Episode 16.5

i'd rather lose (my mind)
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The dawn of a new day bathed the manor in serene stillness, the air heavy with dread. Within the hallowed halls, Lady Ning attended to the needs of the Hebi family who sought solace and refuge under her benevolent roof. The weight of responsibility rested upon her shoulders, for the council she had summoned had deemed her the guardian of the Ashen Veil carriers.


Lady Ning had decreed that all servants be banished from the confines of her noble abode. A necessary measure to protect the town from the family afflicted by the wretched plague. She alone would bear the burden of interaction.


Flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the room. Lady Ning sat at a long wooden table strewn with vials of colorful potions and ancient tomes. 


The lady’s gaze fixated on her endeavors until the heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing Winter adorned with an enigmatic facial garment. Lady Ning's eyes darted toward the princess.


"Pardon my words, your grace, but what is that horrendous thing?" 


"It's a mask," Winter responded, but upon seeing her friend's perplexed expression, she clarified, "It serves as protection against infections."


"Really?" Lady Ning looked at her, fully captured by the sight of the facial gear.


The princess gave her a nod. "Yes. This guarantees that I do not get sick from the plague.”


“How can a small fabric protect you from such an evil thing?” 


“Well…” Winter drawls out. “If the plague can be passed through… droplets of saliva caused by coughs, the mask acts as a shield for me.” 


The lady’s eyed the garment with wonder. “I see,” she says before her gaze wandered toward the table, where numerous elixirs were meticulously arranged. Suddenly, she remembered something. A mischievous smile curled Lady Ning's lips as she leaned back in her chair. "So, your grace, how does your intense knight let you dwell in my quarters alone? Knowing full well that there’s an Ashen in here?"


Winter sighed, her gaze shifting from the table to Lady Ning. "Jimin doesn’t know I’m here.”


Lady Ning's amusement twinkled in her eyes. "Ah, I expected no less. But pray tell, dear princess, why harbor such hostility towards your valiant knight? Jimin is a capable protector, after all."


Winter's fingers traced the intricate details of a random elixir bottle in front of her. "I have something to tell you… to confess actually… this revelation may seem profound, it may render me a madwoman in your eyes."


Lady Ning's curiosity was piqued, "Pray, share your truth with me."


"I have memories of my multiple lives, and each time I get too close to someone with Jimin's face—" Winter gulped. "—she dies. After that, I'll follow her in death just to wake up to another life. It’s like a never-ending nightmare has been cursed upon me." Winter exhaled after explaining, her eyes fixed on the lady’s reaction. 


On the other hand, Lady Ning looked at her blankly before her laughter echoed through the chamber. “Thou almost had me there, your grace. You jest with proper timing. I give that to you." The lady comments as she starts mixing her potions. "Do you think I have not encountered the tales of the Deviant?"




"Aye, the tale you hast cleverly borrowed to regale me," Lady Ning responded. "I am no stranger to such chronicles."


"But I'm telling the truth!'


Lady Ning's lips curved into a skeptical smile. "Of course, thy grace," she replied, her tone laden with subtle sarcasm. “Yet, if you indulge my curiosity, I must inquire—Shall it be Jimin’s face you should always meet?”


“No, actually… I see yours as well.”


“Oh really?” The lady smiled eagerly as if she was about to hear another jest. 


“You’re not taking me seriously,” Winter observed, her frustration mounting at her friend's reaction.

“Forgive my accusations, but your story is clearly borrowed from the tale of the Deviant, your grace."


Winter huffed in frustration. "What is that even supposed to mean?"


The lady of the house tilted her head, mirroring Winter's perplexity. "You do not know of the Deviant's tale?" 


The princess crosses her arms, "No, I do not." 


"Huh…. really? Maybe you have heard of it inside your castle? 'Twas a tale that swept through the land, growing in popularity when I was but a young maiden of seven winters. It spoke of—" Lady Ning suddenly stopped talking and turned her head. "Do you hear that?"


The chamber fell into an expectant silence as Winter strained her ears, seeking to discern the sound that had caught Lady Ning's attention. For a second, Winter thought there was nothing until she heard a moan of discomfort. 


Rising from her seat with haste, Lady Ning swiftly approached the room at the end of the hall. Winter followed, her steps quickening to match her friend's urgency. However, Lady Ning halted her before entering, insisting that the princess remain outside.


Peering through the narrow opening of the door, Winter witnessed a ghastly sight. A man convulsed upon the bed while his flesh wept blood and pus. The anguished cries of his children intermingled with fits of coughing, their mother holding them close, seeking solace in the midst of the distressing spectacle.


Despite the harrowing scene, Winter remained poised just beyond the threshold, ready to offer aid should Lady Ning call upon her. 


