« Intro videos pt. 1 »

 « 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » Mnet's newest survival show。 FIRST IMPRESSION VOTE OPEN! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ

Intro videos pt. 1

Blanche Cho

The first intro video released for this season marked the official start of Genesis88. It was an open room with the logo in the background, as usual. Blanche strutted in and made her way to the center of the shot before introducing herself. "Hello, I'm Blanche Cho, it's lovely to meet you all!" she started in Korean before swiftly switching to English. "Hi there, it's me, Blanche! The flower from France," she smiled happily, holding her hands together as she was gracefully introducing herself. After her English introduction she made another switch, to French. "Bonjour, tout le monde! Je m'appelle Blanche Cho! Je suis coréenne, mais je suis née en France! Ravi de vous rencontrer, mes bebous!" After that flex, she stepped closer to the camera, so close that the background had almost fully disappeared behind her head. "Do you know?" she started whispering, "That I love my fans so so so much? I'm so excited to be here and to be able to start over and I couldn't have done it without my bebous. I'm so excited to be a part of this show!" she got giddy and hopped back to the spot where she used to be before. "I want to thank my fans and everyone else for supporting me and making this possible! I love you all~" she winked. It was time to say her goodbyes, so of course, Blanche did it in all three languages again. "안녕히계세요~ Goodbye and au revoir~" she waved while grinning before the intro ended.

Watanabe Yuuki

After a stunning woman, the honor of being the first man went to Yuuki. He walked in, cleared his throat and a song started playing. It was the song 'Touch' by Iwasaki Yoshimi. But to everyone's surprise, he started with a squeaky voice, lowering it verse by verse all the way until it was in the depths of hell. With this, Yuuki wanted to showcase his vocal range. Because of the silly voices he was doing, he sometimes pulled a funny face, but he generally kept his cool. When he was done, he cleared his throat again. Having a bit of an awkward pause before he introduced himself. "Konnichiwa, watashi wa Yuuki desu. Yoroshikuonegaishimasu," he first began in his native language, Japanese. "I am Watanabe Yuuki," he continued in Korean, "I am the leader and oldest member of Anthos, the virtual group that is out to steal all of your hearts." He showed a smooth, gentlemanly smile to the camera in an attempt to steal more hearts. "Hi guys, I am Yuuki," he restarted his introduction again, but this time in slightly accented English, "And I am the leader of Anthos, nice to meet you!" Another awkward pause fell upon him before he remembered what he wanted to say. "Oh, did you guys know that this is the first time that Anthos is showing themselves to the public? So far, we have only worn masks... But we wanted to get out there in the real world!" he smiled again, showing the public a sweet persona. "I hope you guys will appreciate us, thank you very much," he ended the video, reaching his hand out as if he invited the fans to hold it, and winked. "Support me, will you?"

Lee Chaewoong

The next guy up in line was Chaewoong. A guy who lately got known to be the older brother of Chaeyeon and Chaeryoung, but got way more show experience than them. He was wearing a casual fit, and was holding a guitar. There was a mic in front of him, so people could already guess what he was about to do. "Hello guys! It's me, Lee Chaewoong! You may remember me from k-pop star 2 and stray kids tv! Now I'm back on Genesis88 to finally get my chance to debut!" He bowed to the camera and showed a sweet smile. He was also on produce x 101, but he knew he wasn't allowed to mention that. He readied his guitar and played a few strings to make sure it was tuned properly before starting to play a cover of FT island's I wish. His sweet vocals were accompanied by his guitar, and it was beautiful, almost perfect. It was the last cover he had played on k-pop star 2. "Ah, this was so nostalgic! I hope it brought back many happy memories for all of you!" He smiled brightly. "I'm here to bring a new, upgraded version of myself! I hope I can get your support," he bowed again, and that was the end of his video.

