
Reborn Young
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01 | Broken




Upon hearing a noise outside, Yoona (in a stranger's body) immediately locks the door and pressed his ear against the door. He can hear a female and a male's voice. 


'Are they looking for this body?' he raised his eyebrows and continue to listen until he heard a knock.


"Mr. Kwon are you inside?" Followed by that female's voice.


'Kwon? The surname of this boy? Damn, I'm not really dreaming am I?' He returned to the mirror and hit his face a couple of times only to wince in pain. "What the heck is really going on?! Am I dead? Am I reincarnated? Ugh, it doesn't make sense! How this even happened?" His mind just couldn't get it. It feels like he is being pranked. 


"Please open the door, young master."


He paused when he heard another voice. 'Young master? What?' She's more than confused.


"Mr. Kwon I know you're in there and probably sorting things out. But your questions won't be answered if you don't come out here. I'm Dr. Choi and I can help you."


He exhaled heavily as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Whatever this is, I'm really ed up." He cursed unconsciously as he reached for the door and slowly opens it. "Ha-Hi." and greeted awkwardly.


The doctor smiled and stepped aside.


"Um, listen, I need to pee first." He hurriedly closed the door back and headed to the toilet bowl. 'I'm a girl in my previous life. This is freaking absurd. So, it's okay to sit while peeing.' She closes her eyes as he relaxed and lets out a sigh. 


Opening his eyes back, he suddenly remembers Seohyun and his mother which breaks his heart. "If I'm really dead... This means... I left my girlfriend and mother without saying goodbye." he let out a few tears but quickly hold it back when he heard another voice outside. 


'Yuri-ah? It's Taeyeon Noona. Whoa, I'm so freaking happy you're finally awake. Your doctor told me that you probably lose your memories right now, but that's fine... I'm here to help. Noona's going to help everything.' 


'Taeyeon? Why does that name sound familiar even her voice.' She raised her eyebrows as she tries to recall for a couple of minutes until she reme her. 'Omo, Kim Taeyeon? The idol singer?' she got excited as she quickly stands up and pulled her pants back then hurriedly opens the door. "Kim Taeyeon? Oh My God, it's you! The great Kim Taeyeon! I'm a fan!" He grabs her hand and got excited. "Kyaaaa, you got the softest hand." But he paused and realized everyone is staring at her confusedly. He hastily let go of her hand and chuckle awkwardly. "I...ah... I... Hahaha." he rubs the back of his head and winced as he touched something on his head. "What this?" He felt the bandage behind his head.


"It's where your head was hit hard and created a crack in your skull. You were lucky to survive." The Doctor explained.


"You hit your head indeed. But I'm glad you didn't forget about me at all." Taeyeon smiles and hugs her half-brother. "You'll be alright soon." 


Yoona's heart is fangirling at the moment but she can't hug her back. 'Damn, I never imagined being in someone's body that's related to my idol. Not to mention her brother.' she wanted to scream so bad but too bad she's not Im Yoona in everyone's eyes. She's in Kwon Yuri's body for a strange reason.


Pulling back and noticed how red her brother's face is. "Are you alright?" She placed her hand on his forehead immediately. "Well, that's weird. You're not hot." She chuckled.


"I bet he needs some rest first, Ms. Kim." The doctor suggested.


"Ah yes, I need it." Yoona (in Yuri's body) nodded while smiling goofily. He heads to the bed and tucks himself inside the comforter while grinning.


Taeyeon can't help and giggle. "Just when did you start looking like a teenager just like your age says so?" It's a bit weird to see it because Yuri isn't s childish at 18 years old. He's mature for his age.


"How old am I?" Ask Yoona innocently. 'How old is this boy?'


"You're eighteen... 4 months ago." 


"4 months? What month are we in now?" 


"You were in a car accident six months ago that got you into a coma, young master. You turned eighteen last May." The nurse said as he checks the bp of their patient. 


"I'm sure you don't also remember your name?" Taeyeon sadly asked.


"I'm Kwon Yuri, right?" 


"You heard it earlier indeed."


