who is there?

My 6 Guardian Angels

As odd as it sounds, the feather became your lucky charm. You would bring it around everywhere.

"Yoon Mi ah! Can you go to the store and get me some groceries? We need it for breakfast tomorrow!" Your mother handed you a list. "Arraso, I'm going out now then!" You replied and went out of the house. It was night time. The sky looked beautiful, as if a black piece of fabric were laid across it, sprinkled with dazzling gems. Although the night sky looked scenic, you didn't like it. You have never liked the dark, in fact, you were a little afraid of it. You sighed and rubbed your arms due to the cold. You hated being out at night. "I should make it quick, so I can go home." You muttered to yourself.

You reached the store in no time and started finding for the ingredients needed. "ASSA! UMMA IS MAKING PANCAKES TOMORROW! MY FAVOURITE!" You exclaimed when you saw the ingredients needed. You were so engrossed that you didn't notice someone looking at you.


*I can't believe you fell for my trap so easily. This is the girl that will lead me to you. I'll get my revenge.* He smirked and let out a small wicked laugh.


You left the store and started walking back home. You looked up and observed the night sky. Yes, the darkness scares you, but you can't help but admit the sky looked beautiful with the glistening stars that brightens a little part of the sky. You were walking when "thump!" you knocked into someone. You looked up and your eyes widened at the sight. In front of you stood a good-looking man, who looked no more than 18. He had dishevelled hair and was smiling at you. He was holding on to a beer bottle. *Oh, it's a drunkard. I hope he won't do anything to me.* You thought and smiled back uneasily. You walked towards your right but at the same time, he moved towards his left, blocking your way. You eyed him suspiciously and headed towards your left, and like just now, he moved to his right, preventing you from walking. You gulped and looked nervously at the surroundings. Not a single soul can be seen.The two of you were alone at the route.

"W-what d-d-do you want from m-me?" You asked in a annoyed tone, trying to hide your fear. However, it was obvious that you were scared, and it made the drunkard pleased for some reasons. "What do I want from you?" He smirked and walked towards you. You backed away slowly till your back hit the wall. "I just want to have some fun." You looked at the stranger and trembled with fear. "Please don't hurt me..." You whispered, audible enough for him to hear. You were on the verge of crying and the only security you got was from the bag of groceries you held tightly in your hands. The drunkard dropped his beer bottle on the ground, causing it to smash into million pieces. You jumped at the sound of it breaking and could only wished that he wouldn't do anything to you. He held his hand up, twirling your hair with his fingers before pulling it hard.

"Ahh! Stop that! It hurts!" You cried, causing him to be even more pleased. You couldn't figure out why he was smiling like that, but you couldn't care less because it's your life that matters the most now. Just then, the drunkard's body was thrown aside by a invisible force like a rag doll. Your eyes widened in surprise at the scene. You couldn't believe your eyes. Cuts and bruises were slowly appearing on the man's face, disfiguring his pretty face. Realization hit you when you realize that he was actually getting beaten up, by something invisible. "Is that a ghost beating him up?" You asked yourself and shuddered at the thought of a ghost. You stood rooted on the ground, totally forgetting about escaping.

The drunkard who looked like he was going to pass out anytime soon, wiped the blood away from the corner of his lips and uttered "You've finally shown yourself, now, I can get my revenge." With that, he passed out on the ground, laying there looking lifeless and injured. *Who was he talking to?* *Who saved me?* *Was that a ghost?* Millions of questions were running through your mind, but the only thing you managed to ask was "Who is there?"

Jeongmin's POV:

"Who is there?" Yoon Mi asked.

"Hyung, she can't see us?" I asked Donghyun hyung.

"Of course not, we didn't show ourselves to her." Donghyun hyung replied, amazed by my obvious question.

"Why did we show ourselves to that guy? He said something about revenge, what do we do?" Kwangmin questioned.

"I don't know too, we just happen to show ourselves to him." Youngmin shrugged and replied to his twin.

"Ahh, gwenchana, everything will be fine, be happy!" Minwoo, the maknae, positively exclaimed.

"No, I sense trouble brewing, we should be more careful, and always keep a look out for Yoon Mi." Hyunseong hyung mumbled cautiously.

I looked at all my angel friends, they all had a serious expression on, except Minwoo. I sighed and said "Let's go now, she's already walking home."

End of Jeongmin's POV.

You continued walking back home, being paranoid over every single sound you hear. You walked at a faster pace and heaved a sign of relief when you finally reached the door. You placed the groceries on the kitchen table and immediately rushed to your room. "Yoon Mi's acting weird." Your father eyed the stairs for a minute before returning to what he was doing. "I don't know about that, all I know is that she missed out on one of my ingredient," Your mother sighed "and she took so long to buy a bag of groceries." 

You changed into comfortable clothes and got ready for bed. You laid on the bed and started thinking back on the incident that happened. "Phew, that was scary, I'm glad I got saved by......" You paused, and thought for a moment. "My guardian angel? I guess..." With that, you drifted off into a deep slumber.

You were right, you were saved by your guardian angels, but you never thought they had actually existed. You just said that in hope that you weren't saved by weird things because to you, Guardian angels were the only invisible thing you thought were appropriate to save a being.


Hi! Sorry for breaking my promise and not updating! I was kind of busy, hehe. >_< 

So, how is this chapter? Again, please comment and give me your opinions! I'm just a amateur in writing fics so I'd need tips to improve!

Can you guess what will happen in the next chapter? & Oh! Boyfriend came out! Are you happy? ^~^

I'm really sorry for my bad vocab, grammer whatever. My vocabulary is really limited and I'm bad at explaining too, hope you can understand the story so far. If you don't, comment! I'll edit it to my best. <3

Anyway, do you guys want me to put colours on my font or anything? Please comment if you need it!

So for now, I'm going to bed. It's 2+am now. O_O Good Night~ Hope you like this chapter! PPYONG! <3 ^_~

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So, I've updated 2 chapters today! Want another one? Persuade me!~ Haha just kidding I will update~


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Chapter 13: bestfriend and an inspirit me. Awesome story! :D i think that must be hoya who called out myungsoo.
iamout #2
Chapter 13: I would do anything to make boyfriend my guardian angels! Update soon!
Boyfriendfangirl #4
Chapter 2: New readers here ^^
I hope they will be my guardian angel!!! >.<
Chapter 13: Who yelled that! Good! Keep the good work! Don't let Myungsoo take her! AHHH!
LeeMinJi #7
Chapter 8: Oh My God Myungsoo! No you don't!
LeeMinJi #9
ohhh! LeeMinnie is happy now.
Finally, you've updates!! Myungsoo is so cold...
Update soon!! <3