three ♚ how this works

We Got M A R R I E D ✩ a twitter roleplay ✩ || Reopened. Come and Join us! ||

» A week ( or more ) after you have joined us, one of the admins will D M you on your partner.

↳ You do have a say in everything, if you'd prefer someone else as your partner/if you'd prefer a /yuri couple.

» After both of you have agreed, you two will start off on a 7-day t r i a l first.

↳ During this 7-day trial, you two will remain as a secret couple.

» If you two are still acceptable with the pairing after the 7-day trial period, you two will then become an o f f i c i a l WGM couple.

↳ If not, the admins will attempt to find another partner for the both of you.

» Every week, you two will be given a m i s s i o n .

↳ if you do not complete the mission, punishments will be given.

(and the admins are pretty scary ;) heehee)

» Every m o n t h after you two have become an official couple, the admins will check if you two are still keen on being together.

↳ If there is a day when either one of you don't want to stay together anymore, the admins will find a new partner for both of you.

» Four months after you two become an official WGM couple, you two will l e a v e WGM. 

↳ At this time, you two will choose whether you both want to stay together as a real couple, or if you two would like to start WGM all over again.

» After leaving WGM, you can always h e l p the admins out. :)

↳ You can DM the admins about possible new pairings, or DM them about missions that would be possible for some WGM couples.

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Chapter 1: may i be soloist juniel?
hyohyorin #2
Chapter 8: may i be girl's day yura?

May I be apink bomi? ;D
woohyunsass #4
may i be 4minute's hyuna? i'm guessing she is avaliable because she is not on the masterlist.

boomahakalaka (^-^)
awkw4rd #5
Chapter 5: Can I be T-ARA's Boram?

nothing_girl #6
hello, can i reserve chorong from A-pink? :))

Can I be Nicole from KARA?
