Case: Overdressed, but food first and maybe a nap

Literal Partners in Justice

Kaden's POV


We had no time to lose so we decided to go ahead and start with the planning. I suggested to go use the board room as there were no more meetings line up the whole afternoon, but little missy here is getting a little hungry. We made our way to the entrance when Aleena started walking towards the guard house.

"Oi, where you going?"

Aleena halted on her next step, turning back to face me.

"Uh the bus stop?"

"You wait for me here, I'll go home and get an extra helmet."

"You ride a motorcycle?" Aleena's face was full of disbelief.

This lady, really love to doubt me. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms on my chest.

"Can you wait for me or no?"

"Uhm, I guess. I will wait for you near the road there." She said, pointing near the bus stop.

"Alright, I will see you later. I'll make it quick." I turned my back to Aleena, walking towards the carpark.

3rd Person's POV

40 minutes passed and Aleena was starting to get bored. She didn't think it will take this long. She fiddled with her phone when suddenly a honk was heard. Aleena look up to see Kaden riding on a white with a splash of red Yamaha R6. She kept her phone in her jacket and made her way towards Kaden. Her face again, filled with disbelief. Kaden switch off the engine and propped up his visor. He ped the helmet bag and took out a pink helmet passing it to Aleena.

"Pink? Really?"

"I have two sisters back at home you know. Take it or walk there."

Aleena frowned. She unbuckle the helmet before placing it over her head. Fits snug. The air was filled with an awkward silence as both of them did not know what to do next. Kaden gestured Aleena to climb on behind but Aleena hesitated.

"Have you not ridden on a sportsbike before?"

"This big? No. How do I even ..." Aleena trailed off as she grabbed onto Kaden's left shoulder, swinging her legs and body over. 

She propped herself up onto the pillion's seat and grabbed both Kaden's shoulder. Without saying a word, Kaden grabbed both Aleena's hand hand pulled it closer to the tank of the bike, forcing her to share the seat with Kaden. Aleena's hands automatically grabbing onto the tank of the bike. Before Aleena could utter her next word, Kaden the engine and started to roll off. To be fair, Aleena only has pillion some of her friends but only on smaller bike. With Kaden, she felt like she can just fall off the bike at any time. Her hands are in an awkward position. She tried to hold onto the tank of the bike with just her fingers but it quickly cramped up. She tried pushing herself up with her inner knuckle but it hurts so much when Kaden breaks the bike.

Kaden actually noticed a lot of movement in the back from Aleena. It is dangerous for the pillion to be moving around especially when the rider is going slightly faster than average. As they approach the traffic light, Kaden lifted his visor up.

"Dude, you have to stop moving around that much. You can just lean your body onto my back." Kaden said.

"No way I'm letting my chest touch you bro, I barely know you."

Kaden was in disbelieve. The audacity of Aleena to think that he was that kind of person is disgusting.

"I am not that kind of person you know. But whatever, suit yourself. I just don't want you to have a sore arm at the end of the day or even end of this ride."

Aleena's POV

Goddammit! Why does the universe hate me so much? I can barely feel my arm 10 minutes into the journey. Every time Kaden press on the break, my arm felt like it can break anytime. I can feel my arms getting weaker and weaker as time passes. 5 minutes passed and we finally turn into the carpark of a McDonald. I let out a sigh of relief as I pushed myself up towards the pillion seat. This, was the worse 15 minutes of my life. I will never ever want to experience it ever again. I get down, ungracefully mind you, and waited at the side as I observe Kaden parking his bike. He actually looks kind of cool doing that. I can see him actually struggling slightly because his foot was not flat on the ground but it was kind of cute. He switched off the engine and turn his head towards me. Oi, did he just caught me staring at him?

I quickly looked away and took out my phone from my jacket. I saw him putting his helmet onto the tank at the corner of my eye. . Crap. . Why did he have to look at me. Now I have to face this awkward silence knowing that he saw me staring at him. Urgh, can this day get any worse? My knees felt locked in place. My feet felt rooted to the ground. Cold sweat can be felt behind my neck and back.

"Aleena, can you pass me your helmet?"

My mind switched back to reality.

"Oh sorry. Yes, here." I handed the helmet over to Kaden. He placed the helmet right behind his and closed the visor slightly.

"Shall we?" Kaden asked me, gesturing his hand towards the McDonald.

I just nodded.