The princess observed the mother's realization as the woman noticed her arm succumbing to the same rotting decay that plagued her husband.


Cries and wails filled the manor's halls, yet, Winter stood firm, unyielding in her support of her companion. Suddenly, a sharp knock resounded from the front door, drawing Winter's attention. 


She made her way across the expanse of the hall, unveiling the cloaked figure who stood outside. “Good day, milady," the stranger addressed Winter. "I have heard that the Ashen Veil victims from Hebi have sought refuge within these walls."


“Who are you?” Winter regarded with caution.


"I am Giselle, an alchemist. I have come to offer my assistance to the afflicted family," the visitor declared, brandishing a vial of elixir.


Winter noticed the unusual amount of chrome rings adorning the visitor’s hands. “Ah yes, come in please,” she relented, hoping for additional help. “I think the lady needs some assistance.” 


Together, Winter and Giselle traversed the corridors, guided by the anguished cries that led them to the chamber where Lady Ning labored to aid the afflicted refugees. Yet, a few steps away from the door, Winter's breath caught in as she beheld Giselle vanishing beside her.


“Why are you in direct contact with them, woman?! Are you witless?!” Giselle's voice reverberated through the room. Winter rushed forward, her gaze darting between the bewildered Lady Ning and the mysterious interloper.


“Who are you, and why do you intrude on my home?!” Lady Ning retorted as she attempted to free herself from Giselle's grasp.


"Be still, woman, and allow me to handle this! Leave this chamber at once, lest you also befall the Ashen Veil!" Giselle commanded, pushing Lady Ning aside with force and offering the vial to the afflicted man.


Swiftly, the father consumed the elixir's contents, and its effects swiftly manifested. Winter and Lady Ning gasped in awe as they bore witness to the miraculous mending of his ravaged flesh, the decay arrested by the alchemical remedy.


“What manner of potion is that?” 


“I told you, depart this room or else you get the—”


“I asked you a question,” the lady of the house interrupted.


"It is a blessed elixir," Giselle replied. "Now, I beseech thee once more, depart this chamber with haste."


“How dare you order the lady of the house,” Lady Ning retorted. “What is even your name, intruder?”


Upon hearing the lady's inquiry, Giselle quickly bowed, "I beg thy forgiveness, milady. I am Giselle, an alchemist. But I implore thee, heed my entreaty, and withdraw from this room."


“Well, Giselle the alchemist, I thank thee for the blessed elixir. Pray tell, do you have more of such concoctions?”


The visitor shrugged, “I’m afraid not.”


“You may leave then,” Lady Ning sighs. “As you can see, I still need to help the rest of them,” she added, gesturing towards the afflicted mother and her children. "I must attend to them."


“I can help. My colleagues are making their way hither with additional blessed potions. Once they arrive, we shall administer them,” Giselle offered.


"Then tarry outside and trouble me no further," Lady Ning retorted, her frustration palpable. She deftly poured a vial of glowing liquid into the mother's arm, the substance shimmering with a faint ethereal light.


“Your potions are feeble, are you aware?”  Giselle queried, causing Winter to wince at the cutting remark, sensing how Lady Ning took offense.


“Then are you suggesting I leave them in agony whilst we await the uncertain arrival of your colleagues?!”


“I.. I didn’t mean that” the visitor stammered.

"Then hold thy tongue and remove your presence from this chamber since you are so fearful of contracting the plague," Lady Ning huffed, her anger unabated. However, to her surprise, the offending interloper crouched down beside her.


“Let me help you milady,” Giselle whispered.







Within the estate, a timber-framed stable stood, its doors slightly ajar. Inside, a blond knight, disguised in humble farmer's attire perched upon a bed of hay.


Jimin idly twirled a strand of hay in her fingers, musing aloud to the unresponsive horses that shared her company. "The princess still bears her ire towards me... for slaying a deer," she confessed, her voice filled with frustration. "Whenever our paths cross, she regards me with nothing but hostility."


The blonde knight cast her gaze upon the resting steed nearby, contemplating her next course of action. "Should I offer my apologies, even though I am ignorant of the cause of her anger?" Jimin pondered, seeking counsel from her animal companion, who remained indifferent to her words.


“Of course, you should,” a voice intruded. 


Jimin swiftly rose to her feet, her eyes scanning the surroundings for the source of the intrusion. It was then that her gaze fell upon two cloaked women standing at the stable entrance, accompanied by a pair of farmhands.


"Pardon my sudden presence, but it appears you’re entangled in a dispute with a lady," the taller cloaked woman spoke, prompting a chorus of laughter from the farmhands.


The disguised knight paid little heed to the jesting remarks. "Who might they be?" Jimin inquired of the farmhands.


