I Confess

Neowana Unmyeong Ingabwa (My Fated love)



            Every crew is busy attending the needs of casts and preparing their set. They are on an outside location. They have to do a lot of things in readying the set. And Li Anne is also there to assist the crews on the preparation of the set.

            “Yeah, that’s a lot better,” she smiled to the crew who’s arranging the light settings of their location and gave him two- thumbs up.

            “Gomawoyo, Li Anne- ya,” the crew thanked her. She just smiled and looked at the whole location place. Everything’s getting in order now after hours of preparation. She sat at the nearest bench she found and stretched her muscles. Her body really aches ever since she woke up this morning. Her head is also aching and she doesn’t really feels to move a lot. But she has to work. That is something she must do no matter what.

            She looked at the sky above. It’s not as shiny as the other days. There is this gloom in the heaven’s face. And the wind’s breath that touches her body is a bit colder today. She sighed and continued her stretching.

            “Are you okay?” someone asked her. It was Jong Hoon. She didn’t notice that the bench where she was seated is near at the FT Island’s van where the members are staying until the set is ready. Jong Hoon went near her. The other boys are sitting on the van.

            “Nae. Gwaenchanha Jong Hoonie,” she gave him a smile to convince her that she’s really doing fine.

            “Ya, I told you to call me oppa,” Jong Hoon reminded her.

            “OPPA?” Min Hwan exclaimed, and then he exchanged glares with Seung Hyun and Jae Jin. He also caught Hong Ki’s attention. Now, all of them are staring at her and Jong Hoon.

            “Does that mean that… you and noona…” Seung Hyun’s eyes widened as he was saying those.

            “Aniyo!” Jong Hoon interrupted before Seung Hyun could say his thing. “It’s not like what you think. Li Anne and I,” Jong Hoon took a glance on her. “We just decided to stay as friends.”

            Min Hwan, Seung Hyun and Jae Jin’s mouth was dropped open. Hong Ki just stared at them. She secretly bit her lower lip. She’s feeling so awkward with the situation.

            “Waeyo?” Min Hwan can't help but to ask them.

            “Ya, Minari,” she finally interrupted. “You’re beginning to be a gossiper,” she chuckled, trying to avoid them from asking questions.

            “Guys, everyone,” director Brandon called for their attention. She was relieved. Now, the guys wouldn’t have a chance to ask question to them anymore. Everyone’s attention is now diverted to their director. Even she lends her ears to what he is going to say.

            “I would like to congratulate everyone for a job well done up to now. Our press conference last night was indeed very successful and the reporters who came promised to give us good reviews and they really liked our sneak preview,” director Kim told them. Everyone applauded and cheered. They felt relieved that their test viewers liked their show. And she was more than happy hearing that since this is her biggest project ever.

            “Thanks for your hard work, dedication and cooperation that we will be able to give the viewers another quality drama. In just few days, we are going to air in the nationwide television. And it depends upon the viewers’ feedbacks on how long we will be airing. We are just hoping for the best,” the director explained further. “And to get the best, I’m hoping that all of you will also give your very best, from all the crews, staffs, writers, and actors. Let’s all work for the best!”

            They clapped their hands once again. They’re almost on it. They are now just waiting for the judgement of the people.

            “So now, everyone, I hope I made everything clear to you. Let’s now go back to work. We’re going to shoot one of the highlights of the story today so please be ready,” director Kim commanded and everyone went back to work again.




            Hong Ki held Shin Hye’s arm when she tried to run away from him. And Shin Hye is fighting off her very best to let herself free from Hong Ki’s grip. But Hong Ki didn’t let her go. He wouldn’t let her go.

            “Ya, let go of me!” Shin Hye yelled at him at the top of her lungs. Tears are now starting to flow on her cheeks. In her eyes, it says that she was totally hurt.

            “I won’t let go of you until you listen to me,” Hong Ki told Shin Hye. His eyes are conveying his outmost sincerity. But Shin Hye still shrugged.

           “I don’t want to hear your lies anymore. You’ve already hurt me. And I won’t let you hurt me again!” Shin Hye tried to run away again but Hong Ki’s strong arms pulled her near him and locked her into his tight grip. Then, Hong Ki traveled the distance of their faces until his lips touched Shin Hye’s lips.

            And Li Anne was petrified at the side, watching the two of them kiss. And it’s breaking her heart. No matter how much she tries not to feel that way, but her heart is just aching.