Song Jaegyu

Song Jaegyu was up next. She has a lot of experience with cameras so wasn't feeling any nerves. She skipped in happily, humming along to an Ateez song before standing still and locking her eyes on the camera. Without hestitation or any flinching, she raised her arms up and dropped into a perfect split. Totally unbothered by this position, she kept her eyes on the camera at all times before breaking into a wide smile. "Hi! It's me, the silver princess, Song Jaegyu! I bet you didn't expect to see me here, did you?" she waved, showing off her happy virus energy. She finally got out of the splits and stood up again but still held a graceful gymnast starting pose to remind people of her national gymnast past and hopefully grab more attention. "It's been a while! I hope all of you have been doing well and haven't been too worried about me while I was gone!" she showed a little pout before apologising, "I'm so sorry for leaving you guys hanging like that... But now, I'm not gymnast Jaegyu anymore! I'm trainee Jaegyu, who's going to win Genesis88!" She abruptly changed to an extravagant Jojo pose. "And I'm here to show my skills..." she started to ready a baseball throw like she was throwing the first pitch at a game, lifting her leg up to a 180° angle with ease. "I'm also going to give you all... all of my LOVE!" she threw the ball, which turned out to be a finger heart. Right before the video ended, she burst into an embarassed laughter before shuffling off, the embarassment finally kicking in.

Dylan Wang

Dylan's intro video was pretty straight forward and simple. After entering the frame, he bowed, acting very polite and formal. "Hello! Ni hao! It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Dylan Wang. I hope I can have your support," he showed a gentle smile. It was like he was at a job interview, from the suit to the politeness in his speech. While he wanted to appear proper and nice, it ended up looking a bit stiff, especially when the last video most people watched was Jaegyu's. After his introduction, he did a dance cover of NEXT's WYTB. When the chorus ended, he bowed again. "I hope you like my performance and are willing to give me some votes! I'm looking forward to seeing you again," he smiled before loosening up a bit and giving the camera a big wave.

Baek Soye

It was time for the show's maknae to make her appearance. In skipped a smiley little sunshine of a girl. Before introducing herself, she striked a few aegyo poses, smiling brightly throughout. "Hi guys!! I'm Baek Soye! Young but powerful, tiny but mighty!" she was so hyper that she did a few tiny bunny hops while talking. After she finished, she did a cheek heart and winked, showing off more of her cute energy. "I'm going to show you my rap now, it's one that I wrote myself! I hope you will all like it..." she gave the camera the puppy eyes before suddenly bursting into her rap, her energy changing completely from cute to fierce. It was a self-written rap, all about her journey towards being an idol, from kids planet to mystic story. She also rapped about how this show is her last chance, and how her parents want her to focus on high school instead. After she ended her rap, she held the mic with both hands and bowed. "How was it? If you liked it, please vote for me so I can make my dreams come true. I'll work hard for it in return! Pinky promise!" she held out her finger to the camera to do a finger promise. "I'll see you soon! See ya!" she waved before skipping back off camera.

Heidi Kim

Heidi started her intro video with a bang. Cartwheeling into frame while wearing a fluffy flying squirrel onesie. The cute fit was a huge contrast to her behavior. She introduced herself in english with a chuckle. "What's up, it's me, Heidi." she was full of charisma, but contrasted to the onesie, it just made her look funny. "I'm going to show you some cool tricks, don't be too surprised!" she grinned before getting into a handstand without any help. She started rapping a self-written rap while walking on her hands, then she put her feet down into a bridge, still rapping, her breath only hitching a bit when her feet landed. Then, while still going with the rap, she twisted her back like this and finished spitting her bars. She got out of her crazy position to stand up again. "Did you like that? It was cool, right? If you did, then I'd appreciate it if you voted for me! Thanks!" she smiled before doing a cheek heart.

