The Number


You continue to stare down at the paper with your bias signature and phone number. *this isn't really...his phone number is it?* you ask yourself. *he wouldn't really give me it...* you are hopeful but a little doubtful.

Ukiss had just left 10 minutes ago. *ahh what should I do??* you think to yourself.* maybe you should put the number in your phone and text the number to see if its him. But maybe you should call it and make sure. should you call now? or later?

you decide to call the number right now to make sure that its really his number. you put it into your phone and then dial the number. You hear it ringing...

ring...ring.....ring.. Your hearbeat thumps with every ring as if its your hearbeat and the ringing are in sync with eachother. you hear the other end of the line pick up

"hello?" you hear the voice of your bias.

"ah-ah....hello" you didnt prepare anything to say you hadnt though of anything beyond this point. you were slightly doubting that it was his number. 

" ah this is ____" you said your name.I, called cause I wasnt really sure what this number was, I wasnt sure if it was actually your number. you think you hear a small laugh on the other end from him.

"yeah its mine why else would I write it?I cant really talk now though, We have an event we need to prepare for. but, you can text me." he said.

you nod in agreement but then realize that your own the phone and he cant even see you. "ah-Yes okay, sorry for bothering you. bye"

"bye" he replied and then hung up.

you just stare at your phone the hang up tone beep beep beep still playing. uwah...UWAhh it really is his phone number omg. what Do I do!!

you go home and research to see what even they are doing you ask the fanbase  on twitter. they fill you in on what event they are at. you wait eagerly for fancams in hopes of seeing your bias. 

*************couple hours pass by************

your laying in your bed reading/listening to music (ukiss) and your phone goes off. "man man hani" ah that means you have a text message. its getting late and you should really go to bed.

you decide to answer it now, it might be important. you reach over on your stand and flip open your cellphone. 

you open up the message. it was an alert that your bias had tweeted on twitter. you go to your twitter account and check what he wrote. 

" Event finished kissmes~ thanks so much for your support I had a really great day today! lots of fun. we should do it again sometime kekeke."

you smile. Im glad he had fun at the event. you decide to comment on it. 

"glad you had fun today, I hope the event was a success ukiss fighting *bias name?* fighting~" -________ <- you leave your name at the end, hoping he would know it was you. 

you lay back down and continue to listen to music. almost slowly drifting off to sleep. then you hear your cellphone buzz ( you set it to quiet because it is late)
you reach over and open you cellphone. 

its another text message. *maybe your bias wrote something else on twitter* you think

you open it up. its a personal text message to your phone and not a notification. 

you look at the sender you recognize the name. its your bias. you open the message. 

" I saw your tweet! I know your twitter now. Ill keep a look out for your comments from now on. I had a lot of fun today, the rest of us did too!" thanks for sharing your drink with me. next time ill share mine with you kekekeke." Got home and Im resting, hope you are too."

-end of message-

you feel soo happy you start running around in your room and spazzing as quietly as you can. you scream into your pillow. You are sooo excited and happy that you feel like your heart could burst. you calmed down and after a few deep breaths and decide to reply back.

"I had a lot of fun today too. Im resting to. Im glad your event went well, get lots of rest."

you send your message. Its a little short but it gets the point across. you set your phone back down & settle back in bed. 

a few minutes later your phone buzzes again. you open it up and see that its a reply from your bias. it has an attachment to it. you open the message and attachment.

"I will rest. see im going to sleep. keke." he replied and there's a picture of him getting ready for sleep ( ex: like the ones most of them posted on twitter yesterday)

omg SOOO cute, and y and ... wow.. your spazzing all over again. He just sent you a personal selca. how should you respond, should you send a selca of yourself to show your resting or should you just send a reply.

you decide to take a fun selca of yourself getting ready for sleep too. you do a little pose that is unique to you. (what you would acutally do)

you write a small message:

" I'm resting see =P" you hit send but feel slightly embarrassed that you actually sent a selca of yourself. 

you wait for a response, but the minutes seem like hours and it seems like he might not respond. you lay down fiddling with the phone in your hands. you can feel your eyelids getting heavy. 

all of a sudden your phone buzzes vibrating, and scaring you have to death. you shoot up and look at the message. 

" haha I see that. very cute. good night~" he replied. 

your face heats up slightly you bet you would be blushing if you weren't in the dark. you send back a reply.

"good night, sleep well, do your best tomorrow." 

a minute later he replies back.

"you too."

you fall back down onto the bed in bliss. you hug your phone to your chest. you end up falling asleep with happy memories and end up dreaming about your bias. lets hope that many good things will happen in the future.



End of chapter 3

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