"And what year are we in?"




"Okay." He nodded and suddenly remembers the press con she was having last May. "It's... Been 4 months since I died?" His eyes doubled in realization.


"What?" The doctor and Taeyeon reacted in surprise. 


"Um, I'm fine. Hehe." Yoona (in Yuri's body) grinned briefly before he closed his eyes. 'It's been four months since I left my girlfriend and mother.' she cried inside while she clenched her jaw to hold the pain back. She can't imagine how painful it must be for them and how are they doing right now. She hated it.


"Um, are you okay, Mr. Kwon?" The nurse noticed when his bp suddenly increased.


Yoona opens her eyes and nodded gently. "I'm fine." Assured her weakly before closing her eyes again. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. 


Taeyeon stares back at the doctor. "Will this takes some time Dr. Choi?" She wonders, quietly concerned for her brother. 


"I have no idea but we'll keep on monitoring him, Ms. Kim. For now, let's give him the time to rest. He just woke up from the coma after all." The doctor suggested and ushers his nurse to leave the room with him.


'When will this woman leaves?' Yoona thought while pretending she has fallen asleep. As much as she wanted to know more about her idol's brother, she had no mood to do it knowing her family must be mourning her right now. She's sad and worried about them especially her only parent she has, her mother.


Taeyeon stayed watching her brother quietly until she heard her phone ring. She rolled her eyes in annoyance when she reads her manager's name on the phone screen. She approached her brother and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "I'll see you again tonight." Whispered her and patted his chest before she answered the call while walking out of the private ward for her brother.


Opening her right eye and then her left, Yoona let out a huge exhale. She stares at the ceiling reminiscing the memories she shared with Seohyun not realizing her tears have fallen freely. Her chest gets heavier every second passes until she couldn't take it anymore as she sobs quietly in a teenager's body. She pulled the comforter and cried even harder.




As soon as she woke up again around 10 in the evening, Yoona noticed a laptop, box of pizza, and chicken on the coffee table nearby. He thinks Taeyeon returned when she was sleeping for real and left the food and her laptop.


'I'm hungry.' so she stepped out of bed and headed to the door first to peek outside. The hallway is empty except for those nurses in their stations. He closed the door back carefully and hastily runs to the food waiting for him. 


His eyes sparkled in interest as soon as the tasty fried chicken and pizza greeted his eyes. "It's yours now, Im Yoona." he said before grabbing the slice of pizza in his right hand and a drumstick in her left hand. He took a big bite of either of them which leads to more bites and more slices of pizza and drumsticks in the next couple of minutes until he had a big burp of her second life.


Leaning her back to the sofa, he rubs his stomach and felt weird. "This boy's stomach is a bit big and doesn't seem like plays any sport." She got used to having a small tummy since she's a tennis player. "Aigoo, I miss my original body." 


"Wait, so I must be on the news when I died, right?" he suddenly thought of it when his eyes landed on the laptop. He pulled the device immediately and opened it. Fortunately, there wasn't a password but he was greeted by Taeyeon's face along with a friend. "This must be her best friend and I haven't seen her in public." he mumbled but decided not to mind it as he opened a browser. He types her name on the browser and news articles about her being dead from the fire caused her chest to tighten. "So I am right. Aish." he closed the laptop and leaned back again while crossing his arms. 


He heaved a sigh as her eyes landed on the wall clock that just strikes 11 in the evening. 


'Are you still practicing right now? It's almost midnight, Yoong! I'm coming for you. You can't go home alone.' 


Seohyun's voice suddenly rings in her mind when she remembers that time of the night. She usually practiced in their gym whenever there was an important match. But the thought of it just change her mind. He got up and headed to the door again to check if she was fine to go out. Just like earlier, there weren't any much people outside. She grabs the opportunity and left the room. His eyes are straight to the lift as he fastens his to walk without any plan to turn his head or stopped his pace.


Thankfully she reached the lift in no time and got inside in just a couple of seconds. She doesn't know what hospital he's in but she needed to go to Seohyun at the moment and hopefully, she can check on her.




