Chicken Will Make You Gay - Key

Genie, Saranghae

After the long ride from Jeju to Seoul, the members of SHINee were still very energetic. The moment they reached their dorm, Onew immediately went to the kitchen to look for chicken. Unfortunately, because of their busy schedule, Key wasn't able to shop for food. Luckily, there was still the chicken they bought from Jeju but it was with Key.

"Yeobo-Key-ah, let's eat the chicken." Onew said in a sing-song voice. Key shook his head. "Hyung, eating too much chicken will make you gay." Key said as he placed the chicken in a plate and placed it inside the cabinet. He took out a pack of black noodles. Eat that instead. Just add water, then remove the water after 3 minutes. Add the sauce next." Key instructed as he took out four more and began cooking them.

"Aren't you cooking mine?" Onew asked. Key shook his head. "Aw, please, Key~" Onew said as he encircled his arms around Key's waist and placed his head on his shoulder. "Ew, get a room, you two. No wonder they pair you up." Jonghyun said as he passed by and got a glass of water. "Jealous, Jjong? Are you jealous I have Key and you don't?" Onew teased. Jonghyun hit him on the head. "Me? I have a girlfriend, hyung." Jonghyun smirked before leaving.

Taemin and Minho were in the room they were sharing. Minho immediately went to the bathroom. Taemin, on the other hand, was looking intently at the bottle. After five minutes of staring at it, Taemin concluded the following things:

1) the bottle is only 5 inches tall

2) it weighs only 10 grams

3) it has  these weird engravings all around it

4) it's blue and has the smallest shades of white and pink

"What's up, Mushroom boy?" Minho asked as he entered the bathroom. "Nothing hyung." Taemin sighed. By now, he was used to Minho's teasing. "Hm, why don't you clean up that bottle of yours, Taemin-ah?" Minho suggested. Taemin meekly nodded and hesitantly stood up and reached the bathroom.

"Where's the towel?" Taemin asked himself as he looked for the towels. He finally found it and placed it under the water. He was about to wipe the bottle when it slipped from his hand and fell on the floor. Broken. "Ah!" Taemin exclaimed. "What's wrong, Taemin-ah?" Minho asked while knocking. Voice full of concern. "Nothing hyung. The bottle just fell." Minho nodded and left the room. Taemin was about to pick up the pieces when he heard a sweet voice.

"Be careful, Master. The shards might wound you." the voice said. Shocked, Taemin lost his focus and accidentally cut himself. "Ouch." he muttered. "What did I tell you, Master?" the voice said. Taemin closed his eyes and told himself that he was only imagining it. He was about to believe himself when he felt a hand touching his finger. He hesitantly opened his eyes and saw a girl, not much taller than him, wiping the blood from his finger. She had a long brown hair and really big (literally) brown eyes. Her cheeks were kind of puffy and her skin was really white. She looked like a porcelein doll.

"You know, Master, it's not polite to stare at other people." the girl told Taemin. Taemin shook his head and took his hand. "Who...who are you?" he asked the girl. Now that he has a better view of the girl, he that she was shorter and smaller than him. She was wearing a white blouse with a blue plaid skirt. As for shoes, she was wearing vans with knee-length socks. The girl puffed her cheeks. 'Cute.' Taemin thought.

"I'm a Genie." the girl plainly said. "You're a what?" Taemin asked, surprised. "Are you deaf or something? I said I'm a Genie. G-E-N-I-E." the girl said, adding emphasis on the word genie. "Genies don't exist." Taemin told her. More like convincing himself. "Well, I'm here and I exist." the girl said. She sat down on the toilet seat (covered, of course) and crossed her legs. Taemin pinched himself. It hurt.

The girl slightly smiled before frowning and becoming serious. "Well then, let's get down to business. I'm your Genie, your my master. I will grant any of your wishes until you tell me you don't need me anymore. Other people can see me so don't worry. There are, however, rules in which you must follow. These are:

1) you can't wish for wealth. If you want it, worki for it.

