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 « 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » Mnet's newest survival show。 FIRST IMPRESSION VOTE OPEN! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ


As the story goes on, the updates will be posted here! Try to keep up with it to make sure you understand everything ^^ I finally coded this properly lol

02 SEP 2023


Hi omg im just here to show off the update page and also to let you guys know that one of my own main apps, Song Jaegyu, has been fully finished! I told myself to finish at least one character before starting to review others and now its time! I may also make Jaewook before I start reviewing but we'll see. The other guys have their layouts done but they're pretty bare...


I got 4 main apps to review so far, im very excited ;w; I've been thinking of the classes and centers already, i've been planning pretty ahead. Maybe a little bit too ahead... as always. I'm just way too hype to get this started.


If you guys got any questions, please don't hestitate to dm me!! I hope you guys can enjoy my children as well ;w; cause i love em.


Also I realised that there is a little mistake in the code for the main app in the language section where it lists nicknames instead of languages, please ignore that ;;;;

04 DEC 2023


Hi guys, I am so so sorry for my prolonged absence. I should've made an announcement earlier but i was kinda scared to come back after leaving you guys hanging like this... A lot of things happened these past few months, and in september i already told a few of my friends that I was planning on going on a hiatus until November. Every time I said 'I should make an announcement' but it just never happened...


The hiatus ended up going on longer than I expected because of a lot of both expected and unexpected stuff happening. First of all, I had to focus on my art for a bit, since october is always a very big art month, and genesis88 had made me neglect that. In October, I went on a holiday to South Korea (which was awesome btw). After that, I went on two different weekends, one being a kpop concert (where i got called on stage by my bias!!). I am also now a single cat mom! And they really are a handful. But that's for the good stuff that happened.


There was also some really bad stuff, which were the main reasons for my hiatus. First of all, I got some terrible family news which is still haunting me, and it will probably never stop. Secondly, the biggest reason, a scandal. One of my faceclaims of this show got revealed to be an absolute that deserves to rot in jail, and since the character's personality and backstory was also heavily tied to him, I was too disgusted to work on this story for a while. It really hurt me deeply and i just couldn't muster up the courage to look at anything asianfanfics related because he was one of my favourite and most prominent characters on here. Mystic, you are a disgusting lowlife, rot in hell.


Jaewook needs a new bestie and I've been thinking about it. Someone that is not Mystic, but fits in the squad perfectly. I got him now, so I think this is a good time to return. I still have one art piece that's almost done, and after that I will start regularly updating again.


If you want to withdraw your characters, I understand, please let me know and I will free up the spots. You can also change your characters even though I would prefer to keep the current lineup cause theyre amazing little beans. But I get that this break was probably disappointing and if you don't have faith in me anymore, I understand. But if you want to keep going, I'd love to see your apps coming in ;w;


I hope you all have an amazing holiday season and I'll see you soon with a new real GOAT in the lineup (hint hint).

PS: I ran into Summit on the streets of Myeongdong and almost had a heart attack LMAO

21 DEC 2023


Hi guys im back again! As you may have seen, I have posted a kprofiles page! If you got mbti types and trainee years and more fun facts you want to see added, please tell me about it! :D

Also, because its been a few months, I've been reaching out to the participants to see if everyone is still active and interested in the story. If I dmed you, please respond if you have time, and if I didn't, that means we aren't friends and your dms are closed to non-friends. I have sent a friend request to everyone that had their dms closed so if you see it and are still interested in the story, either dm me or accept the request so I can dm you about it ;w; or you can just comment here if you see this and still want to be in.

I decided to put down a soft deadline to start writing, which is the end of february. This is in no way definitive but the earlier we can start the story, the better of course! (I say that as i just came back from a 3 month hiatus lol)


While i start writing my reviews, enjoy Jaewookie being a little bunny on this page (and my other main characters too! They're all adorable beans of course, I love em)

26 JAN 2024


I'm back again! I'm sorry if the formatting is messed up cause im doing this on my phone quickly. I've been stuck on a teaser almost all month cause it isnt turning out as i wanted it to be so sorry for the lack of updates... And ive also just been quite sad irl rip. Updates will become way more regular once the story starts to keep up with voting periods. And about that, this is what this update is for.


