Anger: One Shot


Hyoyeon's eyes narrowed, watching as Eunhyuk dragged his usually charismatic steps. She watched as he made mistake after mistake, not bothering to correct himself when he would start over.

It was passed midnight, and most of SNSD and Super Junior were heading back to their dorms, but there would always be a few memebers of each group scattered around the SM building practicing for an upcoming preformance, and as usual, Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk would stay back and rehearse their dance solos.

"Yah!" She finally yelled, getting off the pillow on the ground, "What the hell is wrong with you, Eunhyuk?"

He let out a frustrated growl, running his hands through his desheavealed hair before forming his hands into fists. " I'm useless, Hyoyeon."

She almost choked on her breath. "What?"

He tightened his fists, looking at himself in the mirrored wall infront of them. "I can't sing properly, I can't dance properly, what the hell am I good for?" He roared, directing all the anger within himself at her.

Instead of flinching at his tone and running away crying like some other girls would, Hyoyeon got angry. She walked right toward him, grabbing him by the collar. "Pabo!"

His anger only flared, and he had to restrain himself from pushing her away from instinct. This was Hyoyeon, his beautiful girlfriend and hopefully oneday his wife, and he would never ever hurt her in any way. "Let go of me, Hyoyeon." He muttered, through his gritted teeth.

"What are you going to do, Pabo? Hit me? Go ahead, Hyukkie, do it. Get angry and hit me, Eunhyuk." She replied, her eyes locked on his. She was pushing his buttons and she was very aware of it but sometimes this was the only way to get through to her stubborn boyfriend.

He let out another growl, pushing her against the mirrored wall. "You don't want to test me right now, Hyoyeon."

She tilted her head to the side, "I don't?" She asked innocently, a smile gracing her lips. His eyes trailed down to her goofy grin and closed his eyes, pressing his forhead to hers.

"Hyoyeonnie." He whispered, his breath lingering on her face.

She watched as a smile graced his face as well before speaking. "You had a bad day, Hyukkie, you're allowed to get angry. Its normal. But please don't doubt your abilities and take it out on your talents, alright? Take it out on me instead of yourself, okay? Its hard to watch you when you're like this. You're the most talented person I've ever met, Hyuk."

He grinned, pressing his lips to her cheek. "I love you, Hyoyeon."

"You better," She threatened, playfully tickling his sides.

He chuckled before dipping down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.

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Bubble21 #1
How sweet the perfect couple. HyoHyuk.^.^
awww so sweet ! and cuteeee~
so freaking cute! i want moooooore~~~ please.....
Too cuuuute and fluffy and sweet. I love it♥
Awww those two are so cute ^_^
Is this the final???? but for me it was just the beginning.. .ahhhh heheh. :)