            “And cut!” director Kim yelled over Shin Hye and Hong Ki. The two of them stopped, both with smiles on their faces, preventing themselves to blurt out from laughing. They know they made a mistake with that scene. “I want to see more emotions. Don’t feel awkward with the kiss. Do you understand?” the two nodded. “Okay, let’s do it again.”

            Then the camera started to roll again. Shin Hye and Hong Ki repeated their scene. For the second time, Hong Ki held Shin Hye’s waist and dragged her near him. Then, he slowly crossed the distance of their faces.

            When they are about to kiss, her eyes went black. She felt a hand covered her eyes to prevent her from seeing what will happen next.

            “You can't see this,” she heard Jong Hoon whispered to her.

            She took his hand off her eyes and looked at him with brows raised.

            “Ya, with what you’re doing, I’ll be more revealed,” she also whispered to him. Jong Hoon just chuckled. She also laughed along with him. She knows Jong Hoon is just trying to make her feel good when her heart isn't. “Oppa,” she called Jong Hoon. “It’s your time to shine,” she told him while motioning that his scene is next. Jong Hoon waved to her as he went his way to tape his scene.

            She sighed. She saw Hong Ki and Shin Hye at the side. They were being attended by some staffs. And she looked at them with jealousy in her eyes. Yes, she couldn’t deny she’s jealous at them. She’s trying herself to stop from feeling that way because she feels that it’s not something so right to feel and do. Shin Hye is her friend and she’s been very kind to her ever since. And besides, she isn't in the right place to feel that. She’s nothing to him. But no matter how much she tells herself she can't be jealous to them, she just can't help but to feel that way. But the jealousy she feels, it’s more of an aching and breaking feeling that she can't be suited to the one she loves. It’s an acceptance that Shin Hye and Hong Ki are just so perfect.

            She looked upon the sky when she felt droplets of rain touched her body. And she was greeted by heaven’s gloomy face. Just then, the raindrops grew bigger and it hit harder on her. The rain’s becoming heavy now. It’s as if the heaven is conveying the tears and heartaches she can't convey. And she stood on her place, like a fool who’s just watching at every teardrop touching her body.

            “Li Anne- ya,” a crew tapped her shoulder. “Could you please help us take our equipments off here? It can't be soaked with the rain.”

            It’s as if she was back on herself when the crew tapped her. She nodded and found herself running in the middle of the rain, helping the crews and assistant in safeguarding their equipments from the rain. Then after clearing the location, they went to the side to keep the rain away from touching their body. But she’s already very wet.

            “Dry yourself,” she heard someone instructed her and gave her a towel. It was Hong Ki. And she was dumfounded again, just staring at him. Then, she just felt that he’s already brushing the towel to her, drying the traces of water in her face and hair.

            “T- Thank you,” she said, then pulled the towel from him. She secretly sighed. Her heart is beating like thunder again. And she felt like her breathing is not normal anymore.

            “Li Anne-ya,” Shin Hye noticed her. “Aigoo. You’re very wet. You might get sick if you didn’t change your clothes now. Let’s go?” Shin Hye is holding in her hands some pieces of clothes and a towel. She was also wet by the rain, but not as much as her. “Go and get your clothes now. I’m going to wait for you at the comfort room.”

            Shin Hye marched her way to the comfort room and so she followed her instructions and got her things so she could easily change. Then, she followed her at the comfort room. When she has finally occupied a cubicle, she hurriedly took her wet clothes and took a shower. Good thing she has always with her an excess clothes. In tapings like these, she can never tell what will happen so she has always prepared this.

            She closed her eyes when the waters coming from the shower touched her body. And she felt a tinge of dizziness in her head. It was aching before she set herself off to work this morning and it’s still aching until now. And the dizziness she feels added to its ache. She took a deep breathe. She really isn't feeling well today. But then, she also sensed something wrong with the way she breathes. It’s deeper and quite harder. No. She can't be sick now.

            She turned the shower off, dried herself and wore her dry clothes. And then she hurriedly went out of the cubicle. She saw Shin Hye waiting for her when she was finally out. She’s infront of the mirror, combing her hair.

            “Ya, are you okay?” Shin Hye suddenly asked.

            “Huh? Ah? Yes, I’m okay,” she answered, despite of the dizziness she feels.

            “Are you sure? You look really pale,” Shin Hye touched her forehead. “Omo. You have fever!” her unnie blurted out.

            “Huh? Jinjjayo?” she held her own forehead. Then, she smiled at Shin Hye. “Gwaenchanha unnie. I’m fine. I can still do work,” she assured her. But Shin Hye looked like she doesn’t believe her.