Suddenly, January is already almost over and I haven't gotten a response from some people yet. I'll give you one more week until next friday to respond to my activity dm or i'll have to remove your characters from the story :c this is one that really needs active voters for it to work so I'll have to do the best i can. If I havent sent you a dm yet its probably because your dms arent open so just dm me or accept my request ^^ If you get removed, this does not mean you are banned, not at all. If you happen to become active again after this, i'd love to see you reapply in this or future seasons! Because of the potential new people coming in, I will delay the soft deadline to March.


So once the inactives have been removed (I hope not too many ><) I will open apps again and it will work the same way, working first come first serve with only basic profiles needed to be allowed in. Main apps are still needed if you want your character to be focused on, though! If you already got characters in, you can add more, and if you want to resubmit your characters after being removed for inactivity, that is also allowed. But i'd love to see some new faces as well! Since the lineup may change i decided to put the teasers on hold for now, but i will resume reviews and work on my own apps for Zoren and Beam.


I'll see you all in a week after the purge (this sounds so mean omg but i just wanted to use the word D:)

03 FEB 2024


Okay it's now officially time to start this stuff up again! I'm super excited to get back into this ;w; In the end, 14 spots ended up being reopened. 4 Boys and 10 girls. I'm quite sad to see these amazing characters go, but I'm sure that in their place, there will be even more amazing characters coming in!

Application works the same, grab your spot by submitting a profile and then get started on the main apps. I'd love to see some new faces! The taken stuff got added to the cheatsheet again and the open seats have been updated in the contestants page.

Because there's not that many spots, I'd rather have trainee groups on the smaller size (max 3-4 people). You can keep the bigger groups for the future seasons! I've already been thinking of them way too much since i still have to get this started. The deadline for main apps for now is the end of march, good luck! I'm excited to meet some new kids for the show ;w;

27 FEB 2024


Whats up guysss, im here to say that I'd like to set a little deadline to submit profiles to claim spots! It has slowed down so I dont think spots are as wanted, but i still know of a few people that might submit their peeps. If you got a little extra inspiration, feel free to drop one or two ;w; I'd really appreciate it.

If I don't have the show filled up by the 17th of march, which is in almost three weeks, I'll fill the rest of the spots up with the Waji boys and girls who were kindly submitted by Maggie ages ago.


In the meantime, I will continue working on apps and reviews. Zoren got a pretty big chunk done but theres still more to go, and then I still got Beam to write. It's been ages since I have written new people so it's taking longer than expected :c But I promise i will have them done by the deadline, which is still set for the end of march for now. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon ^w^

12 APR 2024


Hi guys, its me againnn. I had a few holidays in a row with art projects in between so i didn't have much time to focus on this story. The contestant list is now fully completed (Sumi, I am so sorry that you had to fall to make room as well). So please send in your main apps!


Because I was away for a while, I extended the deadline until the 19th of may! This is the final one unless something happens, but if you find yourself unable to make it, you can ask for an extension which will give you two additional weeks to finish the apps. In the meantime, I will be working on reviews, Beam's app and the intro videos!

Have a nice weekend :D

03 MAY 2024


Guys I am literally Hunter in the gif next to this box because theres only 10 DAYS LEFT UNTIL THE DEADLINE!! I have been putting in work and so have you guys and I am so excited to finally start this off!


I mostly just wanted to post this update to remind you guys of the deadline, and that if you can't make it, be sure to ask for an extension which will grant you an extra 2 weeks! But if you're busy and still can't make an app, honestly i don't blame you, life's been busy for me too, and that's alright! Your characters are still in anyway. But let me just ramble on about what I still want to do and what I have worked on.


You can still make changes to your characters or replace them until the deadline, but please let me know if you do change anything, cause otherwise I might miss it!


I am happy to announce that I have finished Beam's app, so all of my own characters are done!! I'm very proud of myself cause I used to have a problem of never finishing my own apps for others to check out :') but if you didn't yet but want to go check out my four precious bubs, go check their apps out!


I've also finished the second quarter of intro vids earlier this week, as you may have seen, and there's two more parts to go. There might be another teaser coming up as well, but I'm unsure yet because of time.


I also had a whole design page on my previous version of a survival show fic, and I loved doing that! It had art of the uniform and the episode 1 stage where they all go and sit down, and I want to try and do this concept again so maybe you'll see it appear soon! I also will publish a voting guideline once the last intro videos are soon to go up, because that will be the first voting round! It won't count towards the ranks, but it's a great way to test out if the voting works and how many votes i will expect, which could help me make necessary adjustments to make the show fair. But more on that later, i've already been talking too much lol.


