
♡ kimxi lovedump

to my kim.


is this the butterflies?

letter to

date given

i'm going kinda crazy inside.

hi, princess. it has exactly been a month since that faithful day when you decided to strike up a conversation with me in hopes of a rooting friendship. i admit that at that time, i wasn't really expecting anything when we met and all the flirty remarks was just me being myself (read: a .) but time and time again, you draw me in. in a room full of people, no matter how hard i try to fight it, i'd still find myself in your presence in the end. i'm thankful to fall victim to your magnetic energy.

i think i like you just because

i'd like to be in your presence for a long time. i want to get to know you better, every nook and cranny, and show how much affection i hold for the kim i know and the kims i'm about to meet. i like our pace and i like getting to know you in it. my precious angel, our memories together may not be great in quantity but every moment has been memorable for me. thank you for your kindness and for cheering me on always, my personal sunshine. i look forward to unraveling you (figuratively and literally iykwim aha) and i hope you know that you're very special to me. if not, i'll make sure to work harder just for you to know how much i cherish you. let's let this something bloom to it's fullest in time. :)

yours truly

— xint.

p.s.: date when?    

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stardusthq #1
omg i miss this story please update soon!!!
stardusthq #2
when are you writing again!!
stardusthq #3
update chapter pls
stardusthq #4
wow y