
After rain




Sunggyu woke up to the sound of raindrops on the fogged windowpane. For the first time in years, he didn't freak out when he heard them.


Shivering in the cold, he let out a long yawn, stretching his body slowly. He tried to roll over in bed to go back to sleep, but sleep had already passed, so he covered his back with the blanket that had slipped off his body. The marks no longer undermined his self-esteem as much, although he still had difficulty making them visible for long.


He turned his attention to the man lying beside him, the duvet up to his knees. He was shivering slightly from the stormy weather and from wearing only underwear since the fun they had the night before. Sunggyu sighed, covering him properly and smoothing the black hair over his forehead. Woohyun knew how to be very considerate towards Sunggyu, but he was totally careless with himself.


He didn't make a point of waking him up that Sunday morning, but he thought how silly he was being to already miss his sleepy husky voice saying good morning or whispering sweet declarations in his ear. Sunggyu never thought he'd like clichés so much until he met him. Mornings like this were extremely comfortable because of him.


When Woohyun woke up, the two could make breakfast together. Even though he hated to cook, Sunggyu loved to keep him company, whether it was chopping vegetables or just setting the table to say he had done something.


He imagined lying with him in the living room watching a drama they were watching together, eating pizza and then making love again on the couch. It was just a day off from work and all his worries.


Woohyun woke Sunggyu out of his thoughts, reaching across the bed and wrapping Sunggyu around his waist, pulling him closer. All that protective instinct surprised him. Even sleeping, it was as if Woohyun's body didn't allow himself to be away from Sunggyu for too long.


“You made me change so much,” murmured Sunggyu, caressing his boyfriend's face lightly so as not to wake him.


Because of his heat, Woohyun helped him get used to the rain. He was no longer in severe pain or remembering that morning. The guilt Sunggyu carried as he listened to the drops splashing on the roof no longer paralyzed him. He no longer blamed himself for having survived.


He had convinced himself that maybe he deserved that second chance. Resilience was exactly what he was looking for.


“What are you thinking?” Woohyun asked, still with his eyes closed. Sunggyu smiled upon realizing that he had woken up.


“It's raining a lot,” Sunggyu commented, turning to the window. He didn't realize that it was the first time he had smiled as he watched that storm since the accident that killed his family and left him seriously injured nearly 10 years ago.


“I wanted to go for a walk with you, but I think we'd better stay home for today,” Woohyun commented, hugging him tightly and nuzzling his neck, causing Sunggyu to shiver briefly.


Woohyun didn't seem to show much interest in what his boyfriend had said about the rain. Sunggyu felt relieved by this. Woohyun has dealt with a number of insecurities of his own, some that Sunggyu didn't tell and others he didn't even know he had.


So he just enjoyed his warmth for the moment, closing his eyes and feeling his body relax with Woohyun's fingers caressing the scars on his back. He liked the way Woohyun touched and kissed those marks, especially when they were making love, as if making it clear that he didn't mind them at all.


“Do you remember how we met, hyung?” Woohyun asked, settling on the bed to watch him. Sunggyu opened his eyes, admiring the captivating smile Woohyun flashed.


“Why wouldn't I remember?” asked Sunggyu, feigning indignation. “You chased me from college to the bus stop, you stalker.”


“I was worried,” Woohyun commented, chuckling lightly. His soft voice soothed him and made him comfortable talking about his past. “You looked scared about the storm, so I didn't want to leave you alone.”


The sound of drops hitting the windowpane had subsided until it was barely audible. Even if he stayed strong, Sunggyu wouldn't pay attention. His heart fluttered lightly as he realized that Woohyun always knew everything, and even in his greatest vulnerabilities, he took care of Sunggyu without pushing him once.


The rain was present in the most painful and difficult time he went through, but it also accompanied him on the happiest day of his entire life. He couldn't forget his wet shoes as he surveyed the floor that night, 5 years ago. All because he didn't have the courage to face the smiling face beside him. The two were under the cover of the bus stop and even so, Woohyun offered his umbrella so he wouldn't get wet when getting on the bus.


As they waited for public transport, he didn't stop talking for a second, not bothered by the fact that Sunggyu answered him very rarely. Woohyun had no idea at the time, but his company had been very important to Sunggyu.


Recalling the night they first met, Sunggyu felt grateful for everything. He slowly approached to kiss Woohyun's lips, and his boyfriend took the opportunity to envelop him more tightly and deepen the kiss. The storm had ended without either of them noticing.


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 1: So cute 😍😍😍😍
Chapter 1: this is so sweet. love how sunggyu can finally overcome his trauma plus they are cuddling is making my stomach flips! Love this sm!!!
657 streak #3
Chapter 1: short but sweet 🥰