Min Kyungri

After Heidi's overload of energy, it was the turn of one of the shy younglings, Kyungri. In the frame was a big piano, and a young, cute girl shuffled in and sat down at the piano. Without introducing herself, she started playing gently. She was playing FTisland's Madly, and soon started singing as well with a soft but beautiful voice. Her singing was deep, bewitching and full of emotion and she completely bloomed while performing this ballad. When she was done, she stood up and walked to stand in front of the piano. She had completely returned to her shy self and it resulted in a few moments of awkward silence. Suddenly she remembered to introduce herself and hurriedly bowed. "Ah! I'm Min Kyungri! I may be a bit shy, but I have a lot of ambitions to debut!" she showed a small smile and did a shy finger heart before the video ended.

Tristan Ha

While Norazo's Shower was playing, Tristan entered the frame. Dancing to the song wildly while wearing a big lion onesie and sunglasses. He continued to shuffle and dance around until the music abruptly stopped, and so did he. After a few seconds of silence, he took his sunglasses off with a grin, only to reveal that he had another pair of sunglasses on underneath. "Oh, oops! I thought I had double the coolness," he laughed before taking the other pair off and finally showing his eyes for his introduction. "Hello, national producers! I'm Tristan Ha! And I'm here to steal all of your hearts!" he introduced himself. His chaotic energy kept overflowing as he switched to an aegyo song, doing a bunch of hearts with a wide smile plastered on his face. "I, Tristan, trust that I can steal all of your hearts! Ha, get it? Trist sounds like trust," he spoke in English for the pun he came up with himself and laughed a little. "National producers, I'm going to be your new love, until then, I'll see you! ... Rawr I'm a lion." he ended with an extravagant pose and a wink.

Lee Yoobin

Yoobin walked in casually, once he was in the center, he gave the camera a big bow. "Hi! I'm Lee Yoobin from Source music! While I really want to be an idol, I am also a dance instructor! So I will teach you all a dance today!" He grinned before starting to do the moves of SuperM's Jopping in a slow tempo. "So you start like this, then go there on the count of 3, and move your feet like that..." he started demonstrating the choreography, explaining every single move. "Hey, uh, you're messing up, not like that," he stopped his dance to tell the camera off as if the national producers are messing up. "No, not to that side, you got to move your legs this way!" his voice grew louder as he acted like he was getting impatient at his pupils. He showed off the moves again before looking at the camera hopefully, but his face dropped quickly. "You keep messing up this move! None of you can get it!" he complained, shaking his head. "You failed, you're D-class, goodbye," he said while leaving the frame, but in the last seconds, you could hear him snort just a little bit, breaking character.

Jinny Liu

Jinny made her way in, carrying an acoustic guitar. After bowing, she sat down on a chair, a mic in front of her. "Hello, dear national producers! I am Jinny Liu from Beijing, and hopefully, I can warm your hearts with my singing! I wrote this song myself, just for you guys..." She readied her guitar and started singing and playing. She was completely absorbed into her song. She sang it beautifully. After a while, she ended the song and put the guitar away. She showed the camera a sweet smile, bowing her head. "I hope you enjoyed that, if you do, I'd love to have your support. Remember the name, Jinny Liu!" she ended with some finger hearts before getting up and leaving.

Kwak Jinhee

Jinhee didn't need an intro, instead, he walked in while already spitting his self written rap. This rap was quick but with a smooth flow, showing off his skills. The lyrics were about himself, how he is a member of a virtual idol group and has never revealed his face before. He rapped about how he doesn't think he fits the idol standard when it comes to visuals, and that that's the reason why he decided to join a virtual group. How he wants to be badass but is stuck with a baby face and how he's been writing raps since elementary school. In the middle of the rap, he even started to dance along with it, showing off his popping and locking skills as he keeps going through his lyrics smoothly. After it ends, he bows quickly and does a cool pose to end the video.


