Ch. 1: The Defeat Of Nikki Maxwell

Dork Diaries X Kingdom Hearts: Crack In The Multiverse

[City, sunset.]

[The scene shows Xehanort and his Clones cornering a group of civilians (including Zoey), only for Nikki to appear in the nick of time to destroy the clones as they had just raised their arms up to fire, causing the civilians to cheer on Nikki.]

Nikki: Is everyone okay?

Zoey: We are, thanks to you. Cutting it kind of close, though, pal.

Nikki: Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll. [Turns around to face Xehanort] Okay, let's finish this, Xehanort!

Xehanort: It will be your finish, Nikki. Behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece!

[Nikki shrugs and is about to attack Xehanort, only for it to be blocked by a mysterious figure. Nikki manages to land on her feet, while Zoey ushers the civilians down a nearby alleyway to escape to safety, and recognizes the figure of what appears to be Mackenzie, who, for some reason, has wierd looking eyes.]

Nikki: Mackenzie! It's you? [Andre appears] Andre!? [followed by Jessica] Jessica!? [And lastly Tiffany] Tiffany!!

[A mysterious figure wearing a cloak floats down. Nikki scoffs at the new opponent and charges at the figure, only for him to quickly sidestep the attack and move out the way, much to Nikki's surprise.]

Nikki: Huh?

Zoey: Woah! This guy is faster than Nikki!

[The figure fires a laser from his palm at Nikki (to which she dodges) and the latter tries to punch the figure, only for the teenager to be kicked into the air and then roundhouse kicked into a building, cratering the masonry from the impact.]

Zoey: No, wait! It's something else. Gotta scan him and figure this out.

[The figure fires two lasers from his palm at Nikki (to which Nikki also dodges). Andre charges at Nikki at this moment and punches at her, only for the dork to block the attack and roundhouse kick the french boy, who shouts in pain as he is repulsed. Nikki then charges at the figure and jumps into the air to attack him, only to see Jessica is about to attack her

 from the flank in a corkscrew spin. Nikki uses his stomp move to avoid Jessica and proceeds to charge at the figure again, only for him to move out of the way. When Nikki lands on a building, Tiffany appears out of the blue and is about to punch Nikki, only for the latter to block.]

Nikki: What are you? How are you doing--

[The figure appears and Roundhouse kicks Nikki again while he is distracted by Tiffany, sending him tumbling across the street. Xehanort clenches his fist in victory.]

Xehanort: Nice!

[Nikki gets up]

Nikki: Zoey! I need to know what's going on with this guy!

Zoey: I'm trying, Nikki, but these readings are all messed up! They don't make any sense!

[The figure proceeds to roundhouse kick Nikki once again, only for him to evade the attack this time and somersault out of the way. The figure attacks the dork again before she can recover, causing her to be launched into a building, again with enough force to crater the masonry. Nikki then gets launched into the air by the figure, who then blasts lasers from his palms, and gets pummeled by Mackenzie, Andre, Tiffany, and Jessica, all in that order.]

Nikki: Running out of time here, Zoey!

[The figure delivers one last blow on Nikki, slamming her to the ground with his sword. She lands in front of Zoey, who looks on with concern. Nikki tries to lift herself up, but to no success as she has no strength left to do so, and collapses in defeat, to Zoey's horror.]

Zoey: Nikki!

[Cuts to Nikki's point of view as we see the figure floating down as Nikki loses consciousness with some final pained groans]

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