Hi, Mommy

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Winter changes her promiscuous lifestyle when single mother Karina and her daughter, Luna, moves in with her. So instead of bringing home women, Winter brings home formula for Luna and something sweet to share with Karina. 


This was very much inspired by Joey and Rachel from 'Friends' lol 

I had posted the prompt on twitter and everyone wanted me to write it so in the end, I did haha This was very very fun to write! It's all wholesome :) 

Enjoy this fluffy and domesticated story! 



Thank you @/devoidof5HT on Twitter for creating this amazing artwork of Mommy Win, Luna, & Ginger ♥️

I was planning on dropping part 2 on mother's day but the new jmj with baby videos came up and I couldn't resist. Advance happy mother's day sa mommies ni Luna!

I hope you guys like this one :)


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208 streak #1
I wish I could read Tagalog omg this seems so good
Zeke_L #2
Chapter 2: 💙💙💙
28 streak #3
Chapter 2: parang gusto ko na din magstart ng family after reading this 🥺 kwjdhdhs ang cute talaga nila please!!!! it was such a great read, otornim 🫶🏻
28 streak #4
Chapter 1: ang cute nila please 🥺 take all my uwu's (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
618 streak #5
Chapter 2: 🌷🤍
What a beautiful story!!! I love Mommy K, Mommy Win and Luna 💙💙💙
Chapter 2: Oh to grow up with parents like Mommy K and Mommy W...

Luna will grow up listening to them out of respect and not because of fear. Sana all😎
Chapter 1: Mommy K and Mommy W the best💜
Chapter 2: One thing I have to say is: parents should take notes from Mommy K and Mommy Win!

Soooo wholesome. For me, it's a bit hard to get into the whole baby thing in AUs. You have to set it up really good, make it believable, and you did it effortlessly! Can imagine these two being mothers and living with their baby and cat. So beautiful, heartwarming, and realistic. Love that it has lessons too, but it's not over the top. Good reminders for everyone especially outgrowing and breaking toxic family traditions.

Thanks for this! I don't have dreams of having my own family, but if miraculously I do, I hope it'll be like them.