Hoen Akiko & Akito

The twins were the first ones to ever do their intro video together. And they would be the only ones of the show since the other pair of twins did it separately. Akiko and Akito walked in together, standing close to each other, seemingly nervous and a bit awkward. "1... 2... 3..." Akiko whispered before they both bowed together and introduced themselves. "Hello, we are the Hoen twins! And we are here to rock your worlds, dear national producers!" they spoke in choir. "I am Hoen Akiko! The older twin! My position is vocal!" the girl twin spoke happily, both of them having a smile plastered on their faces. After her intro, the twins fell silent, so Akiko nudged her brother. "Oh! Uh... I'm Akito!" Akito jolted back to reality and started his own introduction, "I'm a powerful dancer and the younger twin!" Both of the twins bowed again. They were both being fidgety and shy, and it was noticeable. It was quite endearing. "We may not have much experience, but I really hope that you guys will like our performance!" Akiko took the lead again and they both bowed in sync before waving the camera goodbye.

Yeom Inhye

It was another shy babie's turn after the twins. Inhye made her way in, shuffling around a bit awkwardly until she was happy with her spot in front of the camera. She quickly bowed and started to introduce herself in Korean. "Hi, national producers! It's nice to meet you. I'm Yeom Inhye, Yuehua's shy flower," she giggled, feeling awkward after the line, then she continued in English to show off. "Uh... I can speak English as well! I may not be the most talkative... but my dance shows all of my power!" She spoke gently before getting in position to showcase her dancing. Everglow's Bon bon chocolat started playing, and Inye danced to it perfectly, showing explosive power that was entirely different compared to her shy personality. After the dance finished, she bowed again. "I hope I can do my seniors justice! This was Yeom Inhye from Yuehua... uh... goodbye!" she quickly threw in a shy heart before hurrying away from the camera.

Princess Linchee Kanlayasarairat

A big rack filled the set this time, full of expensive looking purses and bags. In strutted Princess, named accurately. "Hello, beautiful people, I am Princess, the real princess of the show," she began in English, flipping her hair. Some people may have noticed here that she was throwing subtle shade at the other contestant that had called herself a princess before. "My Korean is not that good yet... but I will... learn a lot!" she spoke in broken, accented Korean, but she looked motivated to learn more. "I'm a trainee under Yuehua, and come from Bangkok! In fact, my dad is a political ambassador for Thailand! I mean, how cool is that? I really am not in this for the money, it's all because I want to stand on stage!" she continued in English, unapologetic and outspoken, without any filter. "Now, I am going to show off my precious collection of purses, because they make me so happy!" Princess smiled, taking one of her bags and showing it off to the camera, feeling all giddy. "This is Chanel, it's so pretty, right? And the one next to it is Balenciaga, that one is my favourite of all time!" She kept rambling on about her purses until she got cut off, getting the cue to end the video. "Aww, I can't even finish showing them off! Well, I guess you guys will have to become my fans and watch the show to see the rest of it~ Until next time!" She quickly ended the video, flipping her hair gracefully before walking off.

Oh Youngsun

Next up was another bright personality. Youngsun ran into frame and almost overshot her stop, putting on the brakes in the middle of the frame and almost tripping as a result. "Hi there! I'm Ultraviolet's sunshine, Oh Youngsun! But do you know that sometimes, it rains?" Youngsun spoke in a rush before abruptly starting to cry. She kept these dramatic tears going for a whole 30 seconds before stopping just as quick as she started, showing her bright smile again. "See? I can act! But you know what else I can do? I can sing!" Youngsun excitedly hopped in place before starting to run on the spot. She kept doing her running motion while not moving, her eyes locked on the camera with a serious look on her face. Then she started singing IU's high notes from Good day, while still running, and she completely finished it. When those notes were done, she stopped and did a deep, quick bow. "That was fun, right? If you want to see more, vote for me!" she ended it with a laugh and heart before running off again.

