Mi Rae

Dance With Me [HIATUS]



“Seo Yeon! Get your lazy out of that bed this instant!!!” I heard someone yell into my ear disrupting my sweet dreams. I felt a weight on my stomach and knew my cousin was sitting on me. I opened my eye's to see her face inches from mine. I sighed and rolled over causing her to fall off of me and land on the floor. I smiled wickedly into my pillow satisfied with the the thump she made when she landed on the ground as well as her angry shout at me. Served her right for waking me up and disrupting my dreams.


The thing about my cousin is that she never gives up no matter what it is. She is determined to win and this wasn't an exception, but this was the same battle we had every morning so I was prepared when she angrily jumped up and tried to pull my warm blankets off me. I held onto them tightly. Refusing to let go. She may be my older cousin but I was bigger and stronger then her and for once I was happy about it. She tugged angrily on my blankets and that's when the little light bulb went off inside my head. I suddenly let go of the blankets and since Mi Rae had been pulling with all her strength she fell backwards as soon as I let go. She let out a startled shriek and I sat up in the bed to get a better look at her face. She sat on the ground glaring up at me angrily and I just smiled sweetly at her. I stretched like nothing had happened. And smiled at her sweetly.


“Mi Rae darling what are you doing on the floor?” I asked faking innocence.


“Your a real female dog! You know that Seo Yeon?” she said as she picked herself up off the floor. I rolled my eye's. My cousin has this inability to swear. My whole life I have never heard Mi Rae swear. No matter how much I have pissed her off over the years I still have never made her angry enough to curse, and I feel real sorry for the person who is the one that make's her angry enough to swear. Sure hope it's not me.


I just shrugged at her. “It's what you get for waking me up.” I said reaching over to check the alarm clock. It was 11:30 am already. I gasped we where so late. I jumped out of bed and ran to my dresser trying to find something to throw on quickly. “Damn it Mi Rae why didn't you get me up sooner? We are going to be so late!”


“That's what I was trying to get you up to tell you!” she exclaimed exasperated. I stopped and gave her a funny look and that's when I noticed what she was wearing. She wasn't dressed for dance class at all. She was wearing short shorts, leggings high heels and a pink tube top. She looked more like she was headed on on a date.


“What are you wearing? Your a little dressed up for training.”


Mi Rae rolled her eye's at me. “That's because I'm not going training, That's why I was waking you up stupid! Training is cancelled for this week.”


my eye's widened. “What why did they cancel it?!” After what I overheard yesterday it was important I got as much training as possible! But now they where cancelling in for the week? What the hell!


“One of the big groups is preparing for a comeback.” Mi Rae explained as she walked over to my mirror and began to fix her hair. “They want to focus on them. All our instructors will be busy with them.” she turned away from the mirror and gave me a sad little smile. “In the end we don't really matter at all.”


Mi Rae was sensitive about things like that. She felt that she had to prove herself to everyone by becoming a star and she felt like she wouldn't really matter to the company until she debuted. I guess it was pretty much true I mean as trainee's we where always compared to the top groups it's a lot of pressure trying to live up to the companies expectations.


“So then where are you going?” I asked pushing her away from my mirror so I could do my own hair.


She giggled and turned completely red. “I have a date.” I gaped at her how was that possible! I didn't know she liked anyone!


“Is it someone from the company?” She smiled widely at me and I took that as a yes. “who is it? Someone I know?”


Mi Rae shook her head. “He trains with a different class.” she winked at me and made her way towards the door. 'Bye bye Seo Yeon! I'll tell you all about it later.” she called as she made her way out the door.


I watched her go. It felt weird being at home with nothing to do. I hadn't had a day off since I first joined there was always at least one lesson a day I had to get ready for. I thought about crawling back into bed and going back to sleep but then the little light bulb in my head went off again! 2 times in one morning! I swear it was a sign I was becoming a genius!


