Chapter 5 (the last one was meant to be Chapter 4)

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup and the New Powerpuff Girl

The girls, boys, and kids arrived in the UK to see chaos. Houses burning, people dying and screaming while running around, animals yelping and screaming while running around. A tabby cat ran to Blakie, meowing franticly. The cat's fur was singed in many places.

"Hey cutie. What's wrong?" Blakie asked, leaning down to pet the cat.

"Mew! Meeew! Meowwww!" the cat responded, looking at Kania, who understood perfectly. Kania could speak cat.

"The cat says that we need to help the towns and destroy the enemies." Kania translated. The cat nodded, then jumped into Blakie's arms, clearly wanting protection. Blossio flew off, toward a big spider, powering up his powers. The others flew in other dirrections, Blakie with the cat, whom he named Basillie.

The blue kids teamed with the green kid to fight the dragons, while the adults went to save the people and houses. The pink/blue kids went to help Blossio. From there, the battle began. The spiders were defeated, but the dragons put up a good fight. It took 3 days for the dragons to leave. The rest of the fight took more than 7 days, but the girls, boys, and kids saved the towns, but there were near deaths. Here are the near deaths.


Boomer Jr was trying to hold back a dragon from killing a young girl. The girl hid behind a car, and Jr blocked the fire coming at her, but he got burned in the process. Jr yelped in pain before firing a energy ball, and the dragon flew at him, the beam doing nothing. It sliced Jr's neck deeply, and he flew up, blood flying off him. A big blue fire blast, and the dragon lay, turning to dust. Jr slowly floated to a piese of concrete, laying on it. The deep gash in his neck bled blood fast.

"Help!" Jr cried, knowing he would die soon. 3 minutes later, Blossio flew by, and Jr took his chance. He fired a ball of blue toward Blossio. The boy dodged it, looking around for the source. He saw Jr, and flew over.

"Boom-Boom! What happened?" Blossio asked, trying to sauch the blood. Jr felt death coming.

"Let me go. Find *cough* the others, leave *cough* me here-" Jr gave a tough gasp, body shuddering. Blossio's face turned from sad to determined. He placed his hands at the gash, and red light began to glow. Jr felt his blood return, though unconsciousness was near.

"Take me back *gasp*..." Jr passed out.

Blossio gulped, then took Jr back.


TO BE CONTINUED... (sorry, I'll be back)

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I'm not really sure what to do the the next chapter. Any ideas?


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The girls have met their older sister but they are not sure if they can trust her, at least Bubbles think so. Other girls should be careful to know if they can trust and help her older sister to get revenge.