
The other side of her


I ripped out a sheet of paper from the little memo pad I had in my pocket. Making sure that Ryosuke couldn’t see, I wrote:  Yamada Ryosuke

Oh god, my hand was trembling. What would he think?????? I folded the paper carefully into a heart shape and with my hand still shaking, I gave it to him.

“At HOME.” I reminded him. Then I turned around and started walking away.

I turned back around when I heard crumple sounds. What!?!? Uso!!!! He was opening it!!!!

“At HOME!!! HOME!!!!” I screamed. But he continued to ignore me---


*Yamada Ryosuke’s P.O.V*

I was soooo eager to know, so tempted, that I opened it right there and then- despite that fact that Aya was shouting “At HOME!” Over and over, waving her hands around furiously.

I finally opened the paper…

My head couldn’t wrap around what the paper said. I froze and eyed Aya in a weird way.

*Sasakura Aya’s P.O.V*

Oh, god… this is NOT good. He’s staring at me. Was… it… not right to tell him? I regretted writing the truth on the paper. At least I could have lied… I started to tear up as I thought about how Ryosuke might not even want to see my face anymore. I was ready for him to yell at me. I knew it was coming. I covered my face with my hands to cover my face and waited for him to say something. But nothing was said. Instead, I felt myself being wrapped in something warm and comfortable. In a split second, I knew it was Ryosuke’s arms.

“E???” I looked up at him.

He was smiling.

*Yamada Ryosuke’s P.O.V*

“I guess my ikemen got to you too???” My head was spinning so much. Wait- what am I doing???? Haha

“u..unn… But I love you for who you are.”

“Why are you soooo cute…” I whispered as I lightly pinched her cheeks. Then I leaned my face over so that my lips were barely touching her ear, then I whispered

“I love you too, Aya.”

Then I went for a kiss.

*Chinen Yuri’s P.O.V*

“Omg, omg, Keito! He’s gonna hug her! Hurry! Get the camera!”

“Where’s the camera!!!??? I don’t have it, do you- Yuto??”

“Oh, here it is! Wait, it’s tangled!”

“Hurry!” I whispered.

Us, Hey! Say! 7 were in fact, hiding behind playground equipment, trying to see what’s going on with Ryosuke and Aya.

“Got it!”

“Hurry! Turn it on”

“Give it to me!!” I snatched the camera and clicked the video button. Then I angled it so that you couldn’t see the bars from the play ground equipment, and quickly pressed the record button.

Keito quickly took out his phone just as we heard Ryosuke tell Aya that he loved him too, and started taking pictures with it.

“Omg, omg they’re kissing!!!!!!!!” Yuto squealed excitedly.

“Wait, oooooh god!!! NO,NO.NO!!!!” Keito whispered fairy loudly.


“I sent the picture of them kissing by accident!!”

“To who!?!?”


*Yamada Ryosuke’s P.O.V*

Just when I pulled away from the soft, warm kiss, my phone rang.

I whispered “sorry, text from Keito.”

She nodded, still frozen and shocked at the situation.

I opened the attachment on the text message.

“WHAT!?!?!?!?” I shouted, making Aya jump in shock. I looked all around me and… there they are. “Hiding.”

“You guys!!!!!!!” I shouted, and the three of them walked out, hanging their head in shame.

Keito laughed nervously and said “Co..congrats!!!!”

“Aww… I wanted to make Aya my girlfriend!”

With that, my natural instincts led me to hug Aya close to me as if protecting her, and I yelled “mine!”

“Did you even ask her to be your girlfriend?” Chinen asked.

“Will you be my girlfriend?????” I screamed in Aya’s face as I pulled her away from the hug.

“Y…Yes…” +///////+

“I love you!” I yelled, then I pulled her back into a tight hug.


Omg, omg….!!! This is NOT GOOD!!! It’s been almost a month since my last update!!!! I need to update sooner!!!!!! I will try my hardest from now on to update whenever I have time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chapter 24: Update ASAP!!!
ckossi #3
I hope you have fun~!!!!!!!
heysayluv #4
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO INOO KEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ckossi #5
Thank goodness it was just Kento. I love y Zone almost as much as I love Hey! Say! JUMP. Scary part is is that Kento reminds me soo much of my brother, not the way he looks, but the way he does things (from all the videos I've seen).
ckossi #6
Suzuki-san!!!! Don't tell me you gave Aya away to strangers who claimed to be Nakajima's!!!!!!!!! You can find and save her Yamada!!!
ckossi #7
Aw~ He's nervous to hold her hand!!! That's so cute~!!!
this is a funny and romantic chapter at the same time...!:D
i was laughing as i read this because i am imagining hey! say! 7's expression as they were hiding like a paparazzi just to take a picture of ryosuke and aya...hahaha
keito's reaction was so funny...and yuto's squeal...!!!hahaha
ryosuke was indeed possessive there...hahaha
looking forward for your next update...gambatte ne~...^-^
ckossi #9
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! 7 was funny!!!! They were being like proud parents doting (or recording) on their child who started walking for the first time by themselves.
Reia_Na #10
Hahahahaaa...., Keito sent the pict to Yama-chan,,this part make me laugh like crazy XD