« Intro videos pt. 2 »

 « 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » Mnet's newest survival show。 FIRST IMPRESSION VOTE OPEN! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ

Intro videos pt. 2

Celine Lee

In front of the camera was a tall girl with bleached hair, an adorable smile plastered on her face from the moment the camera's started rolling. "Hiya!!" she began, "I'm Lee Sunae, or Celine Lee, you can call me any of these! And together with my friend Jangmi, I represent Jellyfish!!" Celine introduced herself cheerfully, she had such a positive aura that you could feel the sunshine coming from the screen. "I come from Texas and I am very smoooth," she grinned while wiggling her body a little bit, emphasizing on her last word. "I got both smooth dance moves, and honey smooth vocals!" She spoke proudly, her body language was proud and excited, and she was constantly doing big gestures and doing little happy hops on her feet. "And I will demonstrate that right now!!" her words sped up as Celine felt worried that she wouldn't be able to show enough before immediately busting some moves without any music, smiling brightly while she did a mini dance cover of Exo's monster. Her strong moves were a strong contrast to the smile that never left her face. After finishing the chorus, humming along to the song under her breath, she abruptly stopped. "Now, it's time for my honey vocals! I hope you like honey!" she continued with another cover without music, but this time she sang to the chorus of G-idle's Oh my god. After finishing this as well, she returned to her happy self and finished off her video with a big wave. "Please vote for me and Jangmi-unnie!! You definitely won't regret it!!"

Sakurai Asami

Next up for the intro videos was another cute woman, Sakurai Asami. She gave the camera a bow and bright smile before starting her introduction, clapping her hands together and leaning her body slightly to the side. "Hello, I'm Sakurai Asami, coming from Akita, Tohoku, Japan!" As she said Japan, she took a cute magical girl pose, pointing both of her pointer fingers to the camera and making fans around the world swoon with a wink. "I have many variety talents, and I really wanted to show them to you guys today!" Asami smiled, "First, I will speak what I call... Hey, I didn't even give it a name yet, now that I think of it..." She paused to doubt herself, tapping a finger on her chin as she pouts a little. "Well, it's not Korean that sounds like Korean? Jeesh I really need to think of something better to call this... Anyways, let's do it!" she kept switching between smiling and pouting as she thought of her skill, but in the end, she went ahead without letting the lack of a name stop her. She started talking in gibberish that sounded like Korean, but wasn't at all, it was all an imaginary language. After fluently doing a monologue in her non-Korean Korean, she took out a pack of papers from her pocket. "Now, I will imitate different animals that are on these cards! They all got random animals and I don't know what they are beforehand! But I can imitate any!" she grinned proudly before picking out a card and showed it to the camera. It was a dolphin, and she imitated a dolphin's call perfectly. "That was good right? Let's do another one~" she cheered herself on. The next card was a lion, and Asami excitedly let out a mighty roar. "I love imitating a lion, this is great! I got time for one last card!" Asami excitedly pulled her last card and showed it to the camera first before looking at it herself. Her expression changed to doubt immediately. "A... slug? How could I ever imitate that? They don't make a sound!" she pouted, acting cutely upset. But then Asami had her eureka moment and she laid down flat on the ground on her belly. She grinned at the camera, seemingly a little smug about her idea. "This is totally a slug, right? I told you I can imitate anything~"

Sakurai Takeshi

The next video happened to be the other Sakurai of the show. But they're not family, no, they are still strangers at this moment. Takeshi is the second oldest contestant, and he definitely doesn't look like he got a baby idol face. He had a gentle smile on his face, his hair was messy and he looked a little unsure of being on the camera. But he started anyway and spoke with a soft and pleasant voice. "Hi everyone, it's Takeshi of Hanabi," he did a deep bow to the camera before running his hands through his black, fluffy hair. "After many years of showing my skills in making videos and composing music, it's finally time to show myself to the world. This is me, Sakurai Takeshi! In the flesh," he put his hands together, his body swaying from side to side gently as he felt awkward. Takeshi didn't have much camera experience, doing behind the scenes work in his previous experiences in the music scene. "I am new to this, please be nice to me and guide me so I can be the best that I can. I hope that I won't disappoint the national producers," his smile widened before he did another big bow. After he gave the camera a shy wave and a little grin, the video ended.

