Ch 3. The Keyblade Kid

Dork Diaries X Kingdom Hearts: Crack In The Multiverse

[Resistance HQ.]

[Chloe comes in.]

Cloud: Chloe! What's the sitrep, Commander?

Chloe: Happy to see you're all still alive. Xehanort's forces have chewed through our defenses at WCD. And the resistance in the city is reporting that whatever it is that finished Nikki... [Sees everyone sad] Sorry, I'm still not used to saying that. Whatever it is has got then running in fear. [Sora enters.] All except for this brave kid who survived the battle and made it here in one piece. Meet our newest recruit, Sora.

[Chloe pats Sora on the back, causing them to grunt as he stumbles forward from it. Brianna buzzes over to look them over.]

Brianna: Doesn't look like much.

Chloe: Neither do you Brianna, but I still managed to find a use for your little .

Brianna: Teehee.

Chloe: [Gives Sora his Keyblade] Here kid. Take this. We're depending on you. Ok, let's get going everybody. The world's not going to save itself.

[Everyone agrees]


Brandon: Sora, what are these weird phone things?

Sora: They're called Gummi phones. This way we can stay in contact even when we're far apart.

Theodore: That's brilliant. Thanks, Sora!

Chloe: Guys! Come in! Come in!

Cloud: What's going on?!

Chloe: I've just received some incredible news! Nikki is alive!

Cloud: [Shocked] No way! That's excellent!

Brandon: [Happy] What!? Oh, thank goodness! I knew it! I knew it!

Chloe: [Upset] She's captured in the orbiting prison. My spy there says he's in a solitary confinement cell, and they've been torturing him for months.

Brandon: [Sad] That's horrible! We have to rescue him!

Chloe: Plan's already happening, Brandon. I've got a squad on the way to the SpacePort in the Chemical Plant to "borrow" a shuttle. 

Sora [Happy] C'mon, guys. Who's up for an old-school style jailbreak?

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