The moment he reached the first floor, he was greeted by media outside the hospital and there was Taeyeon talking in front of them. He hastily hides behind the counter and slowly peeks his head. 'Damn, this boy's sister looks so stressed and the media isn't helping her. Tsk.' She thought as she lowered herself and waited until the revolving door gets empty from everyone coming in and out. He didn't hesitate and runs all the way out.


"Taxi!" He called out so loud when she saw a cab coming. 


"Young master! Comeback!"


He turned and found securities coming after him. "Aish." He hastily got inside the moment the cab pulled over in front of him. "To Gwang-do please." and told the driver immediately before the securities reached the cab. He sighs in relief as the driver drives off on time.




"We're here. That's 1500 won."


Yoona search for the pants and widened her eyes when she realized she was in the hospital's patient outfit and had no wallet with her. "What the, I got used to having my money with me."


"You held me but you don't have any money? , teenagers these days. I'm bringing you to the police station." The driver warns.


"No-no... wait. I know someone in this place. Can you wait for a moment? I'll get my fare for you." He favors.


"Can I trust you?"


"Of course. I'm the best tennis player either way." And he wink playfully.


"What?" The driver raised his eyebrows in suspicion. "You don't even look like you play a sport, whoever you are. You looked like you have been to a mental hospital instead."


Yoona groaned. "Just trust me, okay? I'll be back before you know it." he unlocked the door and stepped out right away before he could respond. He runs all the way to the village's security guard house and felt exhausted the moment he stopped, catching for air. "I shouldn't have eaten a lot. This body can't keep up with me."


"Can I help you?" The guard asked him, looking at Yuri's body from head to toe. 


He smiled goofily. "Ahjussi, it's Yoona."


"What? Are you kidding me?"


"I-I mean... I'm Yoona's cousin. I'm here to see Seo Joohyun." He replied as she straightened herself. "Is she inside?"


"Oh, I haven't seen her for a while." The guard told her without hesitation.


"What do you mean?"


"I think the last time I saw her was 2 months ago. Yoona's mother visited her and she left her apartment with her around 2 in the afternoon. Damn, she looked like she hasn't eaten for months since her best friend died—Yah! You can't go in there! Give me your ID first!" The guard tried to chase the young boy but failed to do so as he got exhausted in the middle. "Tsk." he decided to return to his station and got surprised by a taxi cab driver asking for a fare.


Upon reaching the door of her girlfriend's apartment, Yoona/Yuri hastily pressed the passcode combination but failed to unlock it. "She changed the passcode? It should be my birthday." he press on the number combination again but still failed. "!" he can't help and punch the door in annoyance. 


Thinking of her girlfriend's birthday it still failed to unlock. He tried their anniversary and the date of their 100 days together as a couple but still the same result. "Come ooon!!!" he whined incredulously. 


"Who are you on earth trying to open someone's door?" Suddenly a woman in her forties approaches her/him. 


"Mrs. Jung." he smiled and bowed hastily.


"And you know me?"


"Aren't you the landlord of this building?"


"Yeah but... I don't think I've seen you around this village, young lad. And I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Song has a teenage son. Are you lost or something?"


Yoona mentally scolded and reminded herself once again that she was in an eighteen years old's body named Yuri. "Yes. I... I'm lost. My apologies." he bowed and headed immediately to the lift. "If she changed the passcode... does that mean she's no longer living there?" She heaved a sigh and whined. "How am I going to check on you, Seo Joohyun." But he paused when she remembers what the guard told him about her girlfriend meeting her mother. "Did she... no way. She's with Mom. She's... she's probably in my apartment?" his face brightened as it hits him.




But the moment the door opens, two men in their thirties wearing suits stands in front of him.


"Young master, I know it's still hard to process everything but let's go back to the hospital now before your father gets to know about this." One of them told her seriously.


"I bet that's all." He sheepishly smiled as he changed her mind about going to her apartment. She still has tomorrow either way.




When she returned to th

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1130 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1130 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1130 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1130 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 350 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1130 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