Merry Love (KiYoung Xmas One Shot)

K-Pop Xmas One Shots

From Seungyeon's POV

Hello again, it's me, Han Seungyeon. You remember that one Thanksgiving that....may have scarred me for life. Well here I am again. It's Christmas! Usually Hara and Gyuri go celebrete Christmas with their families, and this year they did just that. It's always me, Nicole, and Jiyoung when it comes to Christmas. I celebrate with Nicole mostly, because since Nicole and I are only children we consider each other to be a way. Usually Jiyoung would be spending Christmas with her family, but not this time she wanted to spend Christmas with me and Nicole. How nice of her. But then....O.O what has gotten into her now?! I'll start with a week ago, after Gyuri and Hara left to visit their families. Nicole, Jiyoung, and I just finished putting the decorations up.Since it was just Jiyoung, Nicole and I dressed up as Santa and an elf, Nicole being the elf and I being Santa (>.> Nicole said I should be Santa because of  my cute boy looks).

"Ho Ho Ho!" I said, walking into the dorm with my Santa suit on. Nicole, being the cheery elf she is, started throwing fake snow in the air like confetti. Jiyoung came out of her room and saw "Santa Claus".

"SANTA!!!!!" Jiyoung said, running over and hugging Santa.

"Ahhh Jiyoung! Just the girl I needed to see! Come and sit on Santa's lap," I said, sitting on the couch. Jiyoung sat on Santa's lap and Nicole just stood next to me like most elves usually do.

"You've been a good girl this year, right?" I asked.

"Mhm~!" Jiyoung said, nodding.

"So tell me, what would you like this Christmas?" I asked. Jiyoung thought for a moment about what she wanted this year, then a smile appeared on her face. She knew what she wanted this year.

"I want....Lee Kikwang for Christmas!" Jiyoung said. O.O WHAT!? SHE DID NOT JUST SAY SHE WANTS LEE KIKWANG FOR CHRISTMAS!

"She did not just say that," Nicole whispered to me.

"She did," I whispered back. I then turned my attention back to Jiyoung, who was smiling sweetly.

"Is that all you want this year?" I asked.

"No, I have a list of things that I want but I really REALLY want Lee Kikwang," she said.

"Oh, ummmm, ok I'll get you Kikwang," I said Then Jiyoung started to jump up and down on my lap and I wondered to myself how the am I gonna fit Kikwang under the freaking Christmas tree?

"OH wait, lemme go get Nicole unni and Seungyeon unni!" Jiyoung said, getting off Santa's lap to look for me and Nicole. Nicole and I then quickly ran to Nicole's room where I was able to remove the fake beard and Santa hat. Nicole removed her fake elf ears and nose and then KNOCK KNOCK.

"Nicole unni?! Seungyeon unni?! Are you in there?!" Jiyoung yelled. Nicole opened the door to only reveal our faces, only because we still had our Santa and Elf costumes on.

"Yeah, right here, hehehehe," I said, faking a laugh.

"You gotta meet Santa!" Jiyoung said.

"Santa's here?" Nicole asked.

"Mhm, I'll go get him!" Jiyoung said, quickly going to the living room. Nicole and I quickly changed out of our costumes, stuffing them in Nicole's closet and going to the living room where Jiyoung stood.

"Santa's not here," Jiyoung said in disappointment.

"Awwww we missed him," I said.

"But we were just-ow...," Nicole said, but before she could finish I hit her in the stomach.

"You two were just what?" Jiyoung asked, looking at us.

"We were just.......writing our Christmas lists!" I said.

"Ohhhhhh," Jiyoung said.

"Jiyoung, don't you have to get to the studio to record that song?" Nicole asked. I know you're gonna ask, what song is Nicole talking about? Well, it is the Christmas song Jiyoung was chosen to sing with Supernova's Sungje. Yeah I know, usually Nicole or I get chosen to do something like be in a song or guests on a show but this time they've decided to switch things up. Hara's got Invincible Youth, Nicole has Heroes (No NOT the superhero show, something TOTALLY different), Gyuri has a radio show, and Jiyoung.....well she can't do much since she has school. As for me, I just sit back and relax at home, watching my animes or reading my mangas or sometimes surf the internet and go on Twitter or play video games blah blah blah until someone tells me I got a solo song for a drama's soundtrack and such. And this Christmas song you ask? It's called Merry Love. A Christmas love song, go figure. It suits Jiyoung's voice. 

"Oh yeah, I do! See you later!" Jiyoung said, quickly leaving and going to the studio.

" the do we fit Kikwang under the Christmas tree?!" I asked, being hysterical. As if Thanksgiving was enough for me, why Christmas?! I mean seriously?! What's gonna happen this Christmas, Jiyoung ing Kikwang under the mistletoe?! O.O damn it that just left a bad image in my head >.< stop having bad thoughts Seungyeon! Then a few days later the song was released  along with a music video.