Chae Wontak

Was this creature in front of the camera a man...? Or a puppy? Or both? It was Chae Wontak, who was wearing a cool outfit, with a cute dog headband resting on his hair. It really was a puppy man! "Hi master~" he began his introduction with an aegyo voice, putting his paws up towards the camera like he was really a dog. The director couldn't believe that this guy was able to do this without cringing, he must be a truly experienced idol. "I'm Wontak, and I am a puppy looking to be adopted!" he scooted closer towards the camera with a big smile on his face. When he got real close so that his face almost fully covered the screen, he pulled his puppy eyes with a big pout on top. "Will you adopt me, sweet national producers? I swear I'll be well behaved..." he pleaded, still in his aegyo voice. "This doggy can rap, did you know that? Do you want to hear it?" he raised his voice, getting more excited telling about his rap skills. "I'll show you!" he ran back to the center spot in the room, and suddenly his vibe changed completely. Wontak started dishing out a self-composed fierce rap, bringing a huge contrast from his puppy aegyo from before. It only got more intense as he went on, raising the volume of his voice and getting stronger body language. While he ended his rap, he threw his puppy headband on the ground. After that, he stared at it for a moment, being caught in disbelief. Then he slowly fell on his hands and knees and then looked at the camera, laughing, "Was this too much?"

Zhang Yuyan

The screen was empty at the start of this video, but that wouldn't last long. In strutted a tan woman, wearing a big faux fur coat, tight dress, big boots and fancy sunglasses. It was really giving mob wife. She flipped her hair back and started posing, as if she was in front of a bunch of papparazzi. Because these intro videos wouldn't be edited much, she decided to make the camera clicking sounds herself. After a bit, she waved the imaginary papparazzi off and took off her sunglasses before giving the camera a smirk. "Yes, it's me, the fabulous Yuyan!" the woman struck a pose. "Representing KQ and China, I'm here to make a splash, and make you all love me!" her voice rose in pitch, hopping in excitement. She then ran to the camera and gave it a big smooch. She had gotten so close that the screen went fully black for a moment, and when she retreated, a big, smudgy lipstick mark was visible on the lens. "If you vote for the fabulous Yuyan, you'll get way more smooches from her!" she chuckled while winking. "I'm a jack of all trades, if I must say so myself, and on top of that, I'm in charge of some loud trainees!" she fanned herself, acting like all this work was too much for poor little her. "You can also call me mother, by the way, you will," she raised one of her eyebrows, giving the camera a sassy smile before putting her sunglasses back on. "Mother will see you on the show, sweethearts," she chuckled and waved before walking off again.

Nam Jeonguk

The next guy on camera was already an experienced idol, but he couldn't help but feel nervous and jitterish, being on this show and having to film this video. He looked everywhere except for the camera, hestitating while he thought of what to do. Jeonguk had completely forgotten to think of a script for his intro video, he was simply too excited. He finally looked at the camera and showed a sweet, slightly awkward smile. He was constantly stimming because of his nerves. "Oh, hi! It's me, Nam Jeonguk, or Gukkie! Some of you may know me from Vive!! You know, the group that used to be under DSP! Well, I'm still here- It's just that Vive isn't really a thing anymore, you know?" after the awkward silence, Jeonguk suddenly started a big ramble. "I am so excited to be able to show myself to my fans again! And hopefully gain a lot more through the show- Uh- I guess this is where I promote myself, right?" he glanced at the director for a moment, but that guy was blank faced, so Jeonguk just continued the ramble train. "I am now a solo artist, and uh... I like dance! I like to dance, yes- Do you remember that cover I once did of BTS? Well they actually praised me! I felt incredible, but I also can't help but feel like they did that just to be friendly-" the guy was swaying around, moving on screen and fiddling with his clothes, it was a total mess of an intro video, but it had a charm to it for sure. He was just very excited. "Oh! Which pokemon do you guys like most? My favourite has to be Mew... Or Eevee... or maybe Pikachu? Is that too basic? Oh well, I got huge plushies of all of them, so I'll just say that they're all my favourites!" he grinned happily, still being unable to stand still. "I really love plushies... I love food too- My previous groupmate Daeil often cooks for me! And then I am a food critic! I'd rather be a food critic than a cook cause Daeil always jokes that I might burn the house down-" he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his nape as he felt a little embarassed for revealing that. "I also got two cats and a dog! They're named-"

"Time's up!" the director said, and the video finished before the ramble train could arrive at its station.

