♡ Seoul International Apartments ♡ ♡ jcink rp ♡


Nestled into the heart of Seoul is the Seoul International Apartments, open to both national and international residents alike. They have a unique design of having the lower floors for those of the "lower class" and the top floors for those of the "higher class" in society. They've been known to house musicians, athletes, and TV personalities. But they also have teachers, store workers, and even students in the lower floors. There are 3 tiers to the apartment building, different floors making up these options. They allow for differences in income while still getting to live in the big city. 


We are excited to open and would love people to join! 

site: https://seoulinternationalapts.jcink.net/index.php


Nestled into the heart of Seoul is the Seoul International Apartments, open to both national and international residents alike. They have a unique design of having the lower floors for those of the "lower class" and the top floors for those of the "higher class" in society. They've been known to house musicians, athletes, and TV personalities. But they also have teachers, store workers, and even students in the lower floors. There are 3 tiers to the apartment building, different floors making up these options. They allow for differences in income while still getting to live in the big city. 


We are excited to open and would love people to join! 

site: https://seoulinternationalapts.jcink.net/index.php


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