shivered. Eli smiled, in a charming smile, almost melting Krystal's heart. He has a cold stare, but when he smiles. it melts everyone's hearts.

Eli ushered Kiseop with his fingers. Kiseop rolled his eyes as he twirled his fingers, causing a little stream of water appeared and it circled around his fingers. Krystal watched in awe as Eli took the water into his hands and shaped it into a rose. An ice rose. Eli held it out to Krystal as he bowed lightly. 

"For the beautiful girl who managed to imagine my looks perfectly," He said. Krystal accepted it with shaking hands as she blushed. Eli then stood beside Kiseop. He pointed to a door with a snowflake. "That's AJ's room. Try imagining him to call him out."

"He is about my height, brownish hair and black eyes." Krystal said, excited now. Eli extended his hands and curled his fingers. At that same moment, the door creaked open. The dark snowy weather suddenly changed into a sunny one. A boy, exactly to Krystal's imagination stepped out. 

"Hi! I'm AJ. I have weather powers!" He said. He waved friendly at Krystal. Krystal smiled, feeling more comfertable with the weird land. Then AJ pointed at a door with a music note carved on it. "That's Hoon's room. He has music powers. Try imagning his looks."

"A strong guy with brown hair and dark brown highlights." She said truthfully. 

"Hoonie!!" AJ shrieked. Then, the door opened, and at that moment, Krystal heard a sweet soft sound of music. She looked at Hoon's kind eyes. He smiled at her. 

"Hi. I'm Hoon." Then he looked at AJ and frowned. "I told you not to call me that when we have guests. Its embarassing." He said. AJ laughed. Hoon tugged on Krystal's cardigan.

"Try guessing Kevin's looks. I think you'll find him over there, on that leaf door." Hoon said and pointed to a door carved in a shape of a leaf. Krystal scrunched her nose.

"Um, a cute boy, blonde hair with brown highlights and chocolate mousse eyes." She said. Then, the door opened and a white rabbit ran out.

"NOOOO!! Mr. Bun dont run!!!! You still havent taken your waistcoat and watch! ITS STILL 3:00 PM YOU FUSSY RABBIT!!!" A cute boy screamed at the bunny. His body is covered with black patches, but you could still see the cute worried face he potrayed. The other laughed. Kevin, realizing theres someone, coughed. "Oh hi there! I'm Kevin!" He said cheerfully. Then he looked at Kiseop. "Hyung.. a bit help?" He said. Kiseop snapped his fingers and Kevin was drenched with water. He sulked. "I mean GENTLY.." He forwned. Then he looked at Krystal. "Go on and imagine Dongho so I could get dry." He said as he made his way next to Eli, leaving trails of water on the floor. 

"Umm... a smart cute boy with short black-brownish hair." Krystal said. Then, a gush of wind blew around them. A boy appeared on the doorway.

"HYUNG!!!!!" he said cutely. Kevin ran to him. Dongho waved his arms and Kevin was dry. They ran back to Krystal. "Hi! I'm Dongho!" Then Soohyun grabbed Krystal by the hand. 

"Come on. You said you wanted to meet Peter Pan." he said. He ran to the window, dragging poor Krystal behind him. He jumped out the window, pulling Krystal with him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOOOINGGG??" She shrieked. Soohyun smiled at her as the wind gushed by.

"Trust me!!!!" He hollered. Then, they stopped falling. Krystal looked in amazement. 

"Are we floating??" She said in awe. Soohun nodded. He then grabbed Krystal's hands as they soared through the sky. 

"HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dongho called from behind. Krystal looked back, seeing Kiseop ran on the water below, Eli riding an icy blue dragon, AJ waving at them on a cloud, Hoon riding a black dragon, Kevin riding a giant eagle and Dongho just flying like herself. 

"Your not seeing Peter without us." Eli said as he held the dragon on its neck. Krystal stared in amazement at the icy blue dragon. Then, Hoon caught up with his black dragon. 

"W-Whoah! Stop it! Your making me feel giddy!" Hoon cried as the dragon slithered in the air. Krystal laughed. Kevin also managed to catch up with them on his eagle. Dongho also managed to catch up.. by hitching a ride on AJ's cloud. 

"I'm gonna take Kiseop. Excuuuuuuuuuuuseee meeeeee" Eli said as he dove down to take the exhausted runner below. Then. they continued flying until they reached a lushed and rich forest.. They landed on the ground. When Krystal glanced back, Eli and Hoon's dragon transformed into diamond necklaces that they hung around their neck, Kevin's eagle flew away and AJ's could evaporated. 

"Peter!" Soohyun hollered. Then, a boy, exactly the same looks ats Peter Pan, hung down from a tree.

"Allo there, Soohyun! Ello there U-Kiss! Oh and.. new girl?" He said. Krystal smiled shyly. Dongho stepped out. 

"This is Krystal. Soohyun hyung brought her here." He said. Peter nodded. 

"Hi, Krystal. I'm Peter. Peter Pan. Boy who would never grow up and will stay forver young." He said while still swinging upside down from the tree. After a good chit chat with the famous Peter Pan, Soohyun flew again, bringing Krystal with him. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Your Home. Your visit here is over."

"Why? I want to stay here!" By the time she said that, she already fainted.


Krystal blinked opened her eyes. She was on her balcony, at her house. She looked around.. and saw Eli's ice rose and a pretty diamond tiara. Also theres a note there. 

You will never be alone no more.


Krystal picked up the rose and tiara. She smiled as she crawled back on her bed. She yawned. When she almost drifted off to sleep, she could have heard seven voices sang the same kind of sentence together.

"Goodnight, Krystal!"


Pretty boring fic. FORGIVE ME!!! T_T

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ilabya36 #1
I sooo want a sequel for this!!! :D
ChocoLover95 #3
I read it then I can't stop smiling!!! Cute~!
Please keep writing~!
Your idea is so unique~! Don't stop imagining things~!
C-O-O-L, C-U-T-E Thank you so much~!! ^^
kpop_fanfics #4
nice idea... is it krystal from f(x)? she's so beautiful..