Kaden's POV

We entered the entrance of the McDonald and was welcomed with the smell of freshly fried fries in the air. I could really eat this everyday. Having high metabolism has its advantages and eating fatty foods without gaining weight is my blessing on this earth I guess. One of my blessings I should say. We sat down at the corner where there were fewer people around us. I glanced my eyes over at Aleena. Why is she suddenly so quiet? Is she feeling awkward because I caught her staring at me? Kind of cute. I mean people do stare at me because of my resting face. I just have the look of wanting to fight everyone that looks at me. Her eyes are locked onto her phone. I waved my right hand in front of her hoping to get her attention. To no avail. This girl is impossible.

"Aleena, do you just want to use your phone or do you want to eat? Aren't you the one hungry?"

"Oh, yes food. I will just order through my phone." She said. Her phone had a flashed of red before the McDonalds logo came up.

"Can I order too on your phone? I'll transfer whatever I ordered later."

She just nodded in response.

What is this sudden 180 degree change of attitude? She was acting just fine an hour ago. Did I do something to trigger whatever attitude she is showing me right now? Girls, this is why I can never deal with them again. Sudden mood swings from what, no one knows. She passed me her phone , glancing at me before looking away again.

"Are you okay Aleena? Did something happened? Did I do something?" I asked. No, please don't give me an attitude. We just have been partnered up and she is giving me all this bull already? I heard her let out a soft sigh.

"I just hate the fact you caught me looking at you. Urgh, such a loser move." She said. She slowly planted her head onto the table, her hair flowing down the edge of the table. Really? Is that really the reason why she is acting as such. I shook my head and let out a soft chuckle. I patted my right hand onto her head.

"But you are a loser"

Aleena's head quickly jolted up followed by a glaring stare from her.

"Who are you calling a loser?" Her eyes really looked like it could kill me at this point. Her nostrils actually flaring up in anger. I can really see the sudden change of rhythm in her breathing. I stared at her dead in the eye without saying a word. This should make her feel awkward. Who does she think? Trying to intimidate me like that. Sorry, but no one intimidates me. Not even the higher ups in my Division. I can see her eyebrows relax slowly, her eyes shifting from my eyes to something or someone behind me every now and then. Starting to feel awkward again maybe?

"You are a loser. But you will be cool after you work with me later." I said, grabbing her phone to pick the food from the application on her phone.

I can hear a soft grunt of disagreement. I took a quick peek of her. She had her hands propped up on the table, her head resting on both her hands. Her eyes gazing over the outside view before quickly making its way to my eyes. Our eyes locked and her cheeks soon to grew slightly red. Why do I feel like I am the one blushing? Her eyes are mesmerizing to look at. I don't want it to end, honestly. I can really just stare at her eyes the whole day. The more I stare at her, the more I realise how beautiful she actually is. I passed her phone over without breaking the gaze between us.

"Here, order it." I said.

She blink her eyes a couple of times, snapping back to reality. "Oh, yes okay." She said. She grabbed her phone from my hands and our fingers touched. Why do I feel as though I am a teenage boy, in love with my first crush in secondary school. This is too cringy. Why am I feeling this way.

Aleena's POV


Our food came after. It was such an intense 10 minutes wait for our food to come. I know Kaden was trying real hard to stike up random conversations to ease the awkward silence between us. But sometimes there is just too much awkward silence in a day for me to handle. The worse part is, we have not even gotten started on the planning. It was only 1pm in the afteroon and I honestly am ready to just go home. I held my hands up in front of my face and began reciting the prayer before eating. After I finished, I looked up to see Kaden doing the same. He looked at me, smiled and began eating. His bloody smile makes me want to smack him. Attractive but so annoying at the same time!

We ate our food in peace and quiet. No sound from either me or Kaden. It was the fastes I have ever eaten in my life. Usually I would have my phone propped up against the cup so I could enjoy a video while also enjoying the fatty food I have in front of me. I did not want to seem unprofessional, and also I don't want him to wait for me to finish eating. It will just be him staring at me eat. I finished my last sip of ice milo, wiping my mouth on the napkins provided. It was such a good meal but it was a mistake too because now I am starting to feel sleepy.

"Okay, I actually feel kind of sleepy at this rate. But nonetheless, let's start at least the beginning of this case."

(This part is the converssation back and forth ye)

K: Okay, since we will be deployed at Pioneer first, should we take a look at all the possible routes for them to go around the area?

