Good Person

IPOD Shuffle Challenge Fanfics

(T-ARA - Good person)


She slept in her bed. Slowly…oh so slowly she felt the heaviness of her eyes give into her…so this is what it feels like…dying…of heart break…


She knows he’ll never come back now…she had to lie that she was leaving the country…and was with another man. She wanted him to live a happy life…even though she was dying of heartache…she was also dying of a terminal illness…she couldn’t let a good person feel heart ache after her…



a/n: when this song came up...i was literally just thinking of a beautiful girl...(anyone from T-ARA can be her) just...dying...I don't hate T-ARA or anything...i like them's just the song just gave me this vibe of writing a dying girl...who won't be able to love her man...because she just doesn't want a good man to waist his love for a dying girl...

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