Rhee Jihae

A cute girl ran into frame, running some circles around the center before stopping in the middle and striking a kawaii pose. "JIhae Jihae Jii!" she exclaimed, imitating Love live's Nico Yazawa. "My name is Rhee Jihae!" she continued to speak in a loud and happy tone, showing the camera a bright smile and sparkly eyes. "I have been training for 7 years, and I was in 4 survival shows total!" she gasped dramatically before returning to her smile. She leaned a bit closer, whispering towards the camera: "You may call me an expert..." She chuckled, shaking her head. "No, I'm not. I actually didn't make it in all of them. But I will keep trying and working hard for you guys!" she cheered, throwing some finger hearts at the camera. "Regardless of how I rank on Genesis88, please always remember me as the number one idol in your heart! Pyong!" she ended the video by making finger guns, and making a love shoot towards the camera before waving enthusiastically with both hands.

Akashi Irisa

In the center of the room stood a cute, tiny girl. She made sweater paws, feeling shy and awkward to be in front of a whole camera crew. She managed to give the camera a shy smile, and it was like a flower bloomed. While she came from the acting industry in Japan, filming a video like this was very different for Irisa. "H-hi," she began in slow Korean, clearly being foreign, "I am... Akashi Irisa! Um... I am with Yuehua!" her Korean was a work in progress, but she was trying her absolute best to express herself. "Sorry, I haven't been in Korea... for long... I am learning much!" she continued, showing the camera another smile, hoping that fans wouldn't mind her broken, slow speaking. "I am from... Japan! I was born in Sakai, Osaka!" she spoke a bit more confidently, but an awkward silence fell. When the next person in line heard this, she ran into the side of the frame to pull a surprise stunt on Irisa. Aera was barely into the frame, but she pretended to load a big gun and shoot the girl standing in the middle, doing the Osaka bang. It took Irisa a second to realise what was going on, staring at Aera in shock with gaping. When she realised what Aera was pulling, Irisa saw her chance and acted like the shot had hit her. She jerked back before slumping on the ground, muttering an adorable "Oh nooooo... I got hit~". Irisa met her cute demise that day, and the video ended with her laying 'dead' on the ground. The camera zoomed in on her face for the ending, and as an extra surprise, she opened her eyes wide right at the end before winking, and then bursting into a little laugh.

Jeong Aera

Aera stepped into the frame for the next intro video, still statisfied by the Osaka bang that she had just pulled in an attempt to help Irisa with making an eye catching intro video. She was always a mischievious, spontaneous person, so she didn't even really think about the potential consequences. The director sighed loudly at her shenanigans, but Aera gave him an innocent smile before properly starting off her own intro video. She gracefully bowed at the camera and showed a bright smile. Aera was such a pretty appearance that it felt like she was sparkling, without the sparkly filter actually ! "Hi, I'm Aera, Jeong Aera!" she made a big heart before laughing a little. "Nice to meet you, national producers! I will be your favourite versatile performer from now on," she chuckled a little before music started playing. Aera started performing to the sounds of 2NE1's Can't nobody, showing that she's a skilled triple threat. Showcasing her stable vocals, sharp rap and fierce dance all at once, paired with the ability to attract a person and play with the camera, even if it's a stationary one in this case. Even though she isn't under YG anymore, she still had that typical YG flair to her. As time started to ran out, Aera ended her cover with a little pose before running her fingers through her hair. This cool move was the end of her video.

Kwon Jungil

Jungil was sitting down at a table, with a mic in front of him. He was wearing a big, fluffy hoodie and overall looked very comfy. Even his hair looked like he had just taken a nice nap. The director expected for him to do a singing or rapping cover, but he was very wrong. Instead, Jungil did ASMR. He whispered the names of himself and his fellow KQ trainees and showed his past in esports by whispering game terms and slang into the mic. This definitely wasn't a video for everyone, but all the asmr lovers must've swooned. Especially when he ended it with a cheeky wink at the camera.

