
Beyond Imagination
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The Mint choco chips is overrated.

It's like chewing toothpaste with chocolate sprinkles on it. They didn't go well.

Sweets are supposed to go with other sweets.

Why does she want to eat mouthwash?

I glanced to her face and wondered if I should talk to her or not.

I've through playing safe.

Since Sooyoung usually a very slow walker, I decided to ask once again.

"Really, why not strawberry?"

She has this pinned expression on her face. When did we became strangers Fany-ah?

"Why is everyone on my case today? Well, aside for it's good looking colour, strangely the sour taste didn't appease me, mind you." I can tell that she's irritated. I decided to play along.

"Well, since you like pink maybe you'll like any food that has the same color."

I finally throw the caution to the wind.

"So, how are you? Like, really?" I didn't realized how much I missed her untill today. I notice her more disntinc jawline. She must be losing weight again.

"You guys asked me this before, I'm fine." 

I know she didn't. I heard the news from our friends, and yet I couldn't bring myself to ask her directly. What a coward.

"So I've heard." I smile. "But since it's just the two of us, I kinda expected more than just Fine, Fany-ah."

I couldn't imagine to be in her shoe. And her expression says it all.

"I survived somehow." 

I took a deep breath and do something stupid. 

I held her sweaty hand, she must be hot. "Then why didn't you talk to us? To me?" I feel slightly dissapointed. We were like two peas in a pod, inseparable. But she decided to cut the communication with me, and only replied to the group chat we shared with the others. And yet I didn't have the courage to reach out on her first. We ended the things that never happen. How pathetic was that?

"I... I just didn't want to bother you." She's grimacing.

"You are never a bother to me." I whisper the last part, knowing what she was thinking about.

She tends to be a bit demanding sometimes. But I don't mind. I've always been a Vanilla after all.

I push her bangs aside her face, i just can't resist. I am so Vanilla for her.

"Hi guys.. here are your ice cream. Oh, and sorry apparently they've run out of tiramisu chessecake. So I only bought you you mint chocolate ice cream." Sooyoung's voice startled me. I was dissapointed when Tiffany sitting away from me.

"It's okay Syoung-ah, doesn't matter. What did you get?"

"Oh, it's corn ice cream." Sooyoung says albeit shy.

"WHAT!?" Gosh, this bottomless pit. Seriously?

I thoght choco mint chips was strange, THIS is hundred more strange.


They had been talking for about an hour before Sooyoung's phone wouldn't stop ringing.

"Yes Oppa. I'm still with them." She looked at her two stubborn friends beating around the bush, so frustrating. "Oh okay, I'll be coming in twenty minutes. Bye." She hung up the phone before placing the device on her purse.

"Sorry girls, I promised Oppa to have lunch with him this afternoon." She smiled apologetically.

"It's okay Syoung-ah, thanks for coming." Tiffany wished her taller friend could stay longer but she understands that they are probably just busy with their lives now.

"No biggie, happy birthday again, Fany-ah." She hugged her friend. Pointing the smaller girl with her eyes before bidding her goodbye. She mouthed to Tiffany 'talk to her'.

Tiffany almost groaned. She really thought that none of their friends knew about her

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thegloomy11 #1
Chapter 4: Its so sad yet beautiful
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Now playing: The Art of Letting Go... 💔😢
It takes a lot of courage to let go.
This story is so sad, but a good one.
Chapter 3: So Tiffany was there all along? And now she found home... Awww ... 🥹
Chapter 2: There it is, the talk that they need... ❤️
1123 streak #5
Chapter 4: Oh my 😢😢😢
thegloomy11 #6
Chapter 2: Nice story aithornim, i'll wait your next story❤️❤️❤️
thegloomy11 #7
Chapter 1: Your story is good authornim❤️
Can you give us a second chap or a sequel authornim??... It feels like hanging🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 1: Nice start. Is it completed already?
Gaejihyo815 #9
Chapter 1: 🥺will there be next chap?