Could Have Been Us

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He'll destroy his future, make sure that he can't get a job in the town. He already has no family, so seeing everything he's worked for taken from him isn't something i can endure.


This story from novel out there written by someone you can searching on your own. I'm not the owner this novel. I hope this story stay for good in here untul i finish retouch every chapter. Enjoy everyone, love ya! 

U guys can read this chapter and listening everytime by Britney Spears.


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1210 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hyori and Sang On might be there for Irene but still she needs to know the truth.... I'm I think Tae also like or even love Fany but he might have a bigger reason as to why he just left and acted as he didn't love her or maybe he didn't at first but come to love her but to afraid to approach Fany
Lonelyylily #2
Chapter 2: The notification of this remind me the pain, i hope you'll continue often
12 streak #3
Chapter 2: My heart breaks for baby irene 😭😭😭
Skye1234 #4
Chapter 2: Can’t wait for the next update.
Chapter 1: nooooooooo baby irene
soshigee_09 #6
Chapter 1: This is too painful 😭. Waiting for your update author 😇
1210 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh that must have been heartbreaking for Taeyeon especially Tiffany, and Fany pretending not loving Tae and not having baby Irene doubled it... I just hope it wl have a happy ending not just for taeny but for Irene as well
multistory #8
Chapter 1: This one already feels like its gonna be a bumpy emotional ride for us readers.. can't wait
wanderluzt05 #9
Chapter 1: oh wow. this is a not an everyday plot in aff. keep going!
peachbear #10
Chapter 1: damn why im hurting 😭