Ria Fernandez Ma

Ria entered the frame, casually walking and singing Do it again pretty much flawlessly. As she stood in the center, she continued singing for a little, finishing off the chorus before bowing quickly and giving the camera a pretty smike. "Hi! I'm Ma Ria! Not Maria, my Korean name is actually Ma Ria! Well, Maria is actually my stagename." the girl began introducing herself with a commanding, but sweet tone, showing her confidence in front of the camera. "You may remember me from Sixteen, Produce 101 and idol school! And now I am the leader of Ultraviolet!" Ria explained where her confidence and experience came from, showing that this isn't her first time joining a show like this. "As the leader of Ultraviolet, having to keep 5 girls in check, I have gotten very good at multitasking! So now I will show you multiple talents at once!" She ran out of frame for a moment and re-entered pretty quickly while hula hooping and juggling at the same time. While she was doing this and walking around in the frame, she also started singing one of Ultraviolet's own songs, Ring ring. At the end, she suddenly dropped all of her tricks and stood in the middle of the mess, grinning happily, slightly out of breath from all the movement. "My members make my group a circus too, so this was nothing for me!" Ria couldn't help but laugh out loud at her own joke as the video ended.

Oliver Choi

The next person was definitely not as excited as Ria. Another already debuted idol, but his vibe was entirely different. It was Oliver from boy group Prism. He looked stone cold, mega bored and as if he wanted to not be on the show at all. "Hi," he began in English. Oliver spoke with a voice that sounded like it could have loads of charisma, but at the moment it just sounded too dead to really be anything worth noting. He did pick an English introduction on purpose so he could have the Australian accent helping him at least allure to some people. "I am Oliver Choi, member of Prism and representing Grand house on this show." He kept talking with the same monotonous voice and deadpan expression. Go on boy, give us nothing. "I am called the ice prince of the group, and I think that may be noticeable. Compared to Tristan, I only have 1% of his energy. I was born in Australia, and my stagename in Prism is Ollie. I am so excited to be on this show," he kept going with the same voice, stating some facts he thought were notable. After his last line, he couldn't help but show just a sliiight bit of smile. It was pretty funny to him. In the end, Oliver expressing his excitement while having the most deadpan voice and expression ever got clipped and turned into a huge meme on social media.

Bang Hyowon

The next woman, Bang Hyowon, was almost as deadpan as Oliver. But it's not like she didn't want to be there, she just felt very awkward, having close to no experience being in front of a camera. "Hi..." she started off, forcing an awkward smile, "I am Bang Hyowon... I am a part of the MBK trainee group," she spoke timidly, but a coolness could be found in her voice. "I am a rapper... and producer. I mostly work behind the scenes," she admitted to her lack of experience. "I hope that this won't be a problem," her voice quieted down to a mumble before bowing. Her intro video was shorter than the others, but that was Hyowon's own choice. She didn't want much attention to be put on her. Hyowon thought that she said what needed to be said, and was fine with that.

Kwon Chiwon

This intro video began with PSY's Napal Baji playing from the start. A man, wearing all black was standing in the middle of the room. He was wearing sunglasses, and his lips slowly curled into a smirk before bursting into a silly, exaggerrated dance. His sunglasses flew off in the process, but the boy didn't care and kept going. After not too long, the track suddenly stopped, and so did he. Completely frozen, staring at the camera with wide eyes and a gaping open mouth. Then, Fantastic baby by Bigbang started playing, and the boy sang along to Taeyang and Daesung's lines before faking a horrible voice crack on Daesung's high note. He continued singing and dancing and just vibing to the song until the director stopped the music. But the boy just kept on dancing like nothing happened. From off screen, people could hear him say "Don't you have to introduce yourself?" The trainee immediately froze again and exclaimed "Oh yeah!" before quickly gathering himself and correcting his clothes. Then he cleared his throat loudly, "I am Chiwon!" he finally spoke, and showed the camera a goofy, wide smile.

Clarabelle Lee

Clarabelle was sitting on a chair, her legs crossed as a guitar was resting in her lap. She nodded her head at the camera and smiled slightly before starting to play a short song on her guitar. It was a tiktok trend, but instead of showing the answers to the questions, she spoke them in between lines, stopping the melody every time. It was a cute, cozy song.

Bold = sang, italic = spoken for this segment

My name is Clarabellemy age I'm currently 23 my favourite colour is red and blackMy height five feet fourmy sign I'm a Geminido I have a lover? no, not at the moment. (She smiles and breaks her resting face) What's my nationality? I came from Thailand Here's some things that inspire me. cats, boba, paris, art, pole, pretty girls. Ok! That is it, I guess. Please support me!

