spring fling ding ding


spring, a season of where flowers blossom as winter gradually transitions to summer.


to be straightforward, i'm a person seeking for potential friendships. whether it'd be with affection or not,or a one-night stand escapade, it'll be between us.if somehow you're interested, read below to see the few details to see if i'm just enough to capture your attention:

  • , (24) mdni. I don't think there's any further explanation. 
  • minus timezone, with a job. replies can be slight delayed, no more than few hours though. just a heads up. 
  • non-dating, non-comittal. not seeking for any romances atm so please don't get any mixed messages. affections however? always down to do so. let me cherish you with those affections if you strongly desire.
  • if matters, let's consider the fact i'm a soft-dom. it'll explain itself when revealed.
  • fc males only. sorry fellas, i'm more of a ladies type of guy. but fellas, you'll still just as appreciated by me.
  • platform is discord atm. 

if you're somehow more curious, feel free to pm your discord and i'll reach out soon.




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