If you got any issues or questions, don't hestitate to ask! I hope that everyone is as excited as me for this story to finally be starting!

13 MAY 2024


Oh my god I am so excited! The deadline is ending today!! But no worries, you can still get an extension until the 27th of may (that's two weeks). There are already quite a few that asked but if you need one please ask for one asap! I write the people that ask for extensions down so I know who i'm still waiting for, and the moment they are all finished or the extension deadline is reached I will close apps definitely and start up the story. So please make sure to ask for one so I don't forget!


In the meantime, I will work on the teasers and kprofiles and after that, once the apps are closed, hopefully the last quarter of intro videos will be out and I can open the first impression vote. I hope I can keep this up but my adhd brain can't promise anything >< but there is a teaser in the works that should be out either today or tomorrow, so I hope you enjoy that one!! Have a good week ^w^ And don't forget about the extensions!

24 MAY 2024


Hellooo, the extension deadline is nearing!! I'm so ready ;w; I wanted to make this little update because if you really can't make it to the deadline but have a half finished app and will finish it soon after, I will still accept it! I get it, life is busy, in my country, finals are coming up for the younger ones and all that stuff... It's okay! I put the priority of the apps on basics, personality and the idol section, so if you got those pretty much done, just throw the app at me and I'll accept it! As long as you can finish it. Otherwise, the character is 100% still in, the lineup is locked.


Also, this is something silly but I compiled gifs of all the contestants in a blog post just to see them all in motion, it helps visualizing the people when the show plays in my head. So if you want, go check it out! We got so many cuties ;w;

28 MAY 2024


Hi guys, applications have officially closed!! Everyone give yourself a pat on the back for all the hard work <3 There was one person that asked for an extension but didn't submit anything, so I'm trying to get into contact with them to see how far they've gotten to maybe still squeeze those kiddos in... I always feel really bad when the deadline happens when someone's busy but there will always be busy people and im so sorry if the timing was wrong for you ;;;;


Now what's next is finishing the pre-show teasers, those being the what's in the box pt 2 and the intro videos pt 4. In that time, I will also post the main character selection. For now, after going through all the apps, I have decided to pick a nice, round number of 20 main characters (including mine), which may seem like a lot, but you guys just kept throwing great kiddos at me like D: And this is the size of the final episode, but you can vote for anyone so main characters can actually be eliminated before that. But who knows, that number might still change- And after all that is done, it's time for the first impression vote which I keep talking about. But I'm just so curious about what you guys think! I already got the form ready lol.


I've been sitting on the edge of my seat because usually in real survival shows, you got those people that you see from the intro vid or just the picture and you already know that they're going to debut, but I don't feel that about any of these guys which is super exciting. Because to me, even though those people may be cool, it can get a bit boring watching them because you just know they're going to debut anyway. This is why I'm so excited about the first impression vote lol.

coded by HiRitu

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a little voting update: the girls are currently 5-way tied for first place, but among the guys, there is one clear leader... who got double the points of these ladies 💀 if you havent voted yet, make sure to do so and come break the tie!!


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0 points #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The amount of time and effort it must've taken to complete the kprofiles, intro videos, and what's in the box chapters is crazy, thanks so much for your dedication and hard work for this fic! I'm sorry it took so long for me to comment and unfortunately I wasn't able to turn in a full app for my character because I've been on hiatus from aff, but I just finished reading through everything and placing my first impression vote. It was really fun learning about all the characters! Honestly I had a tough time choosing my top 5 for both the male and female contestants, shoutout to everyone for making such wonderful characters. I'll be looking forward to the results of the first vote and what's to come next :D
Chapter 13: Is Koi okay in her intro omfg...
Chapter 15: Holy fk now that I'm actually taking the time to read through everyone's intros......BINNI?????? HOLY FK. I'm simping for her THIS FRUIT SLAYER CAN ALSO CHOKE ME PLZ-
Chapter 15: OMG! I can totally see this in my head hahaha
Chapter 15: Guuuurl you're truly on a roll lately with the updates :'D Thank you so much!!!! I'm so excited to finally be able to vote—imma now study up on everyone now and make my choice hhhhh
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: the way i would do the same like junseo tho he is so cute help 😭 awww alexa don't be scared! haein just have too much energy in him! also i love how you write all of the interaction in what's in the box! it's so fun to read!