Chapter 24

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Italic = Inner thoughts




On the other side of the city, Irene was also in a very good mood today. The rare bright smile was permanently etched on her delicate face. Even when she was faced with two stacks of documents, she looked at them lovingly. Like they were her own child.


Eh? My tea supplies are exhausted? She thought as she shook her tea container. I shall order it later. Should I buy some for Wendy? She didn't even mind missing her daily morning tea. Usually, she would get very annoyed when things didn't go her way, especially in such a hectic morning.


Her monitor had been taking so much time to boot, but again, she only shrugged it off, still with the same blinding smile on her face.


Ah, some idle time. Should I check for any messages from Wendy? Yes, I should! Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Irene brought her purple Celine bag to her lap. While her hands were busy trying to find her phone, her lips hummed a familiar song softly. "… Would never fall in love again. I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into. Oh, I found you~"


Anyone who would see her right now would surely catch on to what happened to her. Yes, a love virus had contaminated her.




Grinning, she pulled out her phone. Letting her eyes skimmed over the pile of messages from her clients and colleagues until they stopped at an unread message from Wendy.


From: Wendy

Should we have lunch together at that hotpot place across from the Jang's?


To: Wendy

Not the Jang's?


To: Wendy

Ah, you don't want to make Seulgi uncomfortable, don't you?


She was about to put her phone down, but another chat from Wendy halted her hand. The younger woman replied so quickly to her message. It amused and delighted her at the same time. I thought she was busy.


From: Wendy

Yeah. I just want to see how she's doing lately.


To: Wendy

How are you gonna see her working from the hotpot place?


From: Wendy

There's a table where I can observe Seulgi's booth directly.


To: Wendy

You're such a stalker! Tell me, did you ever stalk me before?


From: Wendy

I never stalk you!


To: Wendy

Oh wow, I'm a bit offended. Am I not that worthy to be stalked?


From: Wendy

Who would dare to stalk you? You're a yellow belter in taekwondo!


To: Wendy



From: Wendy

Woman, rest assured. I stare at you a lot when we're together. Happy now?


Irene bit her lips, trying to suppress her giggle because Jinah appeared behind her door, bringing another stack of documents. The young manager had an image to hold in the company. Although it had been crumbling since the hugging session at the parking lot weeks ago.


To: Wendy

Very happy~ *dino sticker rocking back and forth*


From: Wendy

You're such a weirdo.


From: Wendy

Ah, my weirdo Irene.


To: Wendy

Yours 💙


Irene finally put her phone down with a satisfied smile on her face. Starting and ending her days with Wendy's messages had been her daily routine now. The younger woman was very attentive to her. There was no day when Wendy didn't call her just to say good morning or good night. Irene was genuinely happy, and it reflected in her eyes, completely replacing the hint of sadness that was usually hidden behind those beautiful brown eyes. But she was a bit startled when she noticed Jinah staring intently at her.


"Manager Bae."




"Your lipstick smudges." Jinah pointed to her own lips. "On the left corner."




Irene blushed and quickly pulled a small mirror from her drawer to check on her lips. A small sigh left her lips after remembering that Wendy had kissed her twice in the car. Earlier, she was so reluctant to part that the younger woman had to coax her with more kisses. Never knew that she could be this thirsty again for someone's affection. She just wanted to stay in bed and let herself be pampered by Wendy. Now, when will the younger woman move to her house? Three months is too long. She cannot wait!


I have to think of something to convince her. She told herself as she pulled a pack of wet tissue from her drawer.



After wiping her lips clean, Irene uncapped her lipstick tube and reapplied it lightly. Giving a velvety red color on her lips with one , matching her nails. Red always made her feel confident and powerful. She remembered three years ago, a certain person once told her that she looked good in anything red. Since then, red has been her favorite besides black and white.


She smacked her lips twice and looked at her complexion once more before staring back at the person across her. "Should I keep my hair loose or tie them up? Which one looks best on me?"


Jinnah was stunned by the young manager's random question. Usually, they would be in a heated discussion about work by now. "You look amazing in both styles, Manager Bae."


Irene pursed her lips as she checked herself again in the mirror and decided that today, she wanted to let her hair loose, reaching her small waist.


"Things are going well with your wife, I suppose," Jinnah said with a smile. "You are glowing differently these days, Manager Bae."


"Is it that obvious?" Irene showed another blinding smile. "Yeah, we're doing good. So good."


Irene was comfortable talking with Jinah compared to her other colleagues. She treated the young woman as a friend instead of a colleague.


Tapping her fingers lightly on the table, she asked, "Do you think I can apply for a few days' leave next month? I'm thinking of bringing my family for a holiday outside the city."


Jinah laughed at her silly question. "Manager Bae, you didn't take any leave for two years in a row. Director Kim will surely approve your request. But if she makes it difficult for you, I will help you talk to her."


"Thank you, Jinah."