Tony Yu

The next boy was tall, beautiful and dressed in a polished but trendy suit. He walked in while bowing as if he had just entered a room full of celebrities. He bowed like 5 times before he was even at the center of the screen, where he stopped, adjusted his tie and showed a proper smile. "Hello, it is nice to meet you," he bowed once again before properly introducing himself, "My name is Tony Yu Jingtian, and I am here to represent Exact music. It is a pleasure," he spoke formally, clearly and with a gentle voice. The boy clearly had good manners. "You may have seen me before if you know Chinese survival shows, but if you don't, that's okay. Hopefully, we will get to know each other well on this show then," he smiled just a little, keeping up the formality. "If I may ask, please look forward to me, as I am back with more surprises!" he raises his fists as if he's saying 'fighting' to the camera before scoffing a little and muttering under his breath, looking towards the next participant waiting outside of the frame. "Was that too cringe?"

Seo Junseo

A tall man stood in the frame, wearing a trendy, dark outfit and holding a colorful electric guitar. It gave him a very cool, kind of imposing vibe. But his behavior was entirely different from his look. "Hey everyone! It's Jayden!" he showed a bright puppy smile, beaming towards the camera before bowing politely. "I am from Melbourne, Australia, and used to be part of our local school band!" he spoke in a strong australian accent before making a seamless switch back to Korean. "But now I am here, in Seoul, to capture even more hearts! And I will capture it right now, hold on!" he laughed, readying his guitar. Then he began playing a very impressive solo riff without any backing track, cheering himself on whenever he hit some good notes, but that could barely be heard due to the volume of the guitar. Hidden behind the camera, the director let out a defeated sigh. But the next person in line was cheering excitedly.

Hu Xinyi

This was purely coincidental, but after a rock dude came a rock chick. The director almost walked out of the room upon spotting another electric guitar in her hands as she walked into frame with confidence. But her vibe was quite different from what Junseo brought. "Ni hao," she greeted in her native language, "I am Hu Xinyi, one half of cover group Cherrish," her slow Korean was monotonous, kind of reminiscent of Oliver Choi earlier. She didn't say anything more before taking out her guitar and a beat pad to play a cover of Aerosmith. During her playing, Xinyi's vibe did a 180, her becoming very active and excited. After she was done showing off, Xinyi returned to her deadpan expression and said "Please support me."

Lee Namshin

Namshin walked in with confidence, wearing an all black tuxedo with shiny polished shoes. "Hi," he gave the camera a cool wave, as if he was the heartthrob of a kdrama, "It's me, chic and y Namshin." The guy stood in a model-like pose, showcasing his pretty face, long legs and chic aura. After breaking the pose and standing up straight, he broke into a song. It was O sole mio (not sf9, but the classic one), meant to showcase his gorgeous tenor voice and singing skills. As he finished up the song, he pulled out a rose from inside his jacket and held it towards the camera, focusing his gaze on the lens and ending the video with a wink. So romantic.

Hong Soojoo

Soojoo was up next, and she walked in slowly, taking careful steps as she balanced a book on her head. The young girl was wearing cat ears and big cat gloves. Once she made it to the middle, her book shifted a little, so Soojoo had to balance the book again by swaying her body around. She let out a tiny wow as she leaned forward to bring the book back in balance. Once she was finally ready for her introduction, she opened ... to only introduce herself by using meows. "Meow! Meow meow meow... meow meow! memeow!" she happily did her whole introduction in meows before bringing out a pack of big cards. Every card showed a different cat meme, and Soojoo would imitate all of their faces without a word, making for a hilarious scene. Once time started to run out, Soojoo did her outro... Of course it was also all in meows. Then she walked off, the book still on her head. She didn't even mention her name, the director thought. But oh no, she did. It's just that only the cats will know for now.

Jai Saharat Kittidamrongchai

After getting a dog, a flying squirrel and a cat, this time it was a shark that walked in? Jai waddled his way towards the center in a soft, adorable shark onesie and he flapped his fins/arms, showing the camera a bright grin. "Hi," he spoke with a nice, soft voice, "I am Saharat Kittidamrongchai, but you can just call me Jai, please," he bowed politely, his head momentarily disappearing under the big shark hood before he lifted it up again. "I will now show my dance, I hope you will like it," to this point, he had sounded completely serious. If it wasn't for the shark onesie, this would've been a very nice and polite intro video. But that all changed when baby shark started playing, and Jai started doing an intense hiphop choreo to the song. After almost ruining his onesie with his intense dance, he crossed his arms and did a cool pose to end the video.

