Prologue: Innocent Curiosity

Against All Odds

Countless raindrops softly pattered down the roofs of the castle, a rush of cold wind sneaking in through small crevices of windows like a lone ghost at night. Other than the occasional hurried footsteps and excited gossip of servants echoing from the other side of the building, the halls were quiet- an eerie silence dawning upon the spacious and furnished corridors. Everybody else seemed to be retreating back to his or her own bedroom, exhausted, with the sky turning to a blackish-blue amidst the rain.

A woman in her late 20s stood by the moist glass pane of her own room, lost in deep thought as she stared out at the vapour-obscured view. There was a tired look in her eyes, a seemingly permanent frown set on the smooth surface of her features.

Something's not right, she worriedly mused, her hands tightening their clutch on the silk fabric of her dress. 

However, before she could even ponder a little bit more, the sound of a series of light, zippy footsteps snapped her out of her reverie, a knowing smile creeping onto her lips as the noise grew louder and closer.

"MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER!" A high-pitched voice excitedly called, and the door to her chambers creaked open to reveal a small pajama- clad boy of no more than 6 years old, doe eyes twinkling as he held a huge plushie in his arms.

"Lu Han," said the woman, her eyes softening with a gentle glow as she kneeled down and opened both her arms. The boy eagerly ran into them, making her chuckle. "How's my little prince?"

"Great!" Lu Han said enthusiastically, baring all his pearly whites in a huge grin. "Kris, Lay, and I were playing 'Castle' earlier. It was so fun! Kris acted as the bad guy, while Lay was the knight. The only sad part about it though was that they made me the princess." The woman tried hard not to let out a laugh as the boy pouted. "But, no worries! I got to wield a sword in the end, so I'm still obviously the hero of the story."

Amused, the woman planted a kiss on his forehead. "Of course, you are." 

Lu Han smiled widely at her, feeling proud of himself. He loved it when his mother showed her support for him. With a yawn, he wrapped his short, gangly arms around her neck, inhaling the familiar scent of fresh flowers and love. "I'm sleepy, Mother, but my room is too big. Can I sleep with you in your bed?"

She chuckled. "Of course you can, sweetheart." Picking him up in her arms, she slowly laid him down on the bed, covering him in oversized blankets and pillows. She sat at the edge of the mattress, caressing the top of his head affectionately. 

"Mother, will Father sleep with us here later?" 

The woman stopped abrupt, the frown she had on before threatening to break out again on her face. Lu Han noticed this and immediately put on a worried expression. "Are you and Father fighting?"

A strong sense of remorse flooded her body, since she never wanted Lu Han to be affected by their current 'situation' in the first place. No, she wouldn't let Lu Han find out about it. Forcing a reassuring smile on her face, she shook her head as a response. "No, sweetheart. Your father's just really busy at the moment. He'll probably fall asleep in his study again."

"Is he busy because of a problem with the Oh kingdom again?"

This time, the woman openly furrowed her eyebrows at his question. "How did you find out about this?"

"Kris and Lay told me about it. They said they heard Father and their fathers talking about it in the room one time." The woman tried to search for some sort of emotion in his voice, but all she could detect in it was innocent curiosity. "Are the Oh's bad people, Mother?"

The woman let out a weary sigh, unsure of how to answer his question. "I do not know of the true answer to that, Lu Han. They may be, they may be not. The thing I know though, is that our family and theirs have never been really good friends."

"So, they're like enemies?"

"Something like that. But for me, I wouldn't really think of them that way."

"Then, how would you think of them, Mother?"

She paused for a while before saying with a mysterious smile, "Strangers we haven't gotten to know yet." Lu Han pulled on a face, clearly not getting what she meant. His mother simply laughed. "You'll understand when you grow up. Now sleep, my child. It's time for you to rest." After landing another peck on his eyes, the woman stood up from her seat, preparing to walk away.



A yawn escaped his tiny lips again, his eyes solemnly closed as he hugged the pillow beside him. "Do you think we can be friends with them?"

She her heels to look at him again and answer, but immediately noticed that Lu Han was already asleep, his mouth ajar and his chest heaving up and down soundly.

The rain continued to pour down heavily outside, drowning out the sound of her whisper. "I hope so, Lu Han. I really do." 


a/n: hi there, guys! so here's the prologue. sorry if it's so boring. :( i promise that it'll get better in the latter chapters. this was just to show how luhan first found out of the oh kingdom. :) i hope you'll anticipate chapter 1. it's coming up soon. :D SPREAD THE HUNHAN LOVE.

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Chapter 1: waiting for the update
LTH_4real #2
Please update! This sounds/looks so good!
bluegroove10 #3
i like this one!!! author-nim, i want more of this!! <333
sehunism #4
Oh goodness! I love this fic, something new and something with high humor within. Update soon! I can't wait to know what happens next. =)))))))
G-Nart #5
OMG, love ur fic so much, Can't wait to see ur nxt chap.

LuHan so cute, i love it....plz update soon...:X:X
Blehhh1 #6
This is really great! The story is really detailed! Hoping chapter 1 will be up soon!
This is really well-written! Technically, I love how you describe the settings, as well as the emotions of your characters. I also loved how this story is different from the other HunHan fan fictions. I loved how reading this feels just like reading a printed novel.

Story-wise, I am really intrigued on your take on the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet. I am sure you'll be weaving a beautiful tale, and I will be waiting for that.

Good job! I will definitely be waiting for Chapter 1. :)
Omo this first chapter is soooo goood! lol princess Luhan XD hannie is soo cute :))