A Horrible Day

Vy Jjong Story

  "What a beautiful day today at the park" Yoo Mi said to Chun Sa.

"it sure is" Chun sa replied back.

There was a man playing with his kid. He looked like a 5 year old but don't really know how to talk.

As Yoo Mi and Chun Sa walking around the park.

The little kid running around then slid and splashed mud all over

Yoo Mi. Yoo Mi got VERY pissed.

"Yah,can you watch what you doing ?"

"Yoo Mi,calm down."

"I can't calm down unnie,the little boy gotten mud all over me !"

"I'm sorry noona" the boy said.

"Sorry ? will sorry help get the mud off of me ?"

"No." *sad face* the little boy was almost about to cry.

Then the boy father came rushing.

"Yoogeun,are you alright, my son ?"

"I am very sorry for my son to do this to you. How can I repay you ?"

This is the kid father ? psh, he look so young and how he treat his kid like that .

He need to teach the boy some manners.

"Aish,forget it."

"Oh ok,suit yourself."

"But are you sure ?"

"Yes ! and stop asking, before I punch you in the face, I did have a lovely day and now it is ruined !"

Yoo Mi walked off.

"I'm sorry for my dongsaeng,please forgiver her." Chun Sa apologized.

"It's fine."

Chun Sa walked off,catching up to Yoo Mi.

"Jonghyun appa,that lady is very mean and rude."

"Yes I know,but dont worry about it."

But that little girl is cute.

Wonder what is her name ?

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wonderkris #1
lol!! we really had fun reading
Whoa~!!<br />
Teacher and student keke :)<br />
update soon
haha yoo mi :)
JungYooMi #4
awwwwwww, yeahh he is copy my style...>.< yeahhh he does look adorable in those glasses
ahaha Yoo Mi yes you are lol
JungYooMi #6
awwwww HYeSun unnie, i'm so mean ^^
Awe thanks :)
haha i know this is gonna be good :P