...to the finish.

Writing on Airplanes [WINGS & FINS CONTEST ENTRY]


I won't ever forget you, I promise.

Kim Heechul

Heechul, I can't believe it. You're dead. Really dead. No....I can't have you dead.
And you didn't just die, you got murdered. Beaten to death in an alley. Such a tragic way to die, especially for someone like you.  No, scratch that - you don't deserve to be murdered in the first place. You deserve to know how to fly, to know how it feels like. What makes it even worse is that the people who killed you didn't know you at all. The way I see it, these people just took a random stranger and beat them to death for no apparent reason. That is sick. Sick people.

Just thinking about how you died makes me flinch. I mean....why? You have a thousand reasons on why you should live, and not one to die. Heechul, I love you and I miss you, and I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, but it's too late now. I miss everything about you - your face, your laugh, your smile, how you acted, everything! If you were to come back (which you obviously aren't since you're dead), I would just drop everything and run right into your arms. You think I would get over you in three years, but I never stopped loving you. All of this was just too sudden. 

I'm on the verge of tears now....I can't write any more.....



I had the most horrible nightmare last night. I swear, I never want a dream like that again, ever....

I had a dream that I was there when you got beat up, and it was so terrible. I was right in front of you, watching you yell for help and mercy, yet I couldn't move. It was like my body had been glued to the ground. I was basically screaming "No, please! Heechul, hold on! I'll save you!", but it was literally like my body was fully paralyzed. I saw it from the start to finish - all the blows you took, every drop of blood that escaped from your body. When I woke up, I was literally wailing.

I seriously miss you, without a doubt. 



So after I told one of my friends about the dream, she told me to check out the newscast again online. At first, I immediately refused - I mean, why would I want to watch a newscast about my friend's tragic death AGAIN? However, she told me that there was one crucial detail that we both missed.

When I watched it again, it turned out that you were killed in the alley right next to the shop I work at. That meant I was there, you were the one that called out my name, and I basically walked away from you. I could have saved you if I turned around in time. Oh no....then it's MY fault that you were killed.

I am so sorry. This just makes everything worse. If I knew you were in danger, I would make sure none of those people touched you, I swear. Then we would have lived happily ever after or something. Oh no....oh no....

I should have at least gotten the chance to properly say goodbye....



It's been almost two months now since you died. You know the saying "If you love something, let it go?" Well, I can't. No matter how much I try, that doesn't change the fact that you, Kim Heechul, are the first person I have fallen for. I think first loves are the hardest to get over, because we are so unexperienced and it is so hard to understand love.

But I am determined to not forget you. I'm going to try to keep this paper airplane I'm writing on right now forever - or at least, for a very long time. You're too special to forget.



This is going to be short and straight to the point this time: there's this guy at school that has been interested in me for a while, and his name is Choi Minho. I've grown some feelings for him too, so I'm going to give him a chance. Maybe with him, I will finally get over you and let go of the past! I promise though, I don't think I'll be ever able to forget who you are, no way. 

Anyway, it has been quiet at school so far without you, but I'll eventually get used to it. Wish me luck, Heechul.



"My, my. I remember this like it was yesterday." Krystal muttered to herself, holding the unfolded airplane in her hands. "But how did I manage to keep this paper airplane, after all these years..."

Krystal was cleaning out her basement when she stumbled across the airplane, in a box no different than all the other ones surrounding her. She reread the entire piece of paper, looking back at the times with Heechul and his death. All those memories with him were almost a blur now, but Krystal knew they were great, the best times in her life even. And even though she had a new man in her life - a husband, in fact - she still had some care for Heechul.

Then Krystal realized something; even though the paper airplane was given to her, she wasn't the true owner. No matter what she swore to do in the past, it wasn't right to keep it forever.

At that moment, Krystal knew what she had to do.

She walked out of the basement and into the living room, finding Minho reading a newspaper and enjoying some morning coffee. "Minho, honey!" She called out.


"I'm gonna be borrowing the car for a little bit. I'm....visiting an old friend."


The paper airplane was now placed on Heechul's grave, and Krystal walked back to the car with no regrets or misery. All of how she felt, all of what she thought, all of the old memories they had were now properly returned to him. At this point, she didn't need something from him or even a picture to remember him by. As long as Heechul still had a piece of her heart, that was all she needed. In fact, she was quite happy that Heechul now had one of his paper airplanes again.

When Krystal reached the car, she didn't get in and drive back home, not yet. Instead, she looked up at the sky and said the last words she had to say to Heechul, as a final farewell.

"Well, you did it - you've flown up to a great height now. In fact, higher than birds or planes." She muttered to him, a smile appearing on her. "I'm proud of you for that." 

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simplewrite #1
but there was only one pic of heechul and krystal, so...
LOL the second pic is Heechul & Yoona XD
cathy4reals #3
OH. MY. GOD!!!!!! I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE SUCH A GREAT WRITER :D! this story is just...WOW!
Sounds great! Can't wait :)