Meeting The Lee's and Dating

Items In My Locker


I sat there wide eyed. W-Was I that obvious?!

"Oh come on Tae. It's not like we don't hear you fangirling with Key about how "HOT"(He made airquotes) those boys in SHINee are. And those times when you come home with bags of girl clothing." Taesun said.

I blushed...What? Girls have the best clothes and SHINee is hot.

"U-Umma...y-you knew t-two?" I asked. She smiled at me, and nodded.

"So honey, did that Minho boy ask you out today?" She asked and i seriously thought I was going to faint. THEY KNEW I LIKE HIM?!


"Yes, okay. Thank you Siwon. I appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow to discuss the plans and merger. Alright, goodbye." Dad said coming into the living room.

"What's happening tomorrow yeobo?" Umma asked.

"Choi Siwon and his family are coming over and we'll be discussing our companies and how....WE'RE GOING TO COMBINE!" Appa yelled at the end.

I groaned. I hated business parties and meetings.

I took a glance at my phone and saw the time.

I shrieked like a fightened girl.

IT WAS 6:15!

I quickly ran upstairs and yelled, "I NEED TO GET READY FOR MY DATE!"

I almost stumbled over when i heard my father ask my mother, "Did the Minho boy finally ask him on a date?"



I finished getting ready right when the doorbell rang. I heard umma say, "Ah you must be the one and only Choi Minho."

I quickly ran downstairs and smiled brightly when I saw Minho-hyung holding about 3 roses.(What? They're expensive.)

He looked up and smiled.

"Woow, you look beautiful." He said making me blush.

"Why don't you guys stay awhile? I'd like to get to know the boy my son has been so fond of." Appa said coming out of the kitchen.


We all sat down and talked. My parents seemed to really like Minho hyung. Sunnie-hyung too. After 30 minutes of that we finally left.

Minho took me to the amusement park he won me a stuffed frog, which I named Minho Jr. He laughed when I told him that.

After he took me for dinner, he brought us to an ordinary restaurant. Then we got ice cream and walked through the park near my house.


"Hm?" He hummed and looked at me.

"W...H-How did I get you to like me?"

"You were the amazing Lee Taemin. That's all you have to be. I love you for you, nothing will change that. You could snore in your sleep, have scars and any disorder, but I know that you'll still be there. Even if I have to search a life time."

My eyes watered as he spoke. He's so sweet, cute, romantic, and he is really good at expressing himself.

"How about me?" He asked.

"You didn't have to do anything. I was utterly fascinated with you. At first I wondered 'How can someone have such round eyes' and then I saw you playing soccer, you had so much determination on your face that I just fell for you. You are like my frog Prince." I giggled.

"Yah!" I yelled but chuckled with me. He grabbed my hand, kissed it then continued to walk holding it.

As we walked, not one of us talked. It wasn't awkward like when you fart really loud in a library. It was a comfortable silence.

When he walked me to my front door, he held both my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"Taemin ah...I love you...Please be mine." I said.

"I-I Lo-Love Yo-" 

The front door openned.


"Sunny-noona?" I asked. What the heck was my cousin doing here?

"YAH LEE SUNKYU! LEAVE MY SON ALONE WITH HIS MAN!" I heard umma yell. Minho chuckled while I facepalmed myself.

"Oh, look familiar....Do you by chance have a cousin named -"

"Choi Sooyoung. Yes I do."

"COOL! I KNOW HER!" Sunny-noona yelled. Aish, NOONA GO AWAY!

Taesun finally came and picked her up over his shoulders. The door finally closed.

"Minho-hyung, before anyone else interupts: I love you too, and I'd LOVE to be yours."

I smiled and leaned in, so I did too.

The door opened again but we already connected.

When we finally pulled away, I looked at the door and saw my umma tearing up, Appa smiling proudly, Hyung with a blank stare and Noona with open.

"LEE TAEMIN, YOU'RE GAY?!" Noona yelled.

Oh god, I'm scared..

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Chapter 9: Haha Key is sotch a diva! <3
Chapter 5: First, THEY KISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second, Minho is moving pretty quickly with those pet names
Third, I LOVE KEY-UMMA!!!!!!!
Oh dead lord Tae, everyone knows you're gay. lol
Chapter 4: You had me googling words I knew the meanings off just to be sure. lol. Minho is soooo lucky Key likes him
Chapter 2: Taemin is soooooo adorable. I love him. And Minho is so smitten. I love how he shouted out Tae's name in class. Priceless.
Obviously he knows you're gay you idiot, you have a boyfriend!!!!! lol. Jonghyun owns my heart. *PS, don't let Onew know*
asdfghjkl fluuff~!!
This is pretty cute and fluff-tastic! XD
Shawoltic97 #8
I love this story it's so cute!!!!!
their families are the best >:D< accepting their genders kk update soon :>