"What a way to start Christmas this year," I said watching the music video. And I still wondered how the am I gonna fit Kikwang under the Christmas tree.

"Is that all you're gonna do until Christmas, figure out how the you're gonna fit Kikwang under the Christmas tree?" Nicole asked.

"Well yeah, I mean it's a human being! How do you fit a human being under a Christmas tree?" I asked. I mean you can fit a person under a mistletoe but a Christmas tree? >.< Let's not think too hard, Seungyeon.

"I got an idea, why don't we have a Christmas party with close friends and invite Kikwang?" Nicole suggested. O.O oh no, please not a party! All I know is Kikwang + Jiyoung = bedroom, sounds, and more! Gahhh Jiyoung why did you ask for Kikwang this Christmas?!

"Fine, let's have a party, I don't mind at all," I said. But there's one thing I do mind........NO IN THE DORM! Then over the next few days Nicole and I (well....mostly Nicole) were planning the party and who to invite, making sure we also invite Kikwang.Then in between Jiyoung helped and then we started to cook and bake for the party and then before you know was December 24th! Christmas Eve! Everyone we invited was at the party...including Kikwang. I hung out with Sunny, Hyomin, Yuri, Dara, HyunA, Gahee, and YoonA in the kitchen. Nicole and her friends (she has so many I can't name them all) were taking over the living room. Then there was a knock at the door.

"I got it!" Jiyoung said, abandoning her friends to answer the door. When she opened the door.....

"OH MY GOD!!!!" she screamed. I looked and saw right before Jiyoung's dazzling eyes were Kikwang.

"Hey," Kikwang said, walking in with Yoseob and Dongwoon. Jiyoung kept his eyes on him then Kikwang turned to her.

"Merry Christmas," Kikwang said with a smile, handing her a present. She let out a small thank you then blushed. Then I looked at him then at the tree....again, hot the am I gonna fit a human under a FREAKING CHRISTMAS TREE?! Calm down Seungyeon, calm down, breathe in breathe out......*starts dancing to Soom*

"Yah, Seungyeon, are you all right?" Yuri asked.

"You know what Jiyoung wants this Christmas?" I asked.

"A PONY!" Sunny said. -.-........

"No Sunny, Jiyoung wants a.....?" YoonA said. Yes apparently they found out about the Thanksgiving incident.

"No! Jiyoung wants Kikwang!" I said not too loud. All their eyes went like this O.O.

" do you fit a person under the Christmas tree?" Dara asked. -.- What do you think I've been wondering about?

"I dunno," I said, sipping on my eggnog. Then Nicole came over to me and dragged me to my bedroom to talk.

"Ok Kikwang's here now what?" I asked.

"I dunno, he kidnap him?" Nicole suggested. I slapped her on the head, what kind of suggestion is that?!

"No Nicole, I am not, repeating NOT, kidnapping him!" I said.

"Ow~, ok, you got a better plan?" Nicole asked, rubbing the side of her head that I just slapped. Then an idea came to me. Wow Seungyeon you must be brilliant.

"You'll see...tomorrow she will be so surprised," I said.

"'re not gonna stick him under the Christmas tree, are you?" Nicole asked.

"No, even better," I said. Later on during the present exchange, I talked to Kikwang out in the hallway. At first he was surprised that Jiyoung wanted him for Christmas, but then he understood. We both planned how we were gonna surprise her Christmas morning then after all that planning we went back inside. Jeez the things I do for people....-.- when will it be my turn? One of these days I'll ask for something I wanna see you fit it under a damn Christmas tree! Ok...I'm done ranting.


Jiyoung woke up really early to open presents. I had finished wrapping them all and I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to her with a sad face.

"Jiyoung, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I got everything I wanted but one thing," Jiyoung said in disappointment.

"Maybe, just maybe the one thing you wanted the most is....," I said, playing the music. Merry Love. Jiyoung went wide-eyed like this O.O and then I opened the door and standing there was Kikwang.

"Oh my....," Jiyoung said, standing up and going over. Kikwang walked over and they both stood under the mistletoe.

"This has to be the best Christmas ever," Jiyoung said. And I sat there with a camera. Wow. *sheds a tear* this is so going in the memory book!

Oh 오늘은 내 맘 보여 줄거야 Oh 너에게 줄거야
따뜻한 니 손을 잡고서 밤새워 거리를 걸어 볼거야
Oh 오늘밤 네게 말을 할거야 내 숨겨둔 마음 모두 줄거야
Merry love Merry love It love
너만을 사랑해~

And they kissed under the mistletoe (yes I took a picture, hush) and that was pretty much the best Christmas ever....and I didn't have to stuff anyone under the Christmas tree! and and and....THANK GOD THERE WAS NO ! Thank you lord for saving my poor eyes! Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year~!

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If only it was rated in the KiYoung oneshot! I wold be listening to Like a to it! YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *DIES*