Xavier Wong

Xavier walked in to the rhythm of a simple hiphop beat. He didn't need to speak any words to introduce himself, he started to rap his introduction instead. With a strong voice and a very good flow, Xavier brought the self-composed rap. Among the topics were his name, age, a simple background and stories about the previous survival shows he had been on. Those were The coming one and The rap of China season 3, and how he traveled from Macau to China to end up here in Korea. In the end, he rapped his wishes, those being to do well on the show, that he gets lots of love from fans and that he can keep on performing for a long time. When the beat stopped, he also stopped rapping, and all he did afterwards was smile.

Na Seohan

Seohan entered the frame in the most spectacular way so far, moving by only doing taekwondo spins and kicks until he arrived in the center. After doing a spectacular finishing move, he actually slipped and fell onto his . "Ouch!" he yelped, slowly crawling back up as he rubbed the painful spot. "Oh god I think I may have injured myself," he complained, standing up like a grandma before suddenly doing a kick towards the camera, catching the camera crew by surprise. "HA! Just kidding. I'm sorry if I scared you," he chuckled before bowing. "Hi, I am Fantagio's Na Seohan, and taekwondo is in my blood!" Seohan showed off some more advanced taekwondo techniques while exclaiming his loud battle cries. "But this doesn't take away from my singing and dancing capabilities! I can guarantee you that I will show off those skills as well on the show... At least I hope," he chuckled, joking around again. "Actually, I think i'll just show my dance off right now!" The guy did one more taekwondo jump before lying down on his belly, his body horizontally on the ground. "Check how cool my dance is," he chuckled before getting into doing the worm, slowly exiting the frame while letting out an occasional grunt due to the pressure on his chest. "Goodbye!" He yelled, out of breath and off-screen.



Sien's corner

Here's the second quarter of the intro videos!! I'm so excited :D but I swear these are randomised, the two Sakurai's and the two rock kiddos coming after each other is a coincidence (or the randomiser is shady af) but I hope you enjoy them, and make sure to read the first part if you haven't yet, because at the end, there will be a vote for your favourites! And also because Yuuki got added to that chapter later on to balance things out so he might be a little forgotten but his intro video is fun! After part 4, there will be a vote and it will be both a segment on episode 1 of the show, and also a way for me to test if my voting system actually works and if i need to make any adjustments.

Also, you guys seriously dont know how tempting it was to just drop jungil's asmr video without saying any other word. But I couldnt just do that to you guys LMAO. But yeah that is his actual fc doing asmr and i thought it had to be included somehow.

Please let me know if there are any mistakes or changes you'd like. I may have made some mistakes cause i am HELLA tired so please tell me if you can spot one and I will fix it tomorrow. I know there's still some faceclaim changing possible but for now these are the ones that you guys gave me.

coded by HiRitu

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a little voting update: the girls are currently 5-way tied for first place, but among the guys, there is one clear leader... who got double the points of these ladies 💀 if you havent voted yet, make sure to do so and come break the tie!!


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0 points #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The amount of time and effort it must've taken to complete the kprofiles, intro videos, and what's in the box chapters is crazy, thanks so much for your dedication and hard work for this fic! I'm sorry it took so long for me to comment and unfortunately I wasn't able to turn in a full app for my character because I've been on hiatus from aff, but I just finished reading through everything and placing my first impression vote. It was really fun learning about all the characters! Honestly I had a tough time choosing my top 5 for both the male and female contestants, shoutout to everyone for making such wonderful characters. I'll be looking forward to the results of the first vote and what's to come next :D
Chapter 13: Is Koi okay in her intro omfg...
Chapter 15: Holy fk now that I'm actually taking the time to read through everyone's intros......BINNI?????? HOLY FK. I'm simping for her THIS FRUIT SLAYER CAN ALSO CHOKE ME PLZ-
Chapter 15: OMG! I can totally see this in my head hahaha
Chapter 15: Guuuurl you're truly on a roll lately with the updates :'D Thank you so much!!!! I'm so excited to finally be able to vote—imma now study up on everyone now and make my choice hhhhh
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: the way i would do the same like junseo tho he is so cute help 😭 awww alexa don't be scared! haein just have too much energy in him! also i love how you write all of the interaction in what's in the box! it's so fun to read!