2) you can't wish someone's death. I'm a Genie, not a God.

3) I can't bring back the dead. I can, however, heal the wounded.

4) you can't wish for immortality. That's not real.

5) you can't wish for someone's love. That's just low.

With these in mind, I hope to be a good Genie to you, Master." the girl said as she bowed. "Why are you calling me Master?" Taemin asked her. The girl raised an eyebrow. "Because you broke the bottle, you bonehead. I've been trapped in there for 1600 years. I'm starving." the girl whined. Taemin nodded. "Well, what should I do with you? The members..." "Don't worry. I dealt with them. Don't worry, I didn't hurt them. All they know is that I'm your friend. They won't suspect a thing. But, if ever they wish for something, as long as they're 5 meters from you, I'm to grant them." the girl explained.

Taemin got out of the bathroom and fell, face first, on his bed. "Oh, and also, I'll be staying with you in your dorm, for the meantime. I'm staying with that Key person." Taemin nodded in understanding. He was starting to get dizzy. "You okay, Taemin?" the girl asked. Taemin jerked up and looked at her. His face dead serious. "Your 16 years old and you call me Taemin?" he asked, irritated. "I look 16 but I'm definately not 16." the girl replied. The two of them engaged in a staring competition before Taemin gave up.

The girl tsked. "Key might nag if we're not out there. Let's go, oppa." the girl said, her voice low on the last word. Taemin blushed and smiled. That was when he noticed something. "I don't know your name." he asked. "Yoojin. Kang Yoojin is my name." Yoojin said. Taemin offered his hand. She took it and after a while, released it.

"Taemin-ah! Jin-ah! You two better get here or you're not getting dinner." Key yelled from the kitchen. "Wow. They do 'know' you." Taemin said. Putting air quotes with the word 'know.' Smack!  Yoojin hit him on the head with a pillow. Taemin was about to hit her back when a sound was heard. Knock! Knock! It was Key. "We're coming!" Taemin said as he took Yoojin's hand and ran to the dining room.

Black noodles. Kimchi. Pancakes. Samgyeopsal. Tofu (burnt). Orange juice. Apples. Fish. Something was missing. "Hm, no chicken?" Taemin asked earning a glare from Onew. He sighed. "What with the burnt tofu, Key?" Jonghyun asked as he looked at it. Key smirked. "Well, considering as SOMEONE was bugging me while I cook, I decided that we ALL must eat tofu. But, then again, instead of cooking it with love, I ended up burning it. Intentionally." Key smirked, emitting a dark and evil aura.

"Let's have cola, hyung." Minho said as he stood up and went to the fridge. "CHOI MINHO! You'll eat what I serve and that's final. Now, take your seat before I begin serving burnt soccer balls!" Minho immediately nodded and sat beside Yoojin. Key smiled. "Eat. Now. Or else." he smiled. Threatening the others. They immediately stuffed themselves but Yoojin only looked at her plate. "What's wrong, Jin-ah?" Key asked. "Not hungry?" Onew added. Yoojin shook her head and took one of the tofu. She removed the blackened ones and ate it. "I want nuts." she muttered. "This tastes bad." Key nodded. The SHINee boys were shocked. It was the first time they saw Key say that about his own cooking. "Are you sick, Kibum?" Onew asked. Key shook his head. "This tofu is too burnt." he sighed and ate his black noodles.

*after dinner

The boys all went to sleep because of their schedule the next day. Yoojin and Key were the only ones left. "Let me do that. You better sleep now." Yoojin nonchalantly said. Key was about to protest but seeing her face, he thanked her and went to his room. "I'll put your clothes on your bed, Jin-ah. G'night." Yoojin smiled to herself. "So, this is what it feels like to be in a family." she muttered to herself. 'If I didn't know better, I would love to stay here forever. But, that's just me being petty.' she thought.


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update soonies~~!!<br />
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I want to know what's next~~!!<br />
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its really interesting~~<br />
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omo!! please update!! I would like to know what Taemin would wish for...Hwaiting!!..