Goto Tsubasa

The video started with a song, and Tsubasa walked into frame while singing along. He did this until the end of the first chorus, wearing sunglasses and having loads of explosive energy. When he was done, he quickly yelled "HA!" while taking off his sunglasses in a really extravagant way. This video was already chaotic enough, but Tsubasa wasn't finished yet. He stared into the camera with a deadpan look on his face. "Hello, it is I, Goto Tsubasa," he spoke in a stiff, extremely low tone. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Please vote for me," he bowed, still being as stiff and deadpan as he could be. He ended the video by keeping up his serious stare, not moving a muscle until the minute was over.

Na Hyunsook

Compared to the last video, Hyunsook started out with a much less chaotic vibe. She entered the frame and immediately started to rap one of her old soundcloud songs, showing off her sharp tone, quick flow and creative lyrics. When she was done, she bowed and grinned. "What's up! It's me, Na Hyunsook, also known as rapper Zuri. It's great to meet you, national producers!" she started to strike a few poses, including a few Jojo ones (she definitely got those from Jaegyu). "Don't I look smashing? Do you like my hair?" she flipped her pink pigtails before doing a turn and then ducking forward to do a head roll, but flopping over to the side in the middle of it. She crawled back up while laughing her off, stumbling around a bit before making her way back to the center of the frame. "I... Please enjoy the show-" she tried to speak, but couldn't stop laughing. She ended up doing a massive wheeze before the video abruptly cut off.

Jeon Wonbin

The set had changed atmosphere, it was darkened slightly and spooky sound effects were playing. In shuffled a looming figure, his head hidden behind a big cape that was part of a fancy vampire costume. When Wonbin revealed his face, he had red eyes and bloody fangs, really channeling the vampire energy. "I'm Jeon Wonbin, member of Prism. My members often call me scary, so I decided to become a dark, scary, big VAMPIRE! How's that for scary!" he began, his voice going gradually growing louder and deeper. "I'm sooo scary, woooOOoOo," he continued to play the scary card, barely able to keep in his laughter. "Do you know where college vampires like to shop? At forever 21! Scary huh? Where does Dracula keep his money? In a blood bank, of course! Why do vampires love baseball? Why, because they turn into bats every night, of course!" He kept going, reciting vampire and halloween related puns and dad jokes in a deep and scary voice. He kept his laughter in throughout the whole video, and it cut off mid-dad joke.



Sien's corner

Hello guys!! This is basically the same intro videos as originally, I privated it to deal with the inactives but turns out that only one of them was actually in this so I only had to replace her and it was good to go. But you can reread it to get a refresher and of course look for the new guy that's included, which is Yuuki! :D All the other contestants will come through in the future three parts! (this order is randomised btw)

coded by HiRitu

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a little voting update: the girls are currently 5-way tied for first place, but among the guys, there is one clear leader... who got double the points of these ladies 💀 if you havent voted yet, make sure to do so and come break the tie!!


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0 points #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The amount of time and effort it must've taken to complete the kprofiles, intro videos, and what's in the box chapters is crazy, thanks so much for your dedication and hard work for this fic! I'm sorry it took so long for me to comment and unfortunately I wasn't able to turn in a full app for my character because I've been on hiatus from aff, but I just finished reading through everything and placing my first impression vote. It was really fun learning about all the characters! Honestly I had a tough time choosing my top 5 for both the male and female contestants, shoutout to everyone for making such wonderful characters. I'll be looking forward to the results of the first vote and what's to come next :D
Chapter 13: Is Koi okay in her intro omfg...
Chapter 15: Holy fk now that I'm actually taking the time to read through everyone's intros......BINNI?????? HOLY FK. I'm simping for her THIS FRUIT SLAYER CAN ALSO CHOKE ME PLZ-
Chapter 15: OMG! I can totally see this in my head hahaha
Chapter 15: Guuuurl you're truly on a roll lately with the updates :'D Thank you so much!!!! I'm so excited to finally be able to vote—imma now study up on everyone now and make my choice hhhhh
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: the way i would do the same like junseo tho he is so cute help 😭 awww alexa don't be scared! haein just have too much energy in him! also i love how you write all of the interaction in what's in the box! it's so fun to read!