Instead of sitting around at home with nothing to do. Since there was no classes today that probably meant our dance studio would be empty perfect opportunity to go practice with my y instructor glaring and yelling at me every 5 seconds! I quickly got changed and flagged down a cab to take me to the company building.





When I got into the company building I noticed the difference right away. Everyone who walked by me seemed to be extremely busy. No one stopped to say hi to me or even acknowledged my existence. I was extremely curious about who was having their comeback. It had to be someone pretty huge to have the company in a uproar like this I was tempted to stop and ask who it was but today I was on a mission. I grinned to myself as I stealthily ducked into one of the dance studio's I felt pretty proud of myself. Even though everyone was to busy to pay any attention to me I still wanted to pretend that I had accomplished something amazing.


I the lights in the studio and stood facing my reflection. I began with some basic stretches. I made sure to stretch before attempting to do any type of dancing because the one day I forgot did not end well let me tell you!


Once I finished my stretches I looked around for some music there was a CD in the music player so curious, I turned it on to see what it was was. SHINee's Lucifer instantly filled my ears and I smiled. As a SHINee fangirl I had watched them perform Lucifer a lot. So i was pretty positive I could manage the dance.

I was only about a minute into the song, When I made my first major mistake. I frowned at my reflection and went and started the song over and once again I screwed up at the same part! Now it was personal! I was determined to make it past this damn part! I could do the handcuff dance but it was the foot work that was hard for me. The dance was fast paced. You have to be able to move quickly and no matter how many time's I went over it I was messing up at the exact same spot. I practiced the same part for over a hour. I was getting sweaty and gross not to mention tired! My legs felt like jelly but still I kept pushing myself.


Finally after about the 30th time of restarting the song I finally managed to almost get past the part I was stuck at but then just as I thought I had finally got it my ankle twisted at a weird angle I felt it twist then suddenly it could no longer support my weight and I fell to the ground with a thud.


“! Damn it!” I shouted and hit my fist onto the ground. I felt wetness on my cheeks and when I looked into the mirror I could see the tears on my cheeks the worst part was I didn't even know if they tears of frustration or pain. It was probably both, my ankle hurt like hell but worst of all was the sense of helplessness I felt! I was really scared if I can't learn to dance then I am useless to the company and they will get rid of me.


I was sitting on the ground like a fool rubbing my ankle and crying when i heard a voice behind me.


“Why is it whenever I meet you, Your always crying?”


The voice was very familiar to me I froze completely forgetting about my ankle. I felt my cheeks reddened as I stared at the person who had been spying on me. I was so shocked i could barely manage to stutter out his name.




hahaha Seo Yeon is a bit of a cry baby hey? ive never come up with a character like her before i really like her :D but Sorry for the super late update and boring chapter does it seem rushed? I think its extremely rushed -_- specially the end!! im sorry!!! The main purpose of this chapter was actually to introduce Mi Rae lol i think she is going to have a MAJOR part in the story later... anyways SHINee will be in the next chapter for sure lol


special thanks to everyone that commented again like i asked LOVE YOU!!! lol now do it again XDD

and special thanks to those who commented for the first time ^^ comment again as well

and thanks to my future commenters :P who should be everyone that reads this LOL!!!

also thanKs to everyone who wished me luck on my exams!

im sure you have all see these before but they are just so great i love sharing them <3 jongkey heheheheheh!!!!! should i post a macro with every chapter?

Comment and subscribe and ill be motivated to try update more ^^!!!


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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
KYAH! Please update soon! I love this fanfic! <3
SweetKpop #3
Getting interesting! ;) I love the macros xD Sooo funny. Please update soon!
TaemShawol #5
aw, love ur story<br />
pls update soon =)
vampiredoll88 #6
hope you do good on your finals :)
RenaSyuuki #7
Awh... Good Luck with Finals!<br />
Haha, Can't Wait~ >.<
you've gotta update soon!! I really love your fic!! I'm soo excited toi know what's next!! keep it up!!
..yey! just finished reading chap 1..<br />
..liked it very much!! :D