A: I am unfamiliar with the area actually. They've renovated the area a lot ever since I moved out from there a years ago.

K: I can round the area tonight to see the all the routes available. Are you free tonight?

A: Oh, you wanted me to come? I thought you will be okay to handle that alone.

K: Won't hurt to have my partner help me out a bit. It's tough to always pull out my phone from my pocket and putting it back in when I want to move off.

A: Hmm, alright. I should be fine tonight. Where do I meet you?

K: I will fetch you at your home. Maybe around 10pm?

A: Alright, that can do.

K: Okay going back to this. Should we source out where they get the their outfits or should I say props.

A: There are too many shops here that sells party props but there is one main shop that solely sells costumes. Maybe we can start there? It is at Soon Lee Road. Nearby Pioneer. Makes sense if they are handing out these chewing tobacco near Boon Lay.

K: Should we go there now or do you want to have your afternoon nap first?

A: What? What you mean afternoon nap? 

K: You know you have been trying to suppress your yawns. Your eyes are watery from all that yawning too.

Aleena's POV


 I rubbed both my eyes, suppressing yet another yawn. I should have known having a big meal would just make me sleepy until I get my nap.

"No, I am good. We have time to do what we must." I said as I continue to rub my left eye. I am still unsure why but my left eye is much more sensitive and gets itchy faster than my right eye. It hurts but it feels so good when I rub it. Despite me assuring him that I am good to survey the shop at Soon Lee, he insisted on us going home to have a quick rest. We made our way back to his bike before he pulled out a pack of ciggerates. Oh, thats a surprise. He smokes and also vapes? Best of both worlds I guess. He placed one stick in his mouth before offering it to me. I hesitated for awhile. It's been so long since I actually quit smoking. But no one rejects a free ciggerate. 

"Have one. I rather us be caught smoking than vaping." Kaden said.

Hmmm, true. I took the stick from his hand and placed it in my mouth. He lit his ciggerate and then lit mine. The taste, I've forgotten how the taste of ciggerates were but oh my, it feels super good after having a big meal. Kaden leaned against his bike and blew out a puff. I stood by near the back of the bike, staring into space. 

"Do you have any license?" Kaden asked out of the blue.

 URGH, this question again. I hate it so much. I shook my head. "No. The universe does not want me on the road. The road can't handle the road rage I have."

Kaden let out a chuckle. " Are you those type who won't hesitate to drive others off the road?"

"Believe me, I will ram the car or motorbike into the other vehicle if I have to."

Kaden let out a louder laugh this time, shaking his head. "You are quite a girl you know. I don't know whether I should be worried because I myself am hot tempered."

I shrug my shoulders. Having two hot tempered officers in the same team, let alone leading a whole unit for a big case is not really a good idea. But, whoever Kei See teams you up with, you just have to do it. We finished off our ciggerates and got on his bike. Since he insisted that we have a 'break', I gave him the address to my home. I automatically slide down my to share his seat. He turned around to check on me, before riding off towards my home.

3rd Person POV

As Kaden's bike rolled to a stop, Aleena got down and took off her helmet. She fixed her hair slightly before clasping the helmet between her hip and her forearm. Kaden turned off the enginge before sitting up right.

"Actually, do you want to come up and rest here instead? My mom's home if you are okay with it." Aleena asked.

Kaden was visibily taken aback. 

"Huh? We only just met and you want to bring me back to your home already? You haven't even brought me out on a date yet." Kaden chuckled. The urge to punch his face is starting to creep up in Aleena.

"I'm not asking you in that way for the love of god. I was just thinking since we are meeting in like two hours or so, you can just rest here. Also, there will be no funny business since someone is at home. If you don't want to just say it." Aleena said rolling her eyes, ing the helmet towards Kaden's direction. There was a moment of silence before Kaden turned the engine back on. Confused, Aleena took a step back to avoid getting her feet run over by Kaden. He ride off towards the lot in one motion before turning it off again. He get off his bike and took off his helmet, placing it on top of the handlebar. He walked over to Aleena before grabbing the helmet off her hands. He went back to his bike to place it on his seat.

"I don't back down from an offer to nap, especially if it means I don't have to travel another 20 minutes to do so." Kaden smiled.



As they walked up towards the gate of Aleena's house, they can see a small lady standing by the gate waving at them.

