Our Story

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Karina and Winter's love story unfolded like the pages of a beautifully crafted novel, where the tenderness of Karina's warmth met the introspective depth of Winter's words.


Kindly note that: 

  • the story is purely fictional 
  • it will be a light angst... I guess? 
  • written in English, and since English is not my first language expect grammatical errors (many errors ahead) 
  • similarities with other works might be a coincidence or I've got some inspiration from it ....nevertheless, I'll always credit the other author 
  • comments and feedback are highly appreciated!
  • I am open to any corrections (please educate me)


Enjoy reading!! 



- Hest


i'll continue tom (hope so)


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618 streak #1
Uyy bago, kaso nawala yung mag-gbf 😔