
the rants (malayrp edition)
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let's get on the direct point. 


sape yg kerap cc or tcc ni ialah orang yang tak ada pendirian. sebab ni aku kata kau tak kenal fc kau. tu yang cc je manjang. esok jadi orang ni, lusa jadi orang tu. jenis bermuka-muka. tak stay in one personality. 


kau ingat kau apa? bipolar? hari ni manusia esok beruk ke? beruk pun tak nak tukar muka kau tau hahaha. 


kalau tak tahu nak pilih sape tu aku faham lagi. tapi gatal tangan nak tukar acapkali. sial je haha. belum lagi jenis rembat fc orang tapi tak kenal fc sendiri. fc kau birthday bila pun kau tak tahu, banganglah.  


let's say ada acc ni nama dia Abu. hari ni abu jadi v, esok jadi jungkook, lusa jadi jimin. bangang apa ni mat!! aku tak tahu fc kau apa baik kau jadi je bts!! tak payah tengok masterlist! BODOH! 


tu sebab kau suka orang panggil kau pakai acc name kan? sebab susah la der. kau pun tak tahu kau fc apa. tenuk pun pandai identify diri. kesiannya jadi kau ni

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nothing-- #1
duh cant believe yall still playing repi macam budak x matang haha
wow menarik
Chapter 1: some ideas:

1. roleplayers, or i mean, malay roleplayers, should stop making a scene.
as example, if you used to have beef with someone in the past, macam 2 or 3 years ago, sangat tak perlu going around sana sini mencanak pasal baik buruk orang yang kau tak suka/have beef with. sangat immature, dan kurang bijak. and can you imagine, there's a malayrp yang tak akan promote new comers just because that new comers tu is a person that they have beef with. kelakar how some malayrp letak rules, "no drama" but they are the one who start the drama. honestly speaking, if the person yang you have beef with tu, still tak berubah, you can just give a heads up to the admins, and then they can kick them later. or, if you're the admins, just kick them, ONLY IF they cause a trouble/drama.

2. squad, puak, tribes. whatever, you name it.
i do believe that everyone have their own tribe, a group of friends that they are comfortable with & rapat gila. but, try to blend in with everyone too? this one including the admins too. kalau setakat terima kawan-kawan you je, baik you guys tak perlu buat rp. menyusahkan diri, mahu kena edit layout, up rules what so ever. interact pun cuma dengan kawan you je, baik buat fl? yang non-admins pun, kalau join rp cuma semata mahu ada "face claim", fl je la bang. letak la face claim sesiapa kau nak. boleh tukar setiap masa.
To ranter malayrp,

Hoc dtng nak bgi idea topik utk dirantkan 🤣

Ulas sikit yang xrespect current rper with their fc. Tau je penah jdi ni penah jdi tu. Dlm rp, respect orng tgh rping fc tu. We never knew how would the person felt. Dlm pm blh la huha2 psl penah jdi tu penah jdi ni. Kat tl mana mau nya . Thank u ranter