            “Li Anne- ya,” she gave her a glare. “You’re sick. Don’t work too much. You have to rest. Let’s go. I’ll tell the director that you’re not feeling fine.”

            She couldn’t do anything when Shin Hye dragged her out of the comfort room. She’s just too weak to argue and her head really aches now. She’s feeling real dizzy.




            Li Anne went home much earlier that day. And as soon as she reached home, she laid her back on her bed and tried to sleep. Her head is just really aching and she can feel her own warmth. Her fever had probably gone higher. And the moment she shut her eyes off, she felt like she can't open it anymore. Tiredness just made her stood still and dragged her to a place called dreamland. She now admits she need some rest.

            Moments later, she felt someone covered her body with a blanket, giving her comfortable warmth. She wondered who it was but she remained her eyes closed. She feels weak that she didn’t mind to open her eyes and see who this person is. Then, she felt a wet towel was put into her forehead. She also felt a hand touching her face, sensing if her fever is still high. Now, she’s really curios who’s this person taking care of her. And so she opened her eyes. And she saw her handsome guardian angel. Is she dreaming or just hallucinating, seeing him right infront of her?

            “H- Hong Ki,” she uttered, almost whispering.

            “Li Anne,” he uttered her name and sat on the spaces in her bed. “Are you awake now? You need to eat so you can drink medicine,” he told her but it’s as if she didn’t hear him. She just stared at his face. “I’m gonna go and get you something to eat.” Hong Ki stood up and moved away from her bed to fetch what she needs. But she grasped for his hand, and she held it as tight as she could even though she knows it isn't really tight. Then, she helped herself sit at her bed. She laid her back on her pillows.

            “Don’t go,” she whispered. “Don’t leave me. Just stay.”

            Hong Ki looked at her like he heard something unusual from her. And he gave her a look like he’s really worrying.

           “Ya, Li Anne… Gwaenchanha? Are you okay? Is there something you need or does something hurts?” he asked her.

            “I’m not okay. I was never okay when I met you,” she softly uttered, almost catching her breath. “You always make me feel like my heart will thump out of my chest. You always make it beat as loud as Min Hwan’s drums. You’re always making me feel something unusual that it drives me real crazy. You don’t know how you’re ruining my system whenever you are near. You—Lee Hong Ki—even when you’re an enemy or a friend, you’re always giving me headaches. But what’s worst is you’re also giving me heartaches.”

            She could see in her blurry vision that Hong Ki’s jaw was dropped open. He stood there for a while, just staring at her. And then came out that beautiful and playful smile of his. And she felt his hand squeezed her hand that still holds him. With that simple gesture of his, her heart went wild again, even in her weakest manner. Only Hong Ki could do that to her.

            Hong Ki sat once again to the spaces in her bed, and then he patted her head.

            “Ya, babo,” he told her, and it sounded so sweet in her ears. And she could only stare to him weakly. Then Hong Ki’s face went near her and his soft lips touched her forehead. Then, his head slowly moved lower until his lips touched hers. And she felt like she doesn’t have to argue when he did that. She just closed her eyes. He gave her a warm and sweet kiss. And it tasted like chocolates.



What a way to confess, Li Anne... Hahaha^^

I really want to make this part romantic but I wonder if it went that way. Haha^^ thanks for reading. Catch up the next episode. And see what will happen to her sickly confession...^^

By the way, the title of this chapter is quite the same with the title of a previous chapter. It’s because that chapter contains Jong Hoon’s confession, and now, it’s Li Anne’s confession of love for Lee Hong Ki. That’s why I also used the word ‘I’ to refer to the lead character.

And one more thing, I'd love to hear your comments about this story... especially this chapter... So watcha think?? Post it now and I'll be more happy and inspired to update... :) Thanks..

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Hey guys!!!! I'm sorry if I haven't updated my fic these past few weeks but I promise to update more... I hope you continue reading my fic... Thank you!!!


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jujun123 #1
the story is end? ohh :(..
anyway i like the end.. they fated to be together..
looking forward for more fanfic from you.. :)
jujun123 #2
Jang geun seuk! I love him... Hope will appear more often :).. who is Min Ah's boyfriend? I wonder...
jujun123 #3
i was at chapter 17 now.. Hongki so romantic. If Lianne not melt for him, i'll punch her..She's so lucky...T_T.
@heefhaye, wahaha... silly..
maybe Hongki ate chocolate before kissing her. haha :D i wonder if she bite it :)))
poor jonghoon :< waha!
hehe imba.. :)
nc story :)
Thnks.. More comments please.. hehe^^^
The kiss... ^^
Oh my!!!! You're story is great.. I love it!!