"Aleena! Oh my goodness, am I really seeing your boyfriend for the first time?"

"Mom! This is just my colleague. He just needs a place to crash before we continue our work later. Is that okay?"

"Of course! My future son in-law is always welcome in my house."

"Mom, I told you he is just my colleague."

"Come in come in! Whats your name son?" Aleena's mother grabbed a hold of Kaden by his arm, guiding him into the house. Aleena let out a small sigh of disapproval. "Kaden ma'am." Kaden answered, sounding more formal than he should. "Oh dear don't call me ma'am. Call me mom instead. I've been waiting to hear that from someone other than Aleena and her sister."  Aleena once again let out another sigh of disapproval. "Mom, Allie literally just got married and I just heard Silas called you mom not too long ago. What are you on about?"

"Oh hush you little bugger. Silas has been in our family for almost 5 years. I need to hear someone else say it." Aleena's mom chuckled making Aleena rolling her eyes. "Anyways, make yourself at home Kaden, I will go and grab some pillows for you to rest here. Aleena be a dear and grab some drinks for Kaden." Aleena's mom said as she made her way upstairs to fetch some pillows. Aleena nodded, making her way to the kitchen. Kaden was taken aback by the huge kitchen that was laid before him. The living room was cosy but the kitchen looks like it was built twice the size of the living room. Aleena grabbed a bottle of plain water and toss it towards Kaden, which Kaden instinctively caught in his right hand. "The kitchen is something else. It looks twice as big as the living room. I am actually impressed." Kaden traced his fingers along the edge of the kitchen island. 

The kitchen had a nice light grey and brown hue, making everything looks cosy yet spacious. There is a long kitchen island right smack in the middle with 3 bar stools on each side. A built in sink can be found at the mouth of the island while you can find a built in oven at the end of the island. Everything has it's own place which makes it aesthetically pleasing to see. The windows are built from knee level to ceiling which made the natural light shine in much more. The cabinets can be seen stocked up full of flour, sugar, salt, baking paper, aluminium foil and the list goes on.

"Oh haha, my mom loves to be in the kitchen all the time. My dad specifically chose this house for the kitchen. The previous owner had the living room cut into half to add on the space for the kitchen. It is also one of my favourite spaces in the house." Aleena said. "One of the spaces?" Kaden raised a brow. "Yeah? My room of course is my favourite." Aleena said smiling. They both made their way back to the living room, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa. Awkward silence soon fell upon both of them.

Kaden's POV

This silence is killing me. I am not used to this. I can't suddenly just whip my phone out because we already had a conversation going. "Your mom is really sweet." I said, breaking the silence. I can see Aleena's lip turning into a smile but soon disappeared off her face. "Hmmm yeah she is." She said. "Why do you sound upset?"  I asked, curious. "Nothing actually. Just that she has been bugging me to find a partner but thats not what I want right now." Aleena said, looking down on her hands as she fumbles on them. I faced my body towards her, leaning towards her, observing her. To be honest, she is actually beautiful. She is quite cute and the feistiness in her makes me want to annoy her more just to get a a good reaction from it. She always smells like citrus fruits which tingles my nostrils a bit but the smell is addictive. "W-what are you doing?" Aleena asked looking straight into my eyes. 

"Just checking you out. Have to see if calling your mom 'mom' worth it." I shrug my shoulders. Aleena's eyes widen, her cheeks changing slightly red. "What rubbish are you talking about. Stop it. We are on this job together." Aleena said covering her face with both her hands. I let out a chuckle before returning back to my position. Aleena's mom soon came down from the top floor with two blankets and two pillows. Tossing them onto the sofa and another sofa on the right. "Here Aleena, I got your favourite pillow. Since it will only be a quick nap, you can lay here with your outside clothes. You don't have to stink up your room."

Aleena scrambled to grab her 'favourite pillow' attempting to hide it behind her back but to no avail. I saw it right before she grabbed it. Whole view of it, yellow stripes on an orange background. "Mom! Give me some warning. I could have grabbed it myself." Aleena said, hands busy trying to cover her favourite pillow with her blanket this time. "Why? There is nothing to be ashamed of. Kaden would soon find out when you guys get married anyways." Aleena's mom said, practically gleaming her smile at me. I could not help but let out a small chuckle which got a pillow thrown at me from Aleena. I looked at her, earning a side eye followed by her mouthing 'shut up'. She is just too cute.

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