Irene's smile was so dazzling that Jinah was a little stunned by it. It might be the first time she saw the young manager look so happy after working together for almost 3 years. Not even a big yearly bonus could shake this woman's heart.


Wow, happiness looks so good on her, she thought.



The hotpot place. 1 PM.


"Does Lily want more shrimp?"


"Yes, Mommy. I want two!" Lily put two fingers up eagerly. Shrimp is her favorite seafood, and her Mommy Irene always made sure to order a plate for her every time it was available on the menu.


Wendy patiently peeled two shrimps and put them on the child's plate before turning her sight to Irene, who sat across her. The older woman was holding her chopsticks and looking at her expectantly. It felt like she was asking her to do the same.


"How about Mommy Irene? Does she want shrimp too?"


Irene smiled widely because Wendy also paid attention to her. Peeling a shrimp for Lily was always her job. But now that she had Wendy, she wanted to be served too. "Yes, one for me, please. The big one. On the left corner."


As usual, Irene was very specific with what she wanted, which amused Wendy. She put the peeled shrimp on Irene's plate and said sweetly, "There you go. Eat a lot."


"You too." In return, Irene pushed a bowl of dumpling soup to her side. "Have a big bite, Wendy."


Seeing Irene and Lily stuff their mouth with food, Wendy felt fulfilled. She told herself to search for more family restaurants so they could try more delicious food together.


After tasting the meaty dumpling, she couldn't help sighing in contentment. So tasty! When she raised her eyes, she found Irene staring at her bowl, so she scooped a spoonful, put a slice of kimchi on it just like how Irene usually did whenever she ordered one for herself, and then stretched her hand to the older woman. "Do you want to taste it?"


Irene gave her an eye smile and took a bite. "Mmm, yummy."


Lily, who was chomping on her food, looked at her loving parents and felt giggly inside. She really loved having a meal together with her parents!


Undeniably, the family of three looked so happy and harmonious together. Such a beautiful view on a hot sunny day. People who glanced at their way would be jealous. The three of them kept exchanging laughter at each other and didn't know that Seulgi, who stood behind her booth, could also see them from across the street.


The young woman never thought that this day would come. She used to see grief and regret on Irene's face when the woman was married to her childhood friend, but this Irene was completely different, and Seulgi was beyond happy to see that.


Irene deserved to be happy, and if this not-Wendy could make her happy, then Seulgi would not hold any grudge. She admitted that her friend was not a good wife to Irene and she could never be, so she was happy for the older woman. But it was still painful to see Wendy. She was still grieving over her friend's death. Although she told herself not to be trapped in sadness, she still cried whenever she remembered her friend. Therefore, she still didn't dare to read Wendy's book. She was afraid that it would trigger her.



Irene was wiping Lily's lips when she felt someone looking at them. She turned her head and caught Seulgi's eyes on them.


"Seulgi is looking at us," she simply said to Wendy, who was putting more vegetables into the soup. "No, don't look! Let me observe her expression for you."


Wendy stiffly put a plate of sliced meat now. Stirring the soup for about a minute before asking, "Well, what do you see?"




Wendy raised her eyes only to find Irene supporting her chin with her palm on the table. A crooked smile was painted on her lips.


"Irene, were you playing with me?" Wendy glanced at the window, and Seulgi was nowhere to be found.


"No. She really looked at us, at you, but her expression was neither angry nor hateful. She just looked sad." Irene sighed. "I guess she still can't accept you."


"That's fine." Wendy scooped a ladle of soup into Irene's bowl before pushing it to the woman's waiting hand. "As long as she doesn't hate me. But I have to check with Mrs. Jang if she eats her meal regularly. I don't want her to get sick again."


"One day, she'll realize that you're the friend she's looking for. I'm sure of that."


Irene gave her a comforting smile, and Wendy really appreciated the woman's effort to cheer her up. "Eat up. I'll order dessert for us."



When their dessert was served, Wendy finally told Irene about her wanting to move back into the house sooner. Irene was delighted. She thought Wendy would really wait until her three months in the contract were completed.


"I will bring my clothes and my laptop only. The other stuff will be left until the contract expires."


"Sure. I'll help you pack your clothes." Irene's eyes shone with happiness, and Wendy couldn't help but mirror the woman.


"Oh, Eunbi offered to help me. Do you think-"


"No." The young manager picked up a strawberry from her cake and fed it to Wendy. "I'm enough."


"Of course … you're enough." Wendy nodded in agreement while munching the giant strawberry with much difficulty.


Lily, who enjoyed her milk on the side, clapped her hands happily, "Mommy Wendy will live with us? Are you going to sleep in my room, Mommy?" Lily's eyes were hopeful as she hugged Alba tightly.


Wendy pinched her daughter's cheek and said, "Aww. Of course, Mommy will sleep with y-"


"No. Mommy Wendy will sleep in my room." Irene patted her daughter's head. "Lily is a big girl now. Lily doesn't need us to sleep with."


"What if I have a nightmare, Mommy?" Lily pouted.