"They are visitors of the lady, seeking guidance through the estate toward the manor," came the farmhands' reply.


Jimin eyed the two cloaked women with caution. “I shall accompany thee,” she declared firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.


The cloaked woman, who had previously indulged in teasing, grinned mischievously. “As you wish.” 


They traversed the fields in silence until the playful visitor broke the tranquility once more. "So... regale us with your tribulations. We overheard your conversation with the horse, wherein you ponder an apology," she prodded, evoking laughter from the farmhands once again.


“I bear no such troubles.” 


"Oh, come now, Jimin, no need to be coy. Simply extend your apology to the fair Minjeong, and I am certain her forgiveness shall swiftly follow," the farmhand chimed in, joining the playful banter.


The blonde knight fixed him sternly, causing his smile to falter instantly.


“Jimin, I must inquire, do you possess the art of offering an apology?” the cloaked visitor continued teasing.


“Of course, I know such a thing.” the blonde answered.


"Then please, enlighten us. How shall you sweep the dear Minjeong off her feet?" the cloaked woman inquired, with the farmhands and the other visitor eagerly awaiting her response.


"I shall utter my sincerest apologies," Jimin replied, eliciting disapproving grunts from the farmhands.


"Tsk, tsk, that shall not suffice," the cloaked woman remarked. "Don’t you agree?" she turned to the farmhand.


"Indeed.” the farmhand quickly concurred.


The cloaked woman continued sharing her wisdom, "When a lady is enraged with you, a mere apology is but the first step. You must also assure her of your intent never to transgress again. Perhaps even accompany thy words with gestures.”


“Gestures?” Jimin inquired, her curiosity piqued.


“Yes,” the woman affirmed with a knowing smile. “Such as presenting her with a delicate bloom or serenading her with a heartfelt song.”


The grand manor gradually loomed into view as they strolled across the sun-kissed fields. Its sprawling form appears more imposing with each passing step.


The heavy wooden door of the manor resonated with a resolute knock. Its echo reverberated through the halls, a call for attention that demanded a response. But as the seconds passed, silence lingered, and no answer came forth.


Jimin took charge and grasped the reins of responsibility. With a determined stride, she approached the door. She turned to the pair of farmhands, a look of command in her eyes. "Leave the rest to me," she urged them to depart.


The cloaked women followed closely in Jimin’s wake. 


“Let me fetch the lady,” Jimin announced, yet when she took a step, she noticed the taller woman following her. 


“I advise you to stay where I leave you," Jimin warns the visitor.


“Ah, that won’t do. The lady requires my assistance," the visitor retorted, raising a finger to her ear. Suddenly, an ear-splitting scream pierced the air, its anguished cry resonating through the vast halls of the manor.


Jimin's heart raced as she hurried toward the source of the distress. As she entered the room, her eyes beheld the sight of Lady Ning and a stranger laboring to aid a refugee plagued by decomposing flesh. 


The urgency in their actions was palpable, their hands firmly grasping the afflicted woman to prevent further harm.


“Minjeong, I implore you! I need the potions quickly!” Lady Ning beseeched with desperation while she wrestled to keep the refugee still.


"I have them!" a voice rang out from behind.


Jimin and the two visitors turned their gaze and beheld Minjeong, her hair disheveled and her cheeks flushed. She hurriedly carried a tray, it's surface lined with rows of potions, a lifeline for those in need.


"Pardon me!" Minjeong declared, addressing the three figures obstructing her path. Her steps hastened, but an unforeseen misstep threatened to make her tumble. 


Acting swiftly, the blonde knight's strong arms encircled Minjeong's waist, preventing her from an unceremonious fall. Simultaneously, the tall cloaked visitor displayed remarkable dexterity, catching the tray mid-air, not a single bottle shattering upon impact.


“Be careful,” Jimin whispers but Minjeong walked away from her in urgency. The blonde looked at her empty arms before gaining her c

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Phew! Finally laid out the "hints" for this story.

I hope u guys don't mind the additional characters! This story will involve a loooot of disguises so be on your toes ^^

Let me hear ur thoughts on the comments (ps: so far no one is getting it right on who's the "real" karina)


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2178 streak #1
Chapter 16: I miss this story...
Chapter 16: karina vs... karina?? AJHFJAHFJA
Chapter 15: this is so interesting.... WTF
Chapter 13: OH MY GOD ??????
Chapter 11: :((
Chapter 9: This chapter is so cute i always love me a bookshop owner winter. But i honestly cant help but imagine them as smurfs KAHDKSHAHA oh well at least theyre in love 🥰
Chapter 5: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 16: Its been a long while since I last saw this fic, congrats on the promo author-ssi! 🥳
375 streak #10
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