"We will come to hug you until you are asleep, just like the last time," Irene assured her daughter. She loved Lily, but Wendy had to sleep with her for a very obvious reason. They needed their alone time together.


"Hmm. Okay." Lily nodded obediently and enjoyed her milk again.


Wendy tapped Irene's hand lightly with a teasing smile on her face. "So, I'll sleep with you, huh?"


"Do you want to sleep in the guest room instead?"


"No. Of course not!" Wendy quickly waved her hands. "I'm happy to share the room with you."


"That's what I thought." The young manager nodded. "Oh right, I'm thinking of taking holiday leaves next month. I want to bring you and Lily somewhere outside the city. What do you think?"


"Great! It would be a family holiday then," Wendy enthusiastically replied. "I will check my schedule for next month. Surely I can squeeze in some days off since most of the deadlines will end this month. *Sigh* I even work on weekends."


"I know. I can see those dark circles under your eyes. Did you mess with your sleep schedule again?"


Wendy sighed as she poured a glass of water. Suddenly feeling thirsty because this topic could end as a big argument between them. Irene had repeatedly reminded her to rest, yet she still failed to do so. "We only have one editor in our team, so aside from writing, I'm tasked to help as an assistant editor until this season ends."


"That's a lot of work. They better compensate you enough for all your hard work." Irene frowned in displeasure before adding, "Tonight, you're sleeping with me."


"Err … sleep with you?" Wendy covered Lily's ears. Their relationship hadn't reached that point yet because both were busy with their work and taking care of Lily.


"I mean literal sleep." Irene pursed her lips. "I want to make sure that you rest properly tonight. Who knows if you are secretly working after greeting me good night."


Wendy gulped because she sometimes did. She couldn't help it. "Sorry."


"Don't think you can fool me, Wendy. I know you enough." Irene squinted her eyes. Very displeased with Wendy's workaholic nature.


"I know, and I'm sorry for making you worried. Please take good care of me tonight, then." Wendy smiled awkwardly.


"Hmm." Irene's eyes dropped to her lips for a split second before meeting her eyes again. "I will."


Wendy blinked in her seat. Those words sounded different in her ears. Well, not her fault if she thought of something else. The way those eyes looked at her. She wondered what was in Irene's mind.


Sometimes, it was hard for her not to get carried away with inappropriate thoughts about the older woman. She had been single for a long time, and suddenly she got a hot lover. Irene didn't need to say or do anything major, and she already felt seduced left and right. Such a loser behavior.


Gulping her water in a hurry, she told herself, I need to stop reading those novels for research. It affects my brain.




Irene's house. 9 PM.


Lily was feeling over the moon. She was really happy to have Wendy sleep at their house tonight. She followed the young novelist everywhere, from the kitchen to the bathroom, and when Wendy settled on the sofa, the child asked to sit on her lap. Irene noticed how pleased her daughter was and thought asking Wendy to sleep over tonight was a good thing. Well, she herself was happy as well.


"Anyone wants milk?" She asked while shaking a carton of chocolate milk.


"Me! Me!" Lily raised her hand eagerly. "Me and Mommy Wendy!"


Two cups of milk were emptied in no time, and since it was time for Lily to sleep, she was soon ushered to brush her teeth and change into her pajamas.


"Can I play more with Mommy Wendy before sleeping?"


"No. You have school tomorrow, and Mommy Wendy must also work. Both of you should sleep early." Irene strictly refused her daughter's plea. She was the only person who could resist those big round pleading eyes in this house.


"Okay, Mommy." Albeit sulking, Lily still obeyed Irene's words. She obediently walked to her room, followed by her parents. Jumping to her bed, she let herself get pampered by her parents.


"Mommy will see you in the morning, okay?" Wendy hugged her daughter before pulling the blanket to cover her small body.




"Sleep well."


Irene didn't read bedtime stories for her tonight. All the storybooks were completed by her, so she was waiting for her newly ordered books to arrive.


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 28: I reread this again and realized that I never upvoted it 😳 I must've been so consumed with all these emotions with the way author-nim writes.

I also wanna say that I miss you author-nim!!!!!
1702 streak #2
Chapter 25: Re reading again because I missed Wenrene...
Chapter 28: I got reminded of this and decided to reread it. I swear this is one of the best WR story i had ever read. Going to reread mugunghwa next. Not me treating this like a series 😂
Chapter 1: re-reading again bec, i miss them sm
Chapter 28: I really love this story and i need read that extra chapter. But how??? 😭
Re-reading for the nth time already. I love this fic 🥺
Chapter 28: should i reread the crown mugunghwa??? btw thanks for another good story authornim, i would love to read that extra story but i'm confused how to do it hehe
Chapter 27: I at catching something and I can only guess it after 25 chapters 😭😭😭
Chapter 26: oh no, is Wendy going back to being a jerk??
Chapter 25: Okay, that means there is a possibility that 3 years ago Wendy's soul was